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    Women are ditching the democrat party like never before. This is huge.


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    Conference Inspired by Trump Doctrine Aims to Keep U.S. out of Endless Wars. "I believe that the future of restraint has to be on the right this decade, as the left seems utterly captured by a hegemonic global corporate class that loves war and pays none of the costs of it," Sharma told The Epoch Times.

    The roots of conservative restraint run deep in America.

    George Washington's 1796 Farewell Address, a touchstone for many at "Up from Chaos," famously counseled Americans to beware of entanglements and permanent alliances abroad.

    The mid- to late-twentieth century saw greater U.S. engagement abroad, including through the Reagan-era defense buildup that helped break up the Soviet Union.

    Yet, several decades (and wars) later, long after the end of the original Cold War, dissatisfaction with the foreign policy status quo helped fuel the rise of Donald Trump.


    • 1 friend
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    Question is if President Trump will be 45 again or 47? Voter's Remorse'? Trump Would Win Rematch With Biden. President Joe Biden would lose an election rematch to former President Donald Trump, who would win among independents and almost evenly split Hispanic voters.

    A new Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if the election were held today, just 40% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote to reelect Biden, while 46% would vote for Trump. Another 10% would choose some other candidate in a Biden-Trump rematch.


    • 1 friend
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    Tuesday's primaries good night for preferred GOP candidates, Trump candidates win in several states

    Win by Sarah Huckabee Sanders poised to usher in new political family dynasty as loss by George P. Bush sunsets another.

    The Tuesday primaries in four states went well for favored GOP candidates including two big wins for Trump-backed candidates in Georgia, despite the former president's preferred candidate in the state's Republican gubernatorial primary losing.


  1. Texan discusses replacement theory


  2. You wouldn't know hate speech if you slapped yourself in the face.

  3. No he's not. I don't know him at all.
    Why do you want to know?

    • 1 friend
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    Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), the former president's media company plans to launch a subscription-based streaming service called "TMTG+" that features "non-woke" content, aims to "cancel 'cancel culture,'" and commits to not censoring content creators for their political ideology.


    • 1 friend
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    Trump 2017 tax cuts, "business investment soared 9.4% compared to the pre-tax cuts trend. For corporations, real investment rose 14.2%. Similarly, a 2021 Heritage Foundation report showed the dramatic growth in investment and wages that occurred after the tax cuts. A key driver in the surge in investment was multinational firms who chose to reinvest in U.S. markets instead of offshoring."

    Also, the report said, real median household incomes grew by more than $5,000 in 2018 and 2019 alone, even though the 30 years prior to 2017 had seen a total growth of $7,600.

    Then the economy was "roaring" in 2020 with record high wages, record low unemployment, strong labor force participation and low inflation.


    • 1 friend
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    A Record Number of Black Republicans Are Running for Office. They're Revolutionizing the GOP & the party of Lincoln. Black Americans have become disenchanted with a party that made sweeping promises for decades without following through. At least some have become fed up with being taken for granted and repeatedly lied to.

    Two-thirds of Black Americans consider themselves moderate or conservative.

    A record number of Black Republican candidates are running for congressional office this year. The National Republican Congressional Committee counted 81 African American candidates running under the GOP banner in 72 congressional districts in 2022. This is more than a 50 percent increase over the 2020 election cycle. And if the GOP knows what's good for it, this will be the start of a new era in right-wing politics.


    • 1 friend
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    Trump tells 'Save America' rally crowd in Arizona: 'Americans kneel to God and no one else'. President Trump repeatedly teased a potential run in the 2024 presidential election.


    • 128 friends
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    After WTF happened on January 6th and you fucktards still think he has a chance! Not a snowballs chance in hell!

    • 128 friends
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    ^ you evil selfish heathen! You bow down to the Illuminati or face the consequences!

  4. There are no sides. We all win or we all lose. Once you realize this, welcome to your humanity

    • 55 friends
    • 71 reviews

    G-Man has been watching too much YouTube conspiracy movies and getting way too much jabs.

    • 55 friends
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    No Trump.... He lost, so forget about it. There fresh Hispanic blood who will represent Republicans on elections

    • 128 friends
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    Emilio, stick to Yoga bro. Try putting yourself in the pretzel position and doing a knee walk 50yrds then come talk to us.

    • 128 friends
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    Here's Olay he's back. Who Marco Rubio who runs away on vacation when shit hits the fan in his state which goes through a disaster! I don't think that pooto has any huevos bro!

    • 1 friend
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    'The View' Co-Host Just Admitted the FBI May Have 'Handed' Trump the Presidency. An anti-Trump co-host of 'The View" is pointing to the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago as a political boon for former President Donald Trump, arguing that the development could land him another term in office.

    Alyssa Farah Griffin discussed the implications of the raid in a Tuesday CNN segment.


    • 128 friends
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    ^ now that's the biggest joke of the day! For me to poop on! Lmao in no way will he ever hold office again!

    • 128 friends
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    ^ Not enough votes losers!
    When he'll freezes over and that's not happening douche bag proud boys!

    • 112 friends
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    I never liked Trump -- but again and again his tormentors made me feel sorry for him.

    Six years on, and the only thing they got him on was using his foundation as a personal piggy bank.

    • 128 friends
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    Micheal Cohen says Trump is fawked!
    Here's ah guy Trump should have never gawked over!  Listen to this statement.

    • 128 friends
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    Plead the 5th cause he's guilty!

    • 24 friends
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    It's hard for me to feel sorry for a millionaire getting tormented because they're entitled but that's my personal opinyón

    • 24 friends
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    Maybe you should stick to things you know about?

  5. C'mon now, that would leave him silent.

    • 1 friend
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    Eric Trump: Trump Is 'Shattering All Fundraising Records' Following FBI Raid. Alt left fascism will be opposed.

    Former President Donald Trump is "shattering" fundraising records following the FBI's raid of his Mar-a-Lago home, his son Eric Trump announced on Tuesday evening.

    "Breaking: DonaldJTrump.com is shattering all fundraising records and I'm told has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history!" Eric Trump revealed on TruthSocial and Twitter, suggesting that the raid has riled up the conservative base.


    • 61 friends
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    Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up

    • 61 friends
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    That's not what his 400+ pleading the 5th says. HAHAHA

    • 102 friends
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    Trump's violent maga cult is already attacking FBI offices. Remember in May of this year it was the GOP who blocked the domestic terrorism bill, gotta protect their base.

    • 1 friend
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    ^interesting take. And yet it's Alt Left Fascism/antifa/blm that force everyone to board up business anticipating riots from far left extremism. 'In Major Cities Across America, Businesses Begin Boarding Up Store Windows In Anticipation Of Election Day Riots By ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter'


    Report: 2020 Antifa/BLM-Led Riots Injured More Police Officers, Caused More Damage, and Resulted in More Arrests Than The Capitol Protest. "The summer 2020 riots resulted in some 15 times more injured police officers, 30 times as many arrests, and estimated damages in dollar terms up to 1,300 times more costly than those of the Capitol protest,"


    • 112 friends
    • 34 reviews

    If only Bill Clinton had taken the 5th instead of perjuring himself and getting Monica to commit perjury... he never would have been impeached.

    • 24 friends
    • 56 reviews

    Wish trump would've stfu more often

    • 24 friends
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    Is that what I said??

    • 128 friends
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    FBI took 11 sets of classified documents from Trump's Mar-a-Lago home, including some highly classified material. The Trump ship has sunk!

    • 24 friends
    • 56 reviews

    Ya but that's what you always say ^ fryyyyy

    • 1 friend
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    Biden/Harris are the new bolshevism.

  6. Carry on. But you're boring now

    • 128 friends
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    Rudy Giuliani says Trump will 'raid every one of Biden's houses' if the former president wins the 2024 presidential election.
    Giuliani is more crooked than Lombard St! Not happening Roody!

    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
    • 412 friends
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    • 24 friends
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    Now it's fake lol you really are as much of a nut as I suspected. Keep it stupid!

    • 24 friends
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    Funny because I argue my point often yet none of the points I've brought up agree with you so you act like a child. Some call it close minded

    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
    • 412 friends
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    Fight fight fight

    • 24 friends
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    Perhaps but at the end of the day we all know our accomplishments, right howitzer ;)

    • 24 friends
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    I'm just speaking the truth and if by being childish I'm hurting your feelings then suck it

    • 102 friends
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    Conman, grifter trump having a hard time finding lawyers to represent him. Reasons, he's an impossible client, others fear he won't pay them or listen to them. Meanwhile threats against FBI and judges increase.

  7. How many Trump supporters does it take to change a light bulb?


    Trump would tell them it's already changed, and they would all cheer in the dark.

    • 24 friends
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    All while they repeat the same tweets over and over, Licking doorknobs and screaming at the ceiling

  8. Sadly, propaganda is strong w him. Feels like he's let his best days get behind him. Doesn't need to be that way Jim. Turn off the TV and live again

    • 24 friends
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    Kind of hypocritical considering you're looking at a screen too.....

    • 128 friends
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    A swastika has been spray painted over Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    Police says it's impossible to tell if it was done by Trump's opponents or his supporters.

    • 1 friend
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    Testosterone Treatment Turns Democrat Voters More Conservative: Study. Increased testosterone levels can cause Democrats to become more conservative in their political affiliation, a recent experiment analyzing voters in U.S. elections found.

    The study - Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats - was published on November 14th, 2021 by Professor Paul Zak, the Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University.

    "His research has made a substantial impact in explaining the variation in human social behaviors and has been cited by other scholars over 18,000 times placing in the top 0.3% of all scholars," explains his professional biography.


    • 24 friends
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    Errrrrrrt wrong try once again Karn. Survey says americanfaith.com is NOT a credible source. TRY AGAIN?

    • 112 friends
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    Zak's research showed an effect only for weakly affiliated Democrats. No effect on strongly identified Democrats, or Republicans of any stripe

    • 112 friends
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    Testosterone also makes you stingy, and more likely to take foolish risks. This affects the stock market, as most traders are young men.

    • 128 friends
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    ^ Cease and desist spam poster! Nobody is clicking on your bait!

    • 61 friends
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    Trump incarcerated by 2024!

    • 24 friends
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    Standard answer from you ^ boo hoo :(

  9. Read a few of Judy's reviews

    • 128 friends
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    Markus have you been drinking again?

    • 112 friends
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    Judy needs someone to advocate for her. A daughter or a sibling. Someone who has been a constant presence in her life.

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Most Recent Posts

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    Dump Trump...
    He's a Dumpster Fire.

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    Philadelphia Eagles deny endorsement of Krudmala Harrus. Want ads taken down immediately.


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    Fake Philadelphia Eagles political ads removed from SEPTA bus shelters

  1. Nancy and Karn need to get a room. Dusty muffin pounding.

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    Trump tries to use Walz's family against him, and fails hilariously
    Trump and his supporters have been eager to weaponize the Democratic vice presidential nominee's family, but their efforts have amounted to complete duds!!!!! Trump-Vance No Chance MFers!

    • 2 friends
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    Nothing written on here is creative just left VS right verbal assaults .The Alcoholic Prosecutor VS the Convicted Felon Rapist Thief . I choose the felon.

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    Trump Does Not Know How To React To Putin's Endorsement Of Kamala Harris!!!!!! Putin loves Kamala's laugh it's infectious!

    • 128 friends
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    Trump has often spoken very highly of the Russian president, calling him a "genius" and "savvy" for his invasion of Ukraine - even though the US is one of Kyiv's strongest allies, and Putin often publicly slams the States.
    How does it feel to be shitted on Donald by your comrade?

    • 79 friends
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    Kamala Harris' political operation raises $361 million in August - nearly tripling Donald Trump's haul

    • 128 friends
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    Yea Frank keep throwing rocks while I drop Bombs!  You are losing and you know it moron! Happy Friday fool!

    • 1 friend
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    Russian collusion. Vladimir Putin Endorses Kamala Harris for President, Praises Her 'Infectious' Laugh. "She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her," he said.

    Putin said he would prefer not to see former president Donald Trump return to the White House because he "introduced such a number of restrictions and sanctions against Russia that no president has ever introduced before."


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    Democrats colluding with CCP again. Busted Spy In NY Gov. Hochul's Office Received Millions From China, Bought Posh Homes & Ferrari

    A former top aide to New York's Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul has been arrested Tuesday on federal criminal charges in a political bombshell. She is accused of acting as an undisclosed agent of China and the Chinese Communist Party. She's been identified as Linda Sun, who had previously served as Hochul's deputy chief for a year, following stints in other positions at the state government level.

    The significant list of allegations includes that she worked to advance CCP interests in sate government, and in return received huge sums of money and oversaw the facilitation of millions of dollars in transactions connected to Chinese government business interests.

    Perhaps most alarming is that she's alleged to have on multiple occasions blocked the ability of representatives of the Taiwanese government from meetings with NY government officials. Her husband, Chris Hu, has also been arrested, implicated in the conspiracy.


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    Who's ready for tonight's debate. Madam Vice President Kamala Harris & her utterly failed record, vs Former President Donald Trump with a great economy, border security, no new wars, global stability.

    President Trump had gas prices as low at $1.80 while Madam Vice President had gas as high as $10.


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    • 79 friends
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    US election live: former Trump officials to join Harris campaign at debate

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    • 128 friends
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    Chingatumaga Pendejo!

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    His meltdown is already starting and he's rambling

    • 1 friend
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    Funny how all the issues are her fault. Sad.

    • 84 friends
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    The Honorable Judge Joe Brown knows Comrade Harris better than any of us and listen to what he has to say about her.....


    • 152 friends
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    Angry Trump an indicted Felon expresident
    Harris a District Attorney, Senator, Vice President looking Presidential with a vision for the Future.

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    Trump krushed krudmala. This moment was epic.


    • 24 friends
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    Bruh be real the only thing trump crushed was a bucket of fried chicken before putting in 2% into that debate....

    • 1 friend
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    "Run Spot Run"   krudmala was humiliated.


    • 84 friends
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    TRUMP put that empty shell puppet loser in her place ...humiliated her sorry rude a$$......"Excuse me....I'm talking here!" LMAO! ...In other  words "STFU when I'm talking!"


    The TRUMP is King, Baby!

    • 24 friends
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    Except this isn't a monarchy..... another dumb trumper

    • 152 friends
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    Taylor Swift just endorsed Kamala Harris. Trump's tiny tent just got smaller.

    • 79 friends
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    President Kamala Harris

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    25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Loss Against Trump.

    Taking a page out of her boss's playbook, Vice President Kamala Harris told major whoppers during her Tuesday night debate against Donald Trump. With help from left-wing activists masquerading as debate moderators, Harris whitewashed her extreme record, lied about Trump's policy positions, and more.


    • 128 friends
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    ^ the loss was by you and Trump. Every military member under Trump has denounced him for being the worst POTUS!!!! That itself speaks volumes!

    • 79 friends
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    Trump acknowledges losing the 2020 election 'by a whisker'

    • 79 friends
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    Trump Admits He Has No Answer To Obamacare, But 'Concepts Of A Plan'
    Trump has had 14 years to come up with something better than Obamacare.  Still in the concept stage.

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    Harris falsely insinuated that the 2017 tax cuts approved by the Trump administration disproportionately benefited America's billionaires and corporations.

    That is not true. Data produced by the IRS has shown that "on average all income brackets benefited substantially from the Republicans' tax reform law, with the biggest beneficiaries being working and middle-income filers, not the top 1 percent," according to Justin Haskins, writing in The Hill.

    • 79 friends
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    Trump, JD Vance repeat baseless claim Haitian immigrants are eating pets as Ohio officials say there is no evidence

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    Harris contended that the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol was the "worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War."

    Contrary to Harris' claim, the J6 events did not put American self-governance in jeopardy, nor did it expose Americans to risks like those experienced during World War I, the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, or World War II, to name a few.

    • 128 friends
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    That's Facts you moron!!!!'

    • 128 friends
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    Trump responds to Taylor Swift endorsing Harris, says he likes Brittany Mahomes better!! Ha! Wrong Brittany!

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    ^Thats not a sentence. Harris claimed Trump will implement Project 2025 if elected. Trump has repeatedly said he has nothing to do with Project 2025.

    • 152 friends
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    ^& Trump is lying about his involvements in Project 2025. VOTE

    • 128 friends
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    Jane Fonda Burns 'Orange Man' Donald Trump With Brutal Reminder -- And A Stark Plea. Trump, whom she mocked as "Orange Man," is "going to burn us down" if he wins back the White House, warned the Oscar-winning actor and climate activist. Lmao!

    • 84 friends
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    Well .....now we all know who our next president will be.......KreamPuff Kamoola couldn't keep her Rude Lying clap trap shut.........

    TRUMP 2024, Baby!

    • 128 friends
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    Of course shes the Master debater and you're the master batr!

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    ^ Chauvinist pig!

    • 102 friends
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    trump media stock drops to record low after the debate It was 66 back in march now it's 16. Lol lol lol

    • 84 friends
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    ^ Fact checked: FALSE

    The Socialist Misinformation Propaganda Machine is on full meltdown

    • 79 friends
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    • 79 friends
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    Trump Media drops to fresh stock market low after presidential debate

    Parent of ex-president's Truth Social media company off 75% from peak, a week before Trump can finally sell shares

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    More krudmala lies: Harris claimed a congressional border bill proposed earlier this year would have stemmed illegal immigration and fentanyl at the U.S. southern border.

    That statement is categorically false. The bipartisan measure would have enshrined the existing invasion into federal law.

    • 79 friends
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    Harris mischaracterized the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity, claiming the decision would mean that Trump "would essentially be immune from any misconduct if he were to enter the White House again."

    The vice president's claim is misleading at best. While a majority of justices determined that a U.S. president possesses "absolute immunity" for "actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority" and "at least presumptive immunity" for "official acts," they separately noted that "[t]here is no immunity for unofficial acts."

    The justices further remanded the Biden-Harris Justice Department's get-Trump lawfare back to the lower courts to determine whether the actions alleged by Special Counsel Jack Smith constitute "official acts."

    • 152 friends
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    Krudmala claimed she made herself "very clear in 2020." "I will not ban fracking," she said. But her position was clearly against fracking as she ran for her party's 2020 presidential nomination when she said, "There is no question I'm in favor of banning fracking."



    • 24 friends
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    Trumps going to put Kamala where she belongs!

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    Willie Brown did that already. Does his wife know?

    • 152 friends
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    Do Trump Exwives Know? Where's Melania?

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    Krudmala seemingly denied that she undertook efforts to bail out left-wing rioters following the 2020 death of George Floyd.

    "She went out in Minnesota and wanted to let criminals that killed people, that burned down Minneapolis -- she went out and raised money to get them out of jail," Trump said, as Harris shook her head.

    As The Federalist's Jordan Boyd previously noted, "Accused rapists, repeat offenders, and rioters alike benefitted in June 2020 when Harris encouraged her social media followers to donate to a bail fund dedicated to those arrested for their months-long, $2 billion siege of cities like Minneapolis."

    • 24 friends
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    Trump losing vote of people of color after referring to immigrants as cat and dog eating populations

    • 129 friends
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    He was reaching by bringing that up. He was implying the Haitians were doing that.
    That story was debunked months ago

    • 128 friends
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    Trump spreading false claims with no proof or evidence. Trump just lost the immigrant vote!

    • 102 friends
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    It was funny that trump ran to the spin room after the debate to say he won, saying he won by 71% over 25%, changing when talking to another reporter, just pulling stats our of his a$$. No evidence, reporters asked where he got that info and of course he changed the subject. Usually no debater goes to the spin room, it's usually their allies that do the spinning. What a clown he is.

    What's sad is hearing trump's cult saying that the ABC moderators were biased. Yeah, they were biased because they fact-checked his lying ass and the maga Karens started doing what they do best, cry and act the victim. boooohoooo!!!

    • 128 friends
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    + ah gazillion Jim!

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    Krudmala seemingly denied that she undertook efforts to bail out left-wing rioters following the 2020 death of George Floyd.

    "She went out in Minnesota and wanted to let criminals that killed people, that burned down Minneapolis -- she went out and raised money to get them out of jail," Trump said, as Harris shook her head.

    As The Federalist's Jordan Boyd previously noted, "Accused rapists, repeat offenders, and rioters alike benefitted in June 2020 when Harris encouraged her social media followers to donate to a bail fund dedicated to those arrested for their months-long, $2 billion siege of cities like Minneapolis."

    • 128 friends
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    Krudmala claimed that Trump "incited" the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

    That is false. Trump specifically told protestors to "peacefully and patriotically make [their] voices heard" and sought to deploy 10,000 National Guard troops to the Capitol ahead of Congress's certification of the 2020 election results.

    • 84 friends
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    Comrade Krappermala is a pathological misinformation propagandist.......

    • 79 friends
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    Comrade Harris...
    The Oxford Advanced American Dictionary defines the word "comrade" as a noun with multiple meanings:

    Political member

    A member of the same political party, such as a communist or socialist group, or a labor union. For example, "We must fight for our rights, comrades!"


    An old-fashioned term for a friend, especially someone who has been involved in dangerous or difficult activities with you. For example, "They were old army comrades". 

    The word "comrade" comes from the French word camarade, which comes from the Spanish word camarada, which means "group of soldiers sharing a billet". The word camarada comes from the Spanish word cámara, which means "room" and comes from Latin.

    • 1 friend
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    When there is not enough to eat, people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill. - Comrade Mao.

    • 1 friend
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    All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party. - Comrade Mao.

    • 128 friends
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    • 128 friends
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    Concepts of a plan huh, sure!

    • 1 friend
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    Harris claimed that "some" police officers died as a result of the demonstrations at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

    That is false. For example, medical examiners determined that Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes -- not from the violence perpetrated on Jan. 6.

    • 128 friends
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    ^ lies lies lies yea!
    They won't forget you!

    • 2 friends
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    Lame ,^Lame ^ , Lame yeah  We all forgot you.

    • 128 friends
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    MAGA Civil War Erupts as Laura Loomer and MTG Trade Blows in Public! Implode Maga morons!


    • 79 friends
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    Trump = Uncle Scam

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    Trump live in Los Angeles.

    Where is biden/kuntmala? Hiding.


    • 102 friends
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    Trump only has a resort in Rancho Palos Verdes. Crying in a press conference how he won the debate and his poll numbers jumped lol lol.
    He also saying he defeated ISIS in 4 weeks, another whopper of a lie. When trump came into office, ISIS was on the run and the coalition forces were doing mop up on the last of the caliphate. Mosul was finally liberated Dec 2017, almost a year after he took office. Also, if you remember, trump threw our Kurd allies under the bus in 2019. Read about it here.
    Speaking in of crying, funny how all the right-wingers influencers are crying about Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala. Yet they said nothing when trump created those phony AI generated photos saying she endorsed him.

    • 1 friend
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    Trump Was Right About Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen and the Abraham Accords. No new wars, peace deals. Those are the facts.

    Trump Defeats ISIS In Months -- After Years Of Excuses From Obama

    A former senior military commander in the region told the Washington Examiner that the obama White House was micromanaging the war "to the degree that it was just as bad, if not worse, than during the Johnson administration." Johnson, you will recall, once bragged that "they can't bomb an outhouse in Vietnam without my permission."

    Contrast this with Trump. Rather than talk endlessly about how long and hard the fight would be, Trump said during his campaign that, if elected, he would convene his "top generals and give them a simple instruction. They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS."

    Once in office, Trump made several changes in the way the war was fought, the most important of which were to loosen the rules of engagement and give more decision-making authority to battlefield commanders.


    • 79 friends
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    Trump has a concept of a plan.

    • 1 friend
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    ^better than the current plan. $20 worth of groceries now at $75 is failed plan.

    • 1 friend
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    DEI Terrorists Activists Delete X Accounts Ahead Of 'Am I Racist?' Premiere. Alt left fascists call for mass censorship, arrests, deportations & internment camps of American citizens.

    Several prominent DEI activists who were featured in Matt Walsh's newest documentary, "Am I Racist?," have deleted and deactivated their X accounts just ahead of the film's Friday theatrical release.

    The Daily Wire production features Walsh going deep undercover into the world of DEI and exposing the industry for the grift that it is. The podcast host spent time attending seminars and events, plus doing one-on-one interviews with some of the most prominent names in the field, including "White Fragility" author Robin "Goebbels" DiAngelo.


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    Trump will win the 2024 election

    • 128 friends
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    ^ Yawning at the far right turds!

    • 128 friends
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    Newsom posted a clip of those remarks online, saying every voter should be aware that Trump "just admitted he will block emergency disaster funds to settle political vendettas."
    "Today it's California's wildfires. Tomorrow it could be hurricane funding for North Carolina or flooding assistance for homeowners in Pennsylvania," Newsom wrote, in a reference to key swing states. "Donald Trump doesn't care about America -- he only cares about himself."

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    Vote for Kamala Harris
    Everything You Need to Vote

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    Thx GMan. Facts Matter. Vote!

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    these Leftists talking about "facts" are still unable to define "woman". let that sink in

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    ...and yet you address me as Mancy.
    grow a set.

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    "grow a set" of what? are you out here assuming genders Nancy? that's hate speech how dare you. Democrat hypocrisy

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    Hence grow a set... whatever you identify with.  I see that you are confused... and that's okay.  Democrats are welcoming and compassionate.  
    Vote for Kamala Harris
    Everything You Need to Vote
    Defeat Fascism
    Defeat Project 2025

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    Bomb threats force 2nd day of school closures in Springfield

