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MAR 21 - APR 19

This week, you’re ready to pivot.

The week begins on Monday, July 8, when Mercury in Leo sextiles Jupiter in Gemini and your house of physical movement. Aries, you are in motion (more than usual). You might be excited about a new project or rushing to finish something ahead of schedule. You could be getting ready for a trip. Siblings or cousins could be involved, and lots of communication is floating back and forth through messages and phone calls. It could be quite a rush.

On Tuesday, July 9, Jupiter in Gemini sextiles the North Node in Aries. Now your thoughts turn to the future and where you want to be a month from now, a year from now, or even farther into the future. You might be time-traveling ahead to see what you need to do to get what you want. This is a good time to make a plan, gather information, and be informed.

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21 july - 27 july
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe