• 0 friends
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    High gas prices, high grocery prices...and high cost of everything. Rent is ridiculously high, housing unaffordable even to tech workers with pretty good salaries. Homelessness is rampant in San Francisco along with these smash and grab crimes. Chances are you've had your window smashed in a couple of time if you have parked in SF.

    Yet still, they still vote democrat regardless of how awful it is here. It is absolutely amazing!

    • 112 friends
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    Techies come out here as fresh grads, and move when they're sufficiently disillusioned. California used to be a purple state, but reached the tipping point around 2000. Some guys went home; others to red states like Idaho. One guy I knew, a literal patriot who would pop on a tricorn hat, moved to New Hampshire.

    • 112 friends
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    Born Americans tend to leave California for other states, being replaced by the foreign-born.

  1. The new wave colonisation? Lol

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    Oakland dispensary owner says it was safer selling on the streets than owning a legalized store.


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    I can't understand conservatives making Christmas cards of them standing around the Christmas tree with guns. I always thought Christmas was about love and peace and spreading good will?

  2. There's a lot of conservatives that would agree tree guns is not a good look.  The Representative is just a grandstander and the media laps it up like milk.  I did find her suggestion that Mayor Pete was "chest feeding" kind of hilarious.

    • 372 friends
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    America's deadly year: Philadelphia now has more  murders than NYC and LA and a DOZEN major US cities smash annual homicide records (and they are ALL Democrat)


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    That's right Joek, you can't understand. No argument with that. Freedom is beyond comprehension for those that refuse morality. Instead you defend terrorist that murder innocent people at a peaceful Christmas parade by claiming it was self defense. You have issues.

    Darrell Brooks Jr. is the registered sex offender with two open cases and an extensive criminal history who is now charged with five counts of first-degree intentional homicide in the Waukesha Christmas parade rampage Wisconsin that left 60 people injured.


  3. You say Joe defended the perp who drove into a Christmas parade?
    No wonder you have such a hard time absorbing reality.

    • 770 friends
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    When did I ever defend the guy that drove into a Christmas Parade. You are pretty phucked up dude. There is a time to talk about the right to bear arms and in front of the Christmas tree is not one of them unless you are a complete psycho idiot which you have completely proven yourself to be over and over.. You must have had the world's worst parents Karn Evil. They forgot to teach you the difference between right and wrong.

    • 441 friends
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    "Conservatives are obsessed with California for a reason: The state's successes defy virtually everything their worldview predicts. For conservatism to succeed, California has to fail. My essay in today's @sacbee_news explains why:" twitter.com/maxtaves/sta…

  4. Paywall. And if the piece is as it's title predicts, a silly premise. Setting aside the reality that there are more failures than successes in the Golden State of late.

    • 24 friends
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    I don't get randoms on yelp making bitch fest threads. We're not your mom so plug it

  5. Extract:

    a) The editorial board at the Wall Street Journal published a piece which blamed overcrowded hospitals and long wait times on MediCal during Covid. It never once mentioned the most important statistic: California's mortality rate, which, at the time of writing, was 30% below Texas' and 36% below the nation's.

    b) Does business hate California? California is home to 12% of the population but attracted 51% of the most sought-after investment last year, according to National Venture Capital Association data. The $81 billion in venture capital in 2020 was a 22% increase over 2019 and the highest amount California has attracted in 14 of the past 15 years, per NVCA.

    c) What about incomes? Fifth most productive population in the country. In 2019, economic output on a per person basis was better than 45 other states, according to the BEA.

    d) Are the families destitute? In 2019, the average household took home more than 45 other states.

    e) Is California the murder capital? You were more likely to get killed in 27 other states in 2018, per the CDC. That year, you were 127% more likely to get killed in Kentucky. In 2019, California employees were less likely to die on the job than in 43 other states, per the BEA.

    f) Californians live longer than 48 other states, per Kaiser Family Foundation data. Californians get two years, seven months and nine days more life than most Americans.

  6. Thanks Umesh.  How do you do that?  The opinion piece is such scat. What it actually says is CA is lovely for rich ppl. Which it increasingly is. What a joke. Appreciate you translating.

    • 1 friend
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    Joek you have multiple fake accounts including your Viola/Athena account as it's the same mustache & vile propaganda. It was stated that a deliberate act of terrorism was self defense. That's a stretch even for you.

    On Sunday November 21, suspect Darrell E. Brooks Jr. allegedly plowed an SUV into crowds of people attending the Waukesha Christmas parade. He may have seen someone waving a flag or not wearing a mask.

    This is proof that Christmas time or anytime is the best time to discuss that a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  It's also proof that the alt-left is a racist, terrorist organization that hunts down black people.

    7 Children Still in Hospital a Week After Waukesha Christmas Parade Attack


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    New Poll Reveals Democrats Are Far More Likely to Hate Those of Opposing Party -- And Democrat Women are the Most Intolerant. Young registered Democrats are far less tolerant of those with whom they disagree politically than their independent and Republican counterparts, a newly published survey reveals.

    Supporting the "inclusive" Democrat Party have so much disdain for those on the other side of the political spectrum that a wide majority of them refuse to go on dates with or be friends with Republican voters nor do they want to work for or shop Republican-owned businesses, according to a poll published by Generation Lab/Axios on Wednesday.


    • 24 friends
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    No I'm Athena not joe. What part of that don't you get?? Lol stuuupid people really shouldn't have kids

    • 770 friends
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    LOL at Karn Evil seeing something said that he thinks might be me and that he still thinks the driving into a parade was a political act. It was a criminal act by some low life POS that couldn't give a rats arse about politics. You are clearly delusional as usual Karn Evil.

    • 770 friends
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    I also find it very funny that a guy that has spent a major portion of his life on Yelp hating the opposing party talking about democrat hate. Your double standards are getting pretty ridiculous.

    • 770 friends
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    Markus says:

    "What it actually says is CA is lovely for rich ppl. Which it increasingly is. What a joke. Appreciate you translating."

    Good Markus, I will expect you to support health care coverage for everyone and a living wage. I didn't realize you cared.

  7. I support choice in health care.  As in, we choose the coverage we want and pay for the coverage we choose.  If lower wage-earners need assistance paying premiums, I have no problem w that assistance being provided.  But the ACA forced everybody to buy an expensive and often unnecessary basket of services and used the surplus purportedly to fund coverage for those that couldn't afford it.  Look at the market cap of the insurers and see how they spiked in 2010 after ACA.  They're the beneficiaries of this construct.  This is not the perfect being the enemy of the good.  This is garbage.

    • 30 friends
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    "grabs popcorn" awaiting Joe's response.

  8. What coverage do you want to choose?

    Do you want to have the option choose:
    a) cancer treatment
    b) heart treatment
    c) diabetes treatment
    d) ER treatment
    e) opt out from pre-existing conditions in the future

    What kind of options do you expect from your health insurance menu?

  9. All of the above and more.  Like, I wouldn't select pre-natal care.  Or, I'd opt for only catastrophic coverage over a certain dollar deductible.  

    You can't opt for catastrophic coverage.  ACA eliminated that option.  

    You can get this, can't you?  ACA was politics, not a well-thought solution to American health insurance problems.

    • 112 friends
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    The hospital insurance card I received at my first job spelled out my maternity benefit, doubling it in case of Caesarian section. I didn't ask for it, could never use it, yet it was there.

  10. That's the whole underlying point of insurance. Spreading out the cost over the population universe.

    Now take property insurance. If everyone in the country had to pay for hurricane, flooding, and earthquake insurance, it wouldn't be so damn prohibitively expensive in the affected areas. Try getting an earthquake insurance for your property here in California. Or flooding/hurricane in hurricane alley.

    If everyone had a way to carve out their own niche, it won't be insurance anymore. It will just be pay-your-own-way.

    ACA ensured pre existing conditions to be covered. It's just f***ing crazy that this country health industry allowed such a thing to be rejected.

    Going back in time a bit, I glad that the Reagan era endured that ER care could not be denied.

  11. Insurance should be equitable. Some people need to pay more. And if they need help they should be able to get help. An equitable solution doesn't involve rolling all the population's health issues into a single dough ball and dividing it up evenly. Sometimes you get dealt a bad hand. Sometimes you make bad health decisions. So sometimes you get to pay more. The dough ball approach incentivizes the bad behavior we see in the big pharma space. They don't want you to get healthy, they don't want you to find a cure, they want to sell you a treatment. If you elect to solve a health issue w pharma instead of making better lifestyle choices you need to pay more. The pharma lobby opposes this. Don't be a pawn for pharma.

  12. Don't try to solve a problem by attacking at the wrong root.

    Problem with big Pharma? Solve that directly with price control. But no. More than half of you will cry free market.

  13. Problem w cholesterol?  Take a pill bc changing your diet is hard. Overweight and have early onset diabetes?  Pills and insulin are the way to go. Don't you dare exercise. Drugs to treat symptoms that could be cured by lifestyle changes make up an enormous share of "health care" costs. It wasn't always this way. Back in the day when there wasn't a pill and people had to pay their own way people made more sustainable and healthy life choices. The life degrading industry is vertically integrated, from convenient processed nutrition-free food choices to pills to help ease the inevitable pain to socialized medicine managed by private companies and a corrupt government to ease the financial bite to the point where sheeple just accept this is the way it must be. You may be ok paying for this. I'm not.

    • 770 friends
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    Markus sure has a lot of excuses.

  14. You know I'm right

  15. You don't know you're wrong.

  16. I guess that's that. Those paying 20K in premium and deductible appreciate your thoughtful analysis.

    • 112 friends
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    I knew two skinny, active Asians who avoided shrimp, eggs, and red meat, whose cholesterol was through the roof. While I eat whatever I like and mine is fine

    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
    • 412 friends
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  17. Michael D, they have genetic high cholesterol.

    • 770 friends
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    Markus says:

    Thanks Umesh.  How do you do that?  The opinion piece is such scat. What it actually says is CA is lovely for rich ppl. Which it increasingly is. What a joke. Appreciate you translating.

    Then he posts all the reasons why poor people should not have health insurance.  Double standards much? The guy lives a life of privilege high up in the Oakland Hills but he thinks he know what is best for the poor. It appears to me that he does not know much.

    • 1 friend
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    It all ties in. Amazon, on China's side, pulled BIG strings for Xi's book. When Communist China's dictator, Xi Jinping, wrote a book, Amazon knew just what to do to make it a success - a big success thanks to good-old-fashioned propaganda, which conveniently works out to bigger bucks for both Xi and the online giant.


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    Officials warn children's mental health worsens amid illegal lockdowns. Children of alt-left families growing up weak & feckless.


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    Exclusive--Victor Davis Hanson: California Is a Confederate Society with 'Sick Fixation' on Race. California is a neo-Confederate state with a "sick fixation" on ethnicity and race, historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson said in an interview with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.

    California's hemorrhaging of residents to states with more freedom and prosperity is exacerbating the state's social stratification in terms of wealth, Hanson stated. He said the state's volume of illegal aliens further amplifies the wealth divide.

    "The middle class has left," he said. "About ten million people left California in the last 40 years, and we know where they went. They went to Nevada, Idaho, Texas, Florida, Tennessee. We have half of all the undocumented illegal aliens in the country. Twenty-seven percent of Californians were not born in United States, whether they're legally [here], or residents, or citizens."

    Hanson characterized California's polarization based on wealth as resembling the Antebellum South's racial segregation.

    "That is the nexus: great wealth, great poverty. But the way I look at it is -- they would not want to hear this -- but just think of the old Confederacy or the Antebellum South -- one party, Democratic -- this is a one-party state. They had Big Cotton. We have Big Tech. Big Tech runs the whole state, just like Big Cotton [ran the Antebellum South]."

    He continued, "The Old South, we had the plantationist class. [Today], these are the people that live in Woodside or Berkeley Hills or Palo Alto, then you had everybody else: black slaves, and you had the poor, what they called 'white trash.'" There was no middle class. When I go to Stanford, I see all these wealthy kids there, and then I go along El Camino, everybody's living in a trailer."

    "I go to the Apple or Google or Facebook campuses, and people are living in the streets that work there," he added.


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    Alt-left racism & fascism. Yale Study Shows White Leftists Dumb Down Their Speech When Talking to Minorities.


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    Sonoma county illegally remove constitutional rights. Gatherings are counter revolutionary. Religious persecution by state harshly enforced. Altleft fascism will further discriminate against Black & Hispanic Americans. The alt-"left is a racist terrorist organization that hunts down black people. It's like people have learned nothing over the past 2 years. youtu.be/KBQdmmX07ug

    Anti health Biden/Harris/Newsom regime discourage health & fitters via exercise. Gym owner Kovacs says his gym shouldn't be affected. He enforces many COVID restrictions and says it's easy to close social distance while in the gym. In addition, he says January is usually his busiest month as people try to rejuvenate for the New Year.

    "Everyone comes here and they stay with themselves," he said. "January is usually huge. We are completely robbed for the second time."

    Sonoma County lockdown: New COVID restrictions met with disdain from residents, businesses - California News Times

    Many politicians and bureaucrats are focusing on cases detected rather than on deaths directly caused by the virus.  They refuse to acknowledge the data and recovery rates.  The Lockdowns Strike Back: Sonoma County Bans Gatherings of 50 People - San Diego News Desk

    Sonoma County, Calif. wants residents to shelter in place for the next 30 days - twitchy.com

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    Democrat states face mass exodus as people flee failed policy and move to free states.


    Progressives claimed they knew how to solve homelessness, inequality, and crime. But in cities they control, progressives made those problems worse.

    Michael Shellenberger has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for thirty years. During that time, he advocated for the decriminalization of drugs, affordable housing, and alternatives to jail and prison. But as homeless encampments spread, and overdose deaths skyrocketed, Shellenberger decided to take a closer look at the problem.

    What he discovered shocked him. The problems had grown worse not despite but because of progressive policies. San Francisco and other West Coast cities -- Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland -- had gone beyond merely tolerating homelessness, drug dealing, and crime to actively enabling them.

    San Fransicko reveals that the underlying problem isn't a lack of housing or money for social programs. The real problem is an ideology that designates some people, by identity or experience, as victims entitled to destructive behaviors. The result is an undermining of the values that make cities, and civilization itself, possible.

    • 770 friends
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    Now the Republicans are stealing the Democrats faces?  ^^ When will it ever end?

    • 102 friends
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    Using Breitbart, redstate and the gateway pundit as some sort of legit site to use as a reference of reality. hahahahahahahah! but seriously, hahahahahahahahahahahna!!!!!!

  18. "Simply acknowledging reality is now seen as a profile in courage"

    I know some conspiracy theorists on here who will never be accused of such.

    • 1 friend
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    LA City Officials Salaries Reduced If Homelessness Goals Not Met: Ballot Measure


  19. At the time, it was apocryphal with nothing more than random blogs mixed in with their imaginations.

    I personally said I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese government created it in their labs, but decided to base my view on the generally available information.

    Any idiot can claim to have dreamt the winning numbers to the lottery. I would scoff at then even if one of them turns up hitting the jackpot.

  20. Even today, there's still no definitive proof that the Chinese government created it in the lab. If they have definitive proof, it's remains classified and hidden from us

    Now I'm more inclined to believe that theory, but I'm still gonna sit on the fence (not it that matters one bit to the universe).

    • 770 friends
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    The information has never been available. The Chinese have never made it available. I have a hard time taking a person seriously about covid when they have had it twice. Sorry but I am not big on conspiracy theories.

    • 770 friends
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    First you would have to define god. Good luck with that. I personally don't bother worrying about whether there is a God or not. That is even more absurd than believing.

  21. Generally available information on origin is printed by Grouchy and the NIH. But if you dig deeper there's a lot of legitimate scholarship on this. The general complacency on origin and the implications of this passivity is alarming.

    • 1 friend
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    Alt-left Bay Area Genocide Games: How Pelosi Reined in Criticism of 2008 Beijing Olympics While Her Family Was Bagging Cash in China.


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    Alt-left genocidal maniac slave trade cartel supporters are clueless. Biden Approval Drops to 37 Percent in ABC-WaPo Poll. It turns out the 'most popular' president in US history isn't so popular.

    Joe Biden's approval dropped to 37 percent in a WaPo-ABC poll.

    Only 37 percent of Americans approve of Biden's job performance, with 55 percent disapproving.


    • 770 friends
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    Putin propagandist ^^

    • 770 friends
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    Putin propagandist ^^

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    What on earth is the alt-left? Karn, babe, you can't throw around a bunch of empty terms like that. We all know what the alt-right is. Racist, white supremacist, xenophobic amid other illnesses of mankind. Alt-left isn't defined by anything except a kooky guy throwing it around trying to troll.

    • 1 friend
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    A corrective has arrived in the form of the Ukrainian people and their president, Volodymyr Zelensky, as they bravely face the onslaught of real evil. While Americans are falling to pieces over what will be taught in high school history classes, the Ukrainians and their leaders are facing death and subjugation with the kind of resolve and élan that many alt-left savages can't muster in the face of a botched Starbucks order.


    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
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    Democrat Ted Deutch Says He Won't Seek Reelection. Alt-left fascism is being resisted.


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    Communist Putin propagandist  ^^

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    State of Emergency Reaches 2-Year Anniversary While California Lifts Most COVID-19 Restrictions

    As some California COVID-19 mandates have been lifted and case numbers are dwindling, some legislators are pushing back against Gov. Gavin Newsom's state of emergency, which granted him authoritative power over lawmakers since March 4, 2020.

    "We live in this state of just a one-man rule with one person reporting to make decisions on behalf of 40 million people," Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin) told The Epoch Times.

    • A A.
    • San Francisco, CA
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    congrats patriots, you've graduated from xenophobe misogynist white racist Nazi deplorable smelly walmart shoppers to "putin propagandists"! is this a promotion or a demotion, not quite sure yet

    • 1 friend
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    Although he lives in California, media veteran and well-known leftist Bill Maher is predicting California residents will eventually turn against the Democratic Party for its failure to solve serious problems in the Golden State.

    During a recent appearance on "the Adam Carolla Show," Maher said "we know there's been an exodus from this state. That's partly because of high taxes and it's partly because fire season is all year round. It's also because people can't f***ing do anything."

    The host of "Real Time" explained so many people are saying "f*** it" about "so many things out here."


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    The Latest Updates on Corruption in California: Garbage, Redistricting, and Gas Taxation. California's gasoline tax is 51.1 cents per gallon plus 2.5 cents sales tax, while federal taxation adds 18.4 cents per gallon, totaling 72 cents per gallon, the highest in the nation.


    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
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    • A A.
    • San Francisco, CA
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    Crazy idea, they haven't been voting for liberal policies. Democrat policies were FORCED on Californians through rigged and stolen elections.

    The elections have been rigged for a LONG time and 2020 is the first time most people realized it was happening.

    • A A.
    • San Francisco, CA
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    • 171 reviews

    "California is a blue state" is propaganda to help people accept and believe the stolen elections

  22. Klown's productivity is off the charts -- one Yelp id isn't enough to keep up.

  23. 76! Jay I don't really know how one does a 72, but I think you got this!

    • 1 friend
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    DHS Disinformation Chief Quits After Board Is Put on Hold. Biden/Harris ministry of propaganda already distrusted.


    • 29 friends
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    Which legislation do you mean?

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    Alt-left fascism: A Democrat running for Congress in California says student loan debt is "one of the biggest crises faced by our country" as tuition costs "skyrocket." He would know--as president of a local college's board, he voted to hike tuition three times.

    Jay Chen became president of Mt. San Antonio College's board of trustees in 2015, his LinkedIn states. Over the next four years, the Democrat voted three times to raise nonresident tuition, according to board meeting minutes. In total, per-unit tuition at the college for nonresidents has increased 45 percent during Chen's tenure on the board. Total attendance cost for in-state students has also increased 32 percent since 2015.


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    The Alt-Left Despises People of Color. Under the guise of caring and concern, the Left continues its assault on Black people, aka People of Color.

    First, it began with substandard education for Black children and the control of the school systems by the teachers' unions, who shill for the Democrat party.

    Not surprisingly, these very children could not compete academically because they were never given the basic tools to do so.  But the seed was planted fostering the implicit bias that Blacks were simply not capable of doing well.


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    Alt-left fascism. A former water utility director said the California and federal government are to blame for the state's water shortage issues, since the state's infrastructure has not kept up with demand.

    "The State of California and the Feds are largely responsible, because we have not continued with the building of our water infrastructure," said Brett Barbre, former director of the Municipal Water District of Orange County, during an interview with EpochTV's "California Insider" program.


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    Alt-left fascism. Protesters in China See Their Phones Flashing Red, Instantly Know They're Trapped Like Rats. Remember in 2020, when the idea of digital COVID passports was floated in the U.S.? We were told it would ensure that responsible Americans who did the right thing weren't exposed to the "unvaccinated." Even many of us who were vaccinated thought it was a bad idea.

    A situation currently unfolding in China demonstrates precisely why no sane person would choose to participate in something that could be so easily exploited.

    On April 18, three relatively small banks headquartered in the central province of Henan placed a block on their customer's bank deposits which totaled $178 million, informing them that they were "upgrading internal systems," according to Reuters.

    On Thursday, Reuters reported that nearly two months later, not only do these deposits remain frozen, but the banks refuse to respond to their customer's inquiries.

    The report said that a group of several hundred depositors planned to travel to Henan to protest outside of the banks.

    They were stopped in their tracks, however, when they noticed the health code apps on their cell phones had turned red. In an instant, these citizens had lost access to public transport, restaurants and shopping malls and could no longer travel freely in the country.

    One customer from Sichuan province who refused to provide his name for "fear of government retribution" told Reuters, "They are putting digital handcuffs on us."

    Additionally, several regional governments in China have asked citizens to register their travel plans online. A man from Hubei province said he had registered his plans to travel to Henan province online on June 11. The next morning, his health code turned red.


    • 24 friends
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    • A A.
    • San Francisco, CA
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    Karn, thats exactly how red flag laws work, and will be abused. Tools for Leftist fascists to target political opponents and dissidents. strip people of their rights and free speech and autonomy and due process. Look at Canada and what the banks did to the truckers. And the major banks did to anyone who was merely in DC area on Jan 6. The alt-Left fascists are trying hard to implement that tyranny here.

    Thats same reason Biden intentionally destroying fossil fuels to force everyone into EVs that can be tracked and controlled and shut off remotely. Green new deal is Trojan horse into a social credit system. So is covid passport.

    • Jeff K.
    • North Oakland, Oakland, CA
    • 0 friends
    • 9 reviews

    this is all fake news, give trump money and i swear this time foreal he will maga all over again

    • Jeff K.
    • North Oakland, Oakland, CA
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    AR-15s for everyone! gotta drain the swamp to reveal the liberal scum like that republican senator lady who was an escort for the koch family and then slept with ted cruz who donated a ton of money to her campaign. Oh did I mention she got multiple abortions, oh and the other dingbat blonde republican senator who said trans men are why we have a tampon shortage. We definitely need people like that running california. Or maybe you
    guys could move to Wyoming or Kansas. Things dont change much and you wont live life in fear of things going so fast.

    • 24 friends
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    I feel bad for your kid ^^

    • A A.
    • San Francisco, CA
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    California raised gas tax $.54/gal !!! How you going to blame Putin for this? You Leftists keep digging your hole deeper. Oh I know blame white supremacy!

  24. Raised by 2.8 cents to $0.54 a gallon.

  25. Ahole Anon certainly didn't cry much when the oil companies raised it by more than $3/gal

    • A A.
    • San Francisco, CA
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    ^ok CCP pawn. In a thread about liberal VOTING, its ELECTED officials who determine taxes. (you're so low information)

    • 24 friends
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    ^ harasses people but cries over being harassed. You're legitimately remedial aren't you?

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    "Misdirection" Or "Misunderstanding" - Bezos Blasts Biden Blaming Gas Station Owners For High Prices

    Biden apparently doesn't know that gas station owners are mostly independent small businesses whose razor-thin profit margins make it impossible to willy-nilly lower prices at the pump just because the president orders them to.

    Jeff Bezos accused the U.S. president of either deliberately misleading the public or lacking a "basic" understanding of the forces that actually drive prices.


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    Instant regret. Woke fool Gavin Newsom demands $20 per/hr min wage forcing companies to immediately fire thousands & raise prices in Bidenflation Armageddon.


    • 48 friends
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    i can't imagine surviving off of $20/hr in SF

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    Economist calls blue state exodus "biggest migration in US history."  South East now has larger GDP that North East. First time in US history.


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    Boeing and supplier shares fall after mid-flight Alaska Airlines accident. Would you like 1sr class, business class, coach or DEI/SJW class. Caution, risk applies more on DEI/SJW class. Please have all of your affairs settled.


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    YT goes full China in ramping up censorship in order to prevent truth & rather spread misinformation. Twitch, Facebook, google, discord etc all guilty of spreading misinformation, censorship, alt left propaganda. antifa/blm/hamas/alt left fascists/jihad squad terror group will be vehemently opposed.


  1. ery single shit you post is still here.

    Are you having trouble understanding what censorship means?

    I wouldn't be surprised.

  2. No wonder people like Klown vote away their own social safety net just because some dude called it "socialism".

    And they wonder why they can barely feed their families.

    • 24 friends
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    Darwin really just calls it....

  3. I believe in "survival of the weakest also"

    I guess that makes me a "commie socialist".

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    'A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden': UAW president makes strange admission after endorsing Biden

    Andrew ChapadosJanuary 25, 2024
    The same day the United Auto Workers union officially endorsed President Joe Biden for re-election, the union president admitted that a "great majority" would not be voting for Biden in the 2024 presidential election.

    During his endorsement of Biden, UAW President Shawn Fain said that the autoworkers faced a choice between supporting "someone who stands up with us and supports our cause" in President Biden or "someone who will divide us and fight us every step of the way" in President Trump.

    "If our endorsements have to be earned, Joe Biden has earned it," he added, according to the BBC.

    However, the union leader also told Fox News that same day that a "majority" of members would not vote for Biden.

    Speaking to host Neil Cavuto on Fox Business, Fain reiterated his belief that Biden is a better representation of his union.


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    ^How many mail in ballots this time? What your favorite alias? Qerfefe Qrooks? CNN Exit Poll: 70% of Nikki Haley Voters Not Registered Republicans. Nikki Haley relied heavily on the support of Independents and Democrats in the New Hampshire primary yet still lost by wide margins.

    Of Haley voters in the Granite State, CNN said, "about 7 in 10 said they were registered as undeclared prior to Tuesday."

    CNN relied on an exit poll to make its shocking statement. New Hampshire's loose requirements allow for voters to cross over, while future Republican caucuses and primaries will consist overwhelmingly of registered Republicans. Dems are cheating again.



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    Retired Alameda County Superior Court Judge Brenda Harbin-Forte leads recall of alt left fascist trash Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. "It's just a failure of leadership. As we've said there's too many lives that have been lost, and this mayor has blood on her hands," Ms. Harbin-Forte said.

    "You have made numerous misleading and untrue statements to the public. You failed to keep your promise to appoint a new police chief or declare a state of emergency," reads a portion of the notice, referring to rises in crime and homelessness.
    "In short, you lack the competency, credibility, judgment and ability to lead what was once a great American city," the notice reads.



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    Dictators in Commiefornia decree $20 per/hr for low skill fast food. Solution? Replace them with robots.


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    Russian propaganda mocking weak USA for politically correct SJW alt left fascist ideology & mandates. It's not wrong.


  4. Tucker Carlson is in Russia trying to broadcast the Kremlin propaganda.

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    Compilation of alt left fascist Rachel Madcow's blatant lies & misinformation. MSM propaganda.


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    Under the Democrats' Rule, America Has Become A Failed State. Thomas Jefferson wrote about governments that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

    Today, however, the government has metastasized so that it is the enemy of families. After destroying the traditional family, states are now dictating to parents that their children can be butchered and there is nothing they can do about it. It's everywhere: in California, New York, Washington, and even Montana! There is literally nothing in life more natural than a family with children, but states now feel they can literally take children from their parents for the specific purpose of indoctrinating or butchering them. Failed nations do that.

    So, our government is essentially crippling our economy, sending inflation through the roof, and introducing a level of energy instability Americans haven't seen in half a decade to solve a problem that simply doesn't exist. The governments of serious nations don't do that.

    Finally, there is the open border and the flood of illegal immigration. Since Joe Biden has been president, almost 10 million people, mostly military-aged males, have poured across our border. American taxpayers must support virtually every one of them.


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    Benton, Ark. -- A 27-year-old Little Rock-area woman who was arrested on child-sex crime allegations is revealed to be a trans nonbinary activist following an exclusive investigation by The Post Millennial.

    Regina Mai Allen, who goes by the trans alias "Ringo M. Valentine," was arrested on Feb. 8 and booked into the Saline County Detention Center on 20 felony counts of distributing, possessing, or viewing child sex abuse content.

    Benton, Ark. -- A 27-year-old Little Rock-area woman who was arrested on child-sex crime allegations is revealed to be a trans nonbinary activist following an exclusive investigation by The Post Millennial.

    Regina Mai Allen, who goes by the trans alias "Ringo M. Valentine," was arrested on Feb. 8 and booked into the Saline County Detention Center on 20 felony counts of distributing, possessing, or viewing child sex abuse content.


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    Public transit: LIRR rider slashed in face on train in horrifying, caught-on-video attack. Alt left fascism.


  5. State Sen Scott Weiner has to go.....

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    Insanity: School district takes next step in ditching Seattle gifted program. Privileged progressives, donning their white knight armor, are in the next phase of a plan to end Seattle Public Schools' gifted students program -- known locally as its Highly Capable Cohort (HCC). They complained the HCC was too white.

    HCC separates academically gifted students from others via different classrooms or entirely different schools. But in 2020, white Seattle school board directors voted to terminate the HCC over the objections of parents. HCC will be completely phased out by the 2027-28 school year.

    This is dumbing down the class for the dumb kids. It's insanity.

    Outraged more by the success of white and Asian students than by the untapped potential of black and Hispanic pupils, progressives would rather drag achievers down than elevate everyone. These self-proclaimed saviors boast on social media about tackling inequities, oblivious to the harm they inflict. Indeed, the program to replace the HCC, and be implemented in every classroom, ensures that gifted students will be unchallenged, struggling students will escape the attention they deserve and teachers will be overwhelmed. In other words, everyone will be equitably harmed.



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    California Workers Arrive at Restaurant to Find It Closed Thanks to Newsom's $20 Minimum Wage.

    Restaurant workers at a Foster's Freeze location in California arrived at work this week to find they had lost their jobs because it had closed, thanks to a $20 minimum wage signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) that took effect April 1.

    Monday, as California's minimum wage for fast food workers rose to $20 an hour, the Foster's Freeze in Lemoore permanently closed.

    The assistant general manager, Monica Navarro, told Action News it was because of the wage increase, saying the owner told her he could not afford the new salaries.

    Some of the employees thought it was an April Fool's Day joke.

    As Breitbart News reported last month, citing the Wall Street Journal, many California restaurants had already begun to lay off workers in anticipation of the mandatory wage hike.

    Commiefornia's unemployment rate is officially the nation's highest, at 5.3% as of February.


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    Visit beuitiful San Fransicko where hippies spread fentanyl over the public library not far from children's section. Fentanyl Smoking Strip Used as Bookmark as San Francisco's Main Library Taken Over by Homeless Drug Addicts: Report

    For most people in the country, the local library is a sanctuary, a place of peace and quiet, as well as prime spot for families of small children to explore and let their imaginations run wild.

    As a government funded institution in California, however, the local library has become a sanctuary for drug-addicted homeless people, turning away the very people who appreciated the library the most.

    As reported Monday in local news outlet The San Fransisco Standard, the San Fransisco Public Library has become the new hub for San Fransisco's infamous open-air drug markets since the city began cracking down on drug activity closer to the city's center.


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    Even California Fire Stations Can't Get Fire Insurance. California's homeowners insurance crisis has left even some fire stations without coverage, which left lawmakers in shock during a recent Cal Fire budget discussion.

    "There is a story right here. We can't get fire insurance at a fire station that is going to be manned by firefighters. That is where we are in California. That, to me, is just crazy," said Republican Sen. Brian Dahle during a Senate Budget Subcommittee meeting.


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    California Committee Dismisses Bill to Block Fixed Rate Utility Charge Based on Income. Commiefornia democrats back stab the people.

    Democratic lawmakers on the Senate's Energy, Utility, and Communications Committee chose not to vote on Senate Bill 1326--which would have repealed a 2022 law mandating higher fixed rate charges on utility bills--thus pulling the plug on the measure April 22.
    "It's shameful that all 14 Democrats on the Senate Energy Committee refused to even cast a vote," the bill's author, Republican Leader Sen. Brian W. Jones, said in an April 23 press release. "Thousands of Californians support this measure and their refusal to act is a stark betrayal of the very constituents they claim to represent."
    The bill, known as the Cost of Living Reduction Act, sought to set a cap of $10 for monthly fixed charges, a sharp difference from a rate schedule that included $128 monthly charges proposed by utility companies earlier this year.


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    Since 2008 Gavin Newsom has preached homeless solutions as a campaign slogan. He's failed on it & admits it.


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    The "Schmidt Show" is over. Voters in the Portland, Ore. area have fired Antifa favorite district attorney Mike Schmidt. Schmidt was voted out in a disgraceful landslide defeat despite having huge cash injections of Soros money and winning over 76 percent of the vote in 2020. His bloody and ignominious legacy includes record homicides, record shootings, record riots and record fentanyl deaths, which I wrote about last week in the New York Post:


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    Rubio's says it's closing over 50 locations in California due to rising state business costs. The Southern California-based home of the fish taco closed 48 locations as of Friday due to the rising costs of business in the state, Rubio's told ABC10 in a statement Saturday.

    "Making the decision to close a store is never an easy one," the statement said. "Rubio's Coastal Grill...after a thorough review of its operations and the current business climate, has decided to close 48 underperforming locations in California as of May 31, while keeping 86 stores in California, Arizona and Nevada open."


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    Arrest the left. MSM goes to 3rd world county of Oakland mayors office on a Wednesday to find no one at city hall. Streets are not paved, insurance companies leaving, 7-11 leaving. Violent crime skyrocketing. This is local MSM finally acknowledging. Streets left unpaved after gangs chase out contractors.


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    Data shows liberals are the most racist group in America. Confirmation of common knowledge.


  6. And you pulled that data out of your lower orifice?

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    Is Jude B agreeing with Karn because that's his puppet account. Hmmm are you also Montgumery B??

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    ^ they are all boyfriends and parade bound!  Happy pride month!

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    Im Montgumery^  B I'm real I dont know about ^"puppet accounts" Im a straight up man .I handle my business I dont snitch on people or get " Butt Hurt " over harmless words . I would never rat out another yelper and i despise anyone who does.

    • 128 friends
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    ^ You're a straight up Butt hurt puppet! An evil Karn disciple and Trump jock strap supporter.

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    Shut^ up fat boy^!!!! Your a loser just like JoeK was. A reporting pu@@y . You have to protect Petunia when i made a comment about her mother after she talked crap about my mother and my dog . Reporting people is being a coward . You should have quit Yelp when you lost the bet you made I cant respect you for that .So whats your plans for pride month?

    • 128 friends
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    ^ Mongoobery Puppet!!!! Puppet on repeat crying again and it makes no difference what you say you have no credibility here in YT.
    You've shown how much of a Jackass moron you really are!

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    Respect is earned not given especially to a low life POS like yourself puppet!

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    Ok beer belly I have no respect for you P.O.S.M.F

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    Ok beer belly I have no respect for you P.O.S.M.F

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    ^ Puppet doing his puppet thing on repeat like a senile siphletic dick!

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    So here we have Gizz Mop posting every kind of disrespect & ridicule. Then he post happy pride to those he constantly insults (poor, low effort, low IQ insults but that's how it is). This is irrefutable proof his anti lgbtq post are 100% aggravated homophobic & racists post. During pride month of all months adding to his racism & anti lgbtq homophobic hate speech. Such a disgrace.

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    Job free cities. Google to leave San Fransicko as homeless, crime, bike thugs, alt left fascists militants take over drug city.


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    20+ years of liberal control in CA and the state has gone to $hit. Keep voting democrat you idiots

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    Then best to make your exit quickly

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    Google to leave prominent SF waterfront office tower.  Carful what you wish for RAThena. The failed state of Commiefornia continues to push everyone away. You're not wrong when you say people need to escape while they still can.

    Google is set to move out of a prominent tower at One Market Plaza near San Francisco's waterfront, the company confirmed to KRON4.

    The tech giant has told property owners at One Market Plaza that it will not be renewing the lease in April 2025 for the Spear Tower office location.


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    If someone exits to a red state can you take Athena/Petunia/Patricia with you please?

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    July 4 Cookout Cost At Record High Due To bidenflation. biden/harrus have not ruled out banning 4th of July as per alt left fascism. Americans hosting Fourth of July cookouts will face record grocery prices due to rampant inflation under the Biden administration.

    A new report from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) found that a 10-person cookout that includes items like cheeseburgers, chicken breasts, pork chops, homemade potato salad, strawberries, and ice cream would run up a $71.22 bill. This marks a five percent increase from last year, an almost 30 percent increase from five years ago, and a record high for the organization's annual survey.


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    Yes. kamala did call to "reduce population"

    This is utter filth. China & Germany enacted the very policy and it was horrific. Alt left fascism refuses to learn from history. They are doomed to repeat it.



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    Has San Francisco Bay Area banned the 4th of July yet? They said bbq & flags cause climate change? Crazy town.

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    Trash Newsom advocates for banning 4th of July.


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    It should ban all fireworks period there are dangerous and there's too many a******* blowing their hands and arms off.
    And too many people are having their dogs running away and scared to death.I'm all for banning it

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    Is it your right as a Patriot to shoot off?Dangerous fireworks and risk blowing your hands and scaring people's dogs to death and have them running away and never seen them again.Is that your right as an american

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    Yes it is moron. It is our right to wreak havoc on you!!!!!

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    You couldn't wreck havoc on a piss ant . You have the right to be slapped in the face and shown the maximum disrespect L.M.M.F.A.O.!!!¡!

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    Are you going to do it????
    I'm calling your bluff!!!! Are you sure you want to settle this once and for all?
    Bring it old geezer, lol.

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    This is the left wing biased media (trash & terrorist filth) asking biden was so weak to have such a devastating debate loss, possibly the worst in American history. Even the media is sick of  biden/Harris regime lies and they are the ones spreading them.





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    San Francisco holds candle light visual for the shooter. Ask to respect pronouns of the dead. Cry the "take out" didn't work.


  7. ^ Same ol' bull$hit from the usual bullshitter.

    There was nothing about San Francisco holding candles for the shooter in that nypost link.

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    Evil Karn, made this bullcrap up just to bash San Francisco!!!
    What a joke you are evil Karn reporting far right bullshiit!

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    Once again we see the key to defeating fascists is moving a little bit to the left

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    Once again we see people making a complete 180 after turning his head just slightly to the right saving his live from the alt left fascist deep state. Mark Zuckerberg calls Trump a "total bad ass" after turning just slightly right saved his life. Trump lives, and that makes you cry. Mark is still an enemy of the people as he censored millions of Americans & criminally influenced elections.


  8. ^ still drumming up the lies. Same ol bag of steaming turd

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    Trumpers coming out of the woodwork with polls out their ears because they feel threatened by a woman. Sounds about white

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    Dems admit biden/Harris one of the worst administrations ever. Slave trade, record inflation, gas & mortgage prices. Global instability, millions of illegals. Kramala riding behind on the polls.


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    ^is that your best argument? Weaker than kuntmala.

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    Trump is still old

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    You're not? You can't have kids. Way over the hill. Can kuntmala harrus win the presidency? Nearly 70% of Americans doubt veep has what it takes: poll


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    And you're living paycheck to paycheck.... Yikes

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    "He's old"coming from the supporters biden who is older than Trump & biden clearly is in advanced dementia of several years. How quickly left forgets. Who they install. Obviously they also have dementia.


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    But umm I'm gonna break it to you..... Biden isn't running and Father Time trump is.

  9. Can't break it to a broken nutcase. I tried. Good luck!

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    kuntmala has a failed record as border czar, lost in her own state, has zero votes but gets installed. This is the lefts "democracy"


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    What was that? Polls show she's tied with Trump! Get it girl!

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    biden-harruss Slave Trade Regime Denied Resources to Police During Pro-Hamas Violent Mob Where Agitators Burned American Flag, Committee Chairman Says. Park Police was 'understaffed' to handle DC protesters, union head says

    The Biden- is facing pressure from a top Republican lawmaker and the head of a federal law enforcement union, who accused it of looking the other way in response to a pro-Hamas protest on federal property in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday.

    Alt left fascism with chants of death to America.



  10. Fringe idiots like you are the real threat to America.

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    Kuntmala was given the responsibility as border czar and failed miserably. It's the biden/Harris administration. They both get blame. They set gas prices to $5 & up. 20 million illegals. Global instability. Record inflation. It's not a debate.

    It took forever for leftist media to admit biden was a weak candidate in decline. Now that kuntmala has been installed with no primary or votes, they think this false mustering works. It doesn't.


  11. Fart can't tell between his ass and face

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    "He's old" coming from the party completely oblivious to biden dementia yet endorse his campaign & policies. Coming from the party planning assassinations. Scary poll reveals how many Democrats wished assassin KILLED Trump at rally


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    Yea Trump would be 82 if he finished a 4 year term he's not going to get

  12. The judge will decide at the sentencing.

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    The people telling you kuntmala is a great candidate this week, were the ones telling you biden was fit for the job last week. They also claim inflation is non existent.


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    Karen, Biden did a Good Job. Inflation down, stock market up, unemployment low. Pesky proxy wars low key. Trump is TOO OLD!

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    ^ he made inflation worse with his terrible stimulus and green energy bullcrap. Over 600,000 Ukrainians are dead. Unemployment is low because his government gave work permits to the millions who crossed the border illegally. The only person who would do a worse job is Kamala.

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    Qerfefe, you are living in loony toons world. It's hilarious. Lord Newsom of Commiefornia had decreed homelessness is now criminal and plans mass arrests. He spent $24 billion since 2018 and the problem has only grown, much like inflation & human trafficking under biden/harrus. It's 100% a PR stunt just in time for election season. Filthy commies.


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    "Here ye hear ye. By order of the Duke of Newsom all peasants are to clear out of Nottingham immediately. Failure is subject to taxes & arrest."

    Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order Thursday greenlighting the removal of homeless encampments throughout the state.

    The order requires state agencies and departments to adopt policies outlining removal processes for encampments on state property, which includes assessing the camp beforehand and providing advanced notice to vacate.


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    California Dems STRIKE DOWN GOP proposal to exempt tax on tips. No break for the working class. These commies have nothing but contempt for people living & working in Commiefornia.

    The Democrat controlled legislature of California struck down a Republican proposal on Thursday that would have exempted tipped income from state income taxes. This comes as Kamala Harris, the Democrat presidential nominee at the top of the ticket in 2024, has copied a similar policy laid out by GOP nominee Donald Trump.  

    The amendment, introduced in the state senate, would have exempted service industry workers for state taxes on tips. The Democratic majority rejected the proposal on a mostly party-line vote without discussion or debate, as reported by Fox News.

