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  • pISSN:

  • Editors-in-Chief :

    Prof. Ramón Cacabelos
    International Center of Neuroscience and Genomic Medicine, EuroEspes Biomedical Research Center
    Corunna, Spain

    Prof. Ben J. Gu
    Innate Phagocytosis Laboratory
    Melbourne, Australia

  • JERP Metrics (2023)
    Acceptance rate: 33% 
    Median time from submission to first decision: 20 days 
    Median time from acceptance to online publishing: 26 days

Aims and scope

Journal of Exploratory Research in Pharmacology (JERP) publishes original innovative exploratory research articles, state-of-the-art reviews, editorials, short communications that focus on novel findings and the most recent advances in basic and clinical pharmacology, covering topics ranging from drug research and development to clinical trials and applications. The exploratory research published in JERP may not necessarily be conclusive, but the study design must be solid, the methodologies must be reliable, the results must be true, and the conclusions must be rational and justifiable with evidence. Topics included, but not limited to the following areas will be considered for publication in JERP.


  • Drug composition and properties
  • Synthesis and design of drugs and potential drugs
  • Molecular/cellular and organ/system mechanisms
  • Signal transduction/cellular communications/interactions
  • New methods and concepts in drug research, development and application
  • Toxicology
  • Chemical biology
  • Molecular/biomarker diagnostics
  • Therapeutics
  • Medical applications
  • Interventional (phases I-IV) clinical trials
  • Observational (post-marketing) clinical studies on investigational new drugs
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Pharmacoepigenetics
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Pharmacodynamics
  • Molecular Pharmacology
  • Transgenic models
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