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About the Brazil Institute

The Brazil Institute serves as a highly respected and authoritative source of research and debate on issues of bilateral concern, through exploring the key policy challenges that Brazil faces as a thriving democracy in the process of social, political, and economic transformation; enhancing understanding and cooperation between Brazil and the United States in areas of mutual interest; and fostering society-to-society connections in policy, academia, and business. The Institute’s work forms part of the broader regional framework of the Wilson Center's Latin American Program. 

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About the Wilson Center's Brazil Institute

The Wilson Center’s Brazil Institute seeks to support constructive US-Brazil relations through research, seminars and conferences, and projects that will contribute to a prosperous, sustainable, and open Brazil.

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Who We Are

  • To support constructive US-Brazil relations through research, seminars and conferences, and projects that will contribute to a prosperous, sustainable, and open Brazil. 

  • The Brazil Institutes stands for open, inclusive dialogue and non-partisan, evidence-based policymaking; and holds firm in its commitment to human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. 

  • The Brazil Institute executes its mission through the production of actionable research and events that bridge the gap between scholarship and policy, marshalling its substantial power to convene the brightest minds to discuss the pressing challenges and opportunities facing Brazil today.

    Recognized as a trusted source and leader for the quality and nonpartisan approach of its program, the Brazil Institute concentrates its activities in four thematic areas:

    1. Science, technology, and innovation;
    2. Brazil-US relations;
    3. Sustainable development and climate change; and
    4. Rule of law and democratic governance.

"The Brazil Institute brings...an understanding of the politics, the culture, the economics, and Brazil's place in the hemisphere."

Jane Harman, Former Director, President, and CEO of the Wilson Center


"I believe that the Brazil Institute, as the only think tank in DC exclusively dedicated to Brazil, has an important role in advancing understanding about the agenda of reforms presented by our administration, and how that agenda will enable our country to reap more benefits from closer cooperation with the United States and other strategic partners."

H.E. Hamilton Mourão, Vice President of the Republic of Brazil


"The Brazil Institute, which grew out of a project I helped to initiate as president, fills a vital space for dialogue and cooperation...The Institute’s work on rule of law and innovation policies, involving research centers, universities, government institutions, and businesses from both nations, is particularly valuable and has contributed to expand and deepen connections between our societies, even in challenging times for the official relationship."

H.E. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Former President of the Republic of Brazil


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Latin American Program

For more content on the region, visit the Latin American Program's homepage.

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