Wikidata:WikiProject Star Wars

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The mission of this WikiProject is to improve items related to Star Wars (Q462).

Work in progress on planets/systems and good practices


At the time of writing, there are 47 Star Wars planets (instance of Q108059870) in Wikidata. I'm working on three things right now: 1) define a set of standard properties/values to define what is a SW planets, 2) use this "data model" to enrich the knowledge we have in Wikidata about those 47 planets and 3) add more planets based on existing lists such as and

Planet Data Model


Based on famous planets like Hoth (Q739771), Coruscant (Q719329) and Kashyyyk (Q754143), I suggest a draft of representative set of properties to use to describe SW planets.

  • Labels, aliases
  • Description "Star Wars Planet" for english and "Planète Star Wars" for french
  • instance of Star Wars Planet (no need to add fictional Planet as Star Wars Planet is a subclass of Fictional Planet)
  • from narrative universe P1080 : Star Wars Universe Q19786052, Star Wars expanded to other media Q3551295 or both
  • present in work P1441 : links films, books, games, etc.
  • part of P361: give the system + the part of the galaxy (mid rim (Q106379955) for example for Kashyyyk) (will have to create all systems and parts of the galaxy)
  • location P276 : grid coordinate of the object (will have to create an item for each grid position)
  • orbital period P2146
  • rotation period P2147
  • diameter P2386
  • occupant P466
  • Population P1082

Standard Galactic Grid System


As defined in, the galaxy is virtually divided using a grid system. It allows to give to each object of the galaxy some grid coordinate. For example, Kashyyyk is in the grid area H-10. I suggest we create a Wikidata item for each grid area. According to, the grid is a grid 21 x 23 so 483 grid areas. I do know find any good location properties in Wikidata to associate to each grid area X and Y coordinate so I will go as follows:

  • Every grid area is an item in Wikidata
  • Every grid area is an instance of coordinate (Q3250736)
  • Every grid area is an instance of fictional location (Q3895768)
  • Every grid area is part of the Standard Galactic Grid (
  • The label is the grid coordinate X-Y like "H-10" for example.
  • The description is "Grid area X-Y according to the Standard Galactic Grid used in Star Wars" in english and "Zone de la grille X-Y selon la grille galactique standard utilisée dans Star Wars" in french
  • from narrative universe P1080 : Star Wars Universe Q19786052

Sectors and Systems





(WIP) Create all systems and sectors of the SW galaxy



(DONE) Create Galactic Grid System


Create the 483 grid areas organizing the SW galaxy + create an object representing the Standard Galactic Grid (Q121788646). For example, the item representing the grid area A-1: Q121788640

  * DONE Create the grid areas from W-1 to W-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from V-1 to V-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from U-1 to U-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from T-1 to T-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from S-1 to S-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from R-1 to R-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from Q-1 to Q-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from P-1 to P-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from O-1 to O-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from N-1 to N-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from M-1 to M-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from L-1 to L-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from K-1 to K-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from J-1 to J-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from I-1 to I-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from H-1 to H-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from G-1 to G-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from F-1 to F-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from E-1 to E-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from D-1 to D-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from C-1 to C-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from B-1 to B-21
  * DONE Create the grid areas from A-1 to A-21

(WIP) Add planets


Create basic skeleton for every planets with the following properties:

  • instance of
  • from narrative universe
  • part of
  • location

(WIP) Add planets for W column

  • TBD

Added location for:

  • TBD

(WIP) Add planets for V column

  • TBD

Added location for:

  • TBD

(WIP) Add planets for U column


Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for T column


Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for S column

  • TBD

Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for R column

  • TBD

Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for Q column

  • TBD

Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for P column


Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for O column


Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for N column


Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for M column


Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for L column


Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for K column


Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for J column


Added location for:

(WIP) Add planets for I column

  • Dorriella
  • Duron
  • Dyspeth
  • Elatha
  • Escabar
  • Evas
  • Frewwil
  • Frunchettan
  • Gargolyn
  • Geroon
  • Ghothia
  • Gilatter
  • Graador
  • Hassaria
  • Horob
  • Ianane
  • Iol
  • Jedd
  • Kaelinn
  • Kalzeron
  • Kayri
  • Kilia
  • Kobal's World
  • Koda Space Station
  • Kovor
  • Kur Minor
  • Lakra
  • Lanteeb
  • Lequabis
  • Lipsec
  • Ma'alkerr
  • Malari
  • Manakron
  • Marasaln
  • Marzoon
  • Masgen
  • Mendicat
  • Meruud
  • Mhatma
  • Moro
  • Murgo
  • Namadii
  • Needan
  • Niran
  • Nopsin
  • Orroman
  • Ostor
  • Pashvi
  • Pesitiin
  • Qaras
  • Regel
  • Reo
  • Rhamalai
  • Sareet
  • Sarm
  • Selvaris
  • Semag
  • Sinton
  • Stensen's Colony
  • Taloraan
  • Taloron
  • Tantsor
  • Taronda
  • Tenupe
  • Teptixii
  • Thedavio
  • Thuna
  • Trenwyth
  • Tusken's Eye
  • Usean
  • Varada
  • Veccacopia
  • Veroleem
  • Vesla Minor
  • Voniss
  • Vorkaa
  • Wizar
  • Woteba
  • Xoemefel
  • Yalara
  • Zelaba

Added location for:

(DONE) Add planets for H column


Added location for:

(DONE) Add planets for G column


Added location for:

(DONE) Add planets for F column


Added location for:

(DONE) Add planets for E column


(DONE) Add planets for D column


No planets added

(DONE) Add planets for C column


(DONE) Add planets for B column


No planets added

(DONE) Add planets for A column


No planets added

(DONE) Add labels and description in English and French for the 47 existing SW planets


(DONE) Ensure every planet is instance of Star Wars planet (Q108059870) and remove instance of fictional planet (Q2775969) (see rationale above)


Useful queries

SELECT DISTINCT ?planetLabel ?gridLocationLabel ?filmLabel
  ?planet wdt:P31 wd:Q108059870 .
  ?planet wdt:P1441 ?film .
  ?film wdt:P31 ?filmClass . 
  ?filmClass wdt:P279* wd:Q11424 .
  ?film wdt:P577 ?publicationDate .
  ?planet wdt:P276 ?gridLocation .
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
ORDER BY ?publicationDate
Try it!

Get planets with their position in the grid

SELECT DISTINCT ?planet ?planetLabel ?gridLocationLabel
?planet wdt:P31 wd:Q108059870 .
?planet wdt:P276 ?gridLocation .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
Try it!

Check cells counter in the galactic grid

SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count)
  ?cell wdt:P361 wd:Q121788646 . 
Try it!

Basic Properties for SW items

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
from narrative universeP1080Itemfictional universe: subject's fictional entity is in the object narrative. See also P1441 (present in work) and P1445 (fictional universe described in)Yoda <from narrative universe> Star Wars universe-
present in workP1441Itemwork: this (fictional or fictionalized) entity, place, or person appears in that work as part of the narration (use P2860 for works citing other works, P361/P1433 for works being part of other works, P1343 for entities described in non-fictional accounts)Han Solo <present in work> Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hopecharacters
home worldP1165Itemfictional location: home planet or natural satellite for a fictional character or speciesLuke Skywalker <home world> Tatooine-
narrative locationP840Itemnarrative location: the narrative of the work is set in this locationStar Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope <narrative location> Yavin IV-
studentP802Itemstudent: notable student(s) of the subject individualObi-Wan Kenobi <student> Anakin Skywalkerstudent of
student ofP1066Itemteacher: person who has taught this personAnakin Skywalker <student of> Obi-Wan Kenobistudent

Best practices


Fictional Universes


When adding from narrative universe (P1080) statements, there are two possible fictional universes for Star Wars-related items:

Currently, most items from Star Wars universe (Q19786052) are also from Star Wars Legends (Q3551295), and should therefore have two statements. As Star Wars universe (Q19786052) proceeds to grow with the Sequels and other new publications, we can assume that more and more items exclusive to this universe will appear.

There are also certain statements that are only true in one fictional universe even though their subject item is featured in both, like Princess Leia (Q51797)child (P40)Anakin Solo (Q2069214). In this case, the statement should be qualified with from narrative universe (P1080).



To participate in this WikiProject, add yourself to Wikidata:WikiProject Star Wars/Participants.
