Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Top collections missing creator

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This is an overview of the top collections missing creator (by number of paintings without creator (P170)) of the sum of all paintings. Also have a look at the collections overview and the missing creator.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (CONCAT("[[Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/",?name, "|list]]") AS ?listlink) (COUNT(?item) as ?count) (CONCAT("[", REPLACE(STR(?item), "", ""), " create missing creators]") AS ?createlink) WHERE { ?painting wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . MINUS { ?painting wdt:P170 [] } ?painting wdt:P195 ?item . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . ?item rdfs:label ?name . } } GROUP BY ?item ?name ?listlink HAVING (?count > 10) ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 250
image museum list country count create
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection list Niederlande 3669 create missing creators
Bavarian State Painting Collections list Deutschland 2318 create missing creators
National Gallery of Australia list Australien 1531 create missing creators
National Gallery of Victoria list Australien 1326 create missing creators
National Trust list Vereinigtes Königreich 1291 create missing creators
Hermitage Museum list Russland 912 create missing creators
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden list Deutschland 866 create missing creators
Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection list Estland 719 create missing creators
Cleveland Museum of Art list United States of America 714 create missing creators
Ashmolean Museum list Vereinigtes Königreich 703 create missing creators
Yale University Art Gallery list United States of America 581 create missing creators
Detroit Institute of Arts list United States of America 555 create missing creators
Berlinische Galerie list Deutschland 547 create missing creators
National Portrait Gallery list United States of America 523 create missing creators
Nationalmuseum list Schweden 514 create missing creators
Pärnu Museum's art collection list Estland 514 create missing creators
Cincinnati Art Museum list United States of America 484 create missing creators
Royal Collection list Vereinigtes Königreich 483 create missing creators
Royal Museums Greenwich list Vereinigtes Königreich 375 create missing creators
Art Gallery of New South Wales list Australien 362 create missing creators
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest list Ungarn 350 create missing creators
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art list United States of America 297 create missing creators
Rhode Island School of Design Museum list United States of America 248 create missing creators
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts list United States of America 219 create missing creators
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection list Estland 215 create missing creators
Narva Museum's art collection list Estland 214 create missing creators
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes list Argentinien 190 create missing creators
Museum Catharijneconvent list Niederlande 180 create missing creators
National Galleries of Scotland list Vereinigtes Königreich 163 create missing creators
Groninger Museum list Niederlande 149 create missing creators
Museu Paulista collection list Brasilien 149 create missing creators
East Slovak Gallery list Slowakei 146 create missing creators
National Gallery of Canada list Kanada 137 create missing creators
Moravian Gallery in Brno list Tschechische Republik 129 create missing creators
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art list United States of America 125 create missing creators
Whitney Museum of American Art list United States of America 123 create missing creators
Kunsthistorisches Museum list Österreich 115 create missing creators
University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection list Estland 115 create missing creators
Philadelphia Museum of Art list United States of America 114 create missing creators
Carnegie Museum of Art list United States of America 114 create missing creators
Instituut Collectie Nederland list Niederlande 113 create missing creators
Bratislava City Gallery list Slowakei 113 create missing creators
Art Institute of Chicago list United States of America 107 create missing creators
Städel Museum list Deutschland 102 create missing creators
National Portrait Gallery list Vereinigtes Königreich 97 create missing creators
Museum Rotterdam list Niederlande 95 create missing creators
Fitzwilliam Museum list Vereinigtes Königreich 95 create missing creators
Slovak National Gallery list Slowakei 88 create missing creators
Tartu Art Museum's painting collection list Estland 87 create missing creators
Aartsbisschoppelijk Museum list Niederlande 85 create missing creators
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst list Niederlande 84 create missing creators
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties list Niederlande 81 create missing creators
Tate list Vereinigtes Königreich 81 create missing creators
Amsterdam Museum list Niederlande 80 create missing creators
Fries Museum list Niederlande 78 create missing creators
M-Museum Leuven list Belgien 76 create missing creators
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit list Niederlande 75 create missing creators
Musée d'art et d'histoire de Saint-Brieuc list Frankreich 75 create missing creators
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec list Kanada 75 create missing creators
Smithsonian American Art Museum list United States of America 75 create missing creators
Museu de História e Artes do Estado do Rio de Janeiro list Brasilien 69 create missing creators
Österreichische Galerie Belvedere list Österreich 69 create missing creators
Museum De Lakenhal list Niederlande 65 create missing creators
Gallery of Spiš Artists list Slowakei 61 create missing creators
Barnes Foundation list United States of America 59 create missing creators
Bisschoppelijk Museum Haarlem list Niederlande 54 create missing creators
Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery list Slowakei 51 create missing creators
Paulista Museum Fund Collection list Brasilien 51 create missing creators
Art Modern Art MNAC list Spanien 47 create missing creators
Art Museum of Estonia's Johannes Mikkel collection list Estland 45 create missing creators
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam list Niederlande 43 create missing creators
Hungarian National Gallery list Ungarn 42 create missing creators
Central Slovakian Gallery list Slowakei 42 create missing creators
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen list Niederlande 40 create missing creators
Finnish National Gallery list Finnland 39 create missing creators
Frans Hals Museum list Niederlande 39 create missing creators
Orava Gallery list Slowakei 39 create missing creators
Võrumaa Museum's Art Collection list Estland 39 create missing creators
Mauritshuis list Niederlande 37 create missing creators
Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň list Slowakei 33 create missing creators
Miguel Arcanjo Dutra collection list Brasilien 32 create missing creators
Berlin State Museums list Deutschland 30 create missing creators
Museu Antônio Parreiras list Brasilien 29 create missing creators
National Library of Wales list Vereinigtes Königreich 28 create missing creators
Museum Arnhem list Niederlande 27 create missing creators
Rijksmuseum Twenthe list Niederlande 25 create missing creators
Saint-Joseph-des-Carmes list Frankreich 25 create missing creators
University of Tartu Museum's historical art collection list Estland 23 create missing creators
National Gallery of Art list United States of America 22 create missing creators
Tartu City Museum's art collection list Estland 21 create missing creators
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag list Niederlande 21 create missing creators
Bonnefanten Museum list Niederlande 20 create missing creators
Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art list Slowakei 20 create missing creators
Stedelijk Museum Roermond list Niederlande 18 create missing creators
Statens Museum for Kunst list Dänemark 18 create missing creators
Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection list Estland 18 create missing creators
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya list Spanien 17 create missing creators
São Paulo Museum of Art list Brasilien 17 create missing creators
framed works of art collection list 16 create missing creators
Department of Paintings of the Louvre list Frankreich 15 create missing creators
Corcoran Gallery of Art list United States of America 15 create missing creators
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design list Norwegen 15 create missing creators
Museu Histórico Nacional collection list Brasilien 15 create missing creators
Centraal Museum list Niederlande 12 create missing creators
Africa Museum list Niederlande 12 create missing creators
Yale Center for British Art list United States of America 12 create missing creators
Noordbrabants Museum list Niederlande 11 create missing creators
End of automatically generated list.

How to create


Every entry in the list contains a link to a tool to create new items for missing painters. The tool works by querying the database for all items with an English label like "painting by <name>" that don't have a creator (P170) and is sorted by the number of hits. It extracts the name from the label and queries the Mix'n'Match database for any valid person entries with the name as the label that don't already link to a Wikidata item. No filtering is done, so suggestions for multiple different people might show up. The "create" link will prefill Quick Statements so you can modify that output before submitting.

Open the link to the collection you want to work on. The work is being done entry by entry. You can start from the top and work your way down. In the first pass it's probably best to only work on easy entries (exact matches without any fuss where you can just click create).

Per entry
  • Open the link to the name in a new tab. This will open a search page where you check if that person already exists.
  • Do a quick check to see if the person already exists or not. Don't spend too much time and don't worry too much about creating duplicate entries. These can easily be merged.
Painter does not exist yet
  • Click on one of the paintings you found in the search and follow the url to the museum website
  • Often the museum website contains a bit of information on the painter, compare this with the suggested authority control links
  • Sometimes the info included in the overview is enough, sometimes you have to click the links to check
  • Open the link to quickstatements in a new tab.
  • Remove the authority control lines which are invalid or you're not certain about. When in doubt: Remove. Having incorrect links is much worse than having missing links. You should only add links where you're sure about that it is the same person
  • Click the "Do it" to create the new item. Output will appear at the bottom
Painter already exists
  • Check if the painter has occupation (P106) -> painter (Q1028181) and even the name is set as the English label or one of the English aliases. If not, fix it.
  • You can manually update the item or use the pre-filled Quickstatements output
  • Remove the "CREATE" from the output and replace the first "LAST" with the "Qxxx" (where Qxxx is the already existing painter item)
  • Remove any lines that you don't need or are incorrect. Beware of the label lines, these will overwrite already existing labels and you might not want to do that
  • Click the "Do it" to expand the existing painter item. Output will appear at the bottom and you can verify your edits in the history of the item.
Expand the painter

Based on the museum website and the different authority control links you can expand the item.

Link paintings

A bot runs every night that tries to connect paintings to the painters based on the following logic: