• 0 friends
    • 6 reviews

    After going to the store and seeing once again another price increase across the board . I'm wondering who is to blame for all this nonsense , some say supply chain others say Biden , Trump or Covid  does anyone really know ?

    • 0 friends
    • 6 reviews

    My yearly review and raise at work has been offset and then some by the cost of Gas, and food to get my 8 hours at work in

    • 1 friend
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    BIDENFLATION. All of the charts below are from this morning. Those percentage changes are for today versus yesterday. I know the MSM and Biden want you focused on Putin, but you are about to be kicked in the balls when going to the grocery store, filling your tank, and heating your home. What has happened since the US/NATO/Biden/Harris/Alt-left provoked conflict in the Ukraine, is on top of the already 7.5% inflation (really 15%) we were struggling with.

    Bidenflation' is a national crisis



    Bidenflation ‘Tax’ Costing Americans $5K Per Year



    • 1 friend
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    Under President Trump the US had energy independence, $1.50 gas, infrastructure, tax cuts, jobs, peace agreements & Oil Pipes. Biden/Harris = Crack Pipes.


  1. Kill Keystone w no plan for the bridge between fossil and sustainable energy supplies made so much sense. Read many pieces over the weekend describing so much Russian money funneled to anti-US energy production ppl. Money well spent, it would seem.

    Useful idiots + evil ppl = 6 dollar gasoline

    • 1 friend
    • 0 reviews

    The influx of Turkish citizens into stores following 200% increase in oil prices.



    • 30 friends
    • 12 reviews
  2. Confirmed! I always suspected Darkz Nutz were responsible for the unexpected rise.

    Send in the STF to beat it down!

    • 30 friends
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    • 372 friends
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    Gas $6 a gallon. Go Brandon!

    • 1 friend
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    • 152 friends
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    What Patricia Said. TRUMP!

  3. Honestly? No single entity. The world is complicated with too many factors.

    Take, for instance, the current geopolitical state in Ukraine:

    One could go back to the Clinton era of NATO expansion. Or the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014. Or Trump's holding back of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of defence equipment unless President Zelenskyy dug out political dirt on Biden.

  4. Or President Biden's half-assed pullout from Afghanistan.

    • 152 friends
    • 576 reviews

    Umesh! Genius Trump had FOUR years to solve Afghanistan, he surrendered & threw the retreat over the wall to Biden. Also he didn't DeNuke N. Korea as he said he would. Covfefe.

    • 1 friend
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    Price of gas was going down until Biden regime installed in 2021. When fuel goes up, everything goes up.


    • 770 friends
    • 720 reviews

    Putin is angry ^^

    • 1 friend
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    Biden/Harris industrial war & prison complex is also hurting average Russian people as well. His blood thirst for war profiteering & hatred for American freedom cause destruction around the world.

    • 128 friends
    • 88 reviews

    ^ Neofascist nincompoop!

  5. The Putin troll complex is very active today. Lol!!!

    • 1 friend
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    Trump: $2gas. Biden/harris: $8gas.
    I'll Take Trump's Gas Prices Over Biden's 'Roaring Economy' Any Day

    Gas price averages keep skyrocketing upward in line graphs resembling Mount Everest, and it's astonishing in light of the rosy way President Joe Biden painted the state of our union just last week during his eponymous speech.

    It's almost comical to consider how Biden proudly and delusionally compared himself to his predecessor, under whom gas prices lived in the $2.00 territory -- especially when you consider that Trump's predictions about Biden being a presidential disaster have proved to be spot-on.

    Donald Trump's tax cuts only helped the rich, Biden said during his address, and now anyone earning less than $400,000 a year doesn't have to pay any more in taxes. Buying American products is a priority, he added, and my tax plan will lower costs. Oh, and our economy has roared back since my administration took the reins.


    • 128 friends
    • 88 reviews

    ^ you're also Trumps fluffer! Keep swinging on his nutz! Deez nutz!

    • 102 friends
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    Trump is having trouble paying for maintenance on his private jet and this weekend had to make an emergency landing when one of his engines failed. He is asking his cult and worshippers to help him pay for it. Such a great businessman (sarcasm)

    • 128 friends
    • 88 reviews

    ^ Evil Karn Evil and the Proud Boys will be glad to contribute to Trumps Jet overhaul fund!

    • 1 friend
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    Price of nuts going up too. Inflation breaks another record, 64% of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck in the Biden economy. The consumer price index increased 7.9% over the past 12 months, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Thursday, reaching a new 40-year high for the measure of a wide range of U.S. goods and services prices. The gain for the month of February was 0.8%.


    • 102 friends
    • 181 reviews

    Trump worst president GDP growth of all Presidents since Eisenhower with 1.6. "Only I know how to fix it." LOL LOL
    Trump: 1.6
    Obama: 2.1
    Bush JR: 1.8
    Clinton: 3.7
    Bush SR: 2.0
    Reagan: 3.4

    • 1 friend
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    Biden Admin's Reckless Disregard of Reality. Amid global energy crisis, advocates press need to ramp up oil, gas production. "with terrible destruction of a country and the slaughter of its people."

    Which is why the Biden administration's lead-from-behind policies, from discouraging domestic oil production to its decision to reach out to some of our nation's worst enemies for more oil rather than our domestic producers, are becoming increasingly alarming.

    Reckless is not a word to throw around casually, but Biden's actions or lack of action are raising serious questions. Who thought allowing Russia to act as an intermediary in the Iran nuclear deal talks was a good idea? Who proposed a visit to Venezuela to discuss easing sanctions for oil? Why has Biden dithered while Europe acted? These are head-scratching decisions that are so concerning even members of Biden's own party are speaking up.



    • 1 friend
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    70 Percent of Americans Favor Increase in Domestic Oil, Gas Production: Rasmussen. Should those against be held criminally responsible supporting Biden/Harris genocide slave trade war profiteer supporter? The alt-"left is a racist terrorist organization that hunts down black people.

    A vast majority of Americans want the country to be energy independent, according to a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports, indicating increasing frustration with rising fuel costs and the impact it has on everyday expenses.

    Poll results show 70 percent of likely U.S. voters support a policy of boosting domestic oil and gas production to reduce the country's dependence on foreign energy supplies. Only 18 percent opposed such a policy, while 12 percent said they were not sure.



  6. Jim K obsesses as he is instructed to do.  Look at 45, they tell him.  Don't look at 46.  Jim complies.

    • 0 friends
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    What I don't understand is the oil we are using now was 50 to 75.00 .  Apparently we haven't even started to buy the oil that 110.00 . So why are prices for gas based on those new prices that we have yet to buy any .

  7. Free market price gouging

    • 0 friends
    • 6 reviews

    Yeah that is my thought as well .  Also if we are still in a pandemic isn't that illegal to do .  I remember when trump was in office he made that one of the first things he did

  8. It's a little more complicated than "free market price gouging."


  9. Futures. My comment was half facetious

    • 0 friends
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    Bend over and be price poked

    • 1 friend
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    Inflation hits yet another record milestone. The biden/harris regime is toxic. Alt-left fascist should be held criminally responsible for its horrific ineptitude.

    The alt-"left is a racist terrorist organization that hunts down black people.

    Biden/Harris are genocide slave trade war profiteer supporters.

    • 1 friend
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    Everyone working for free this year. It takes more hours to earn what took less hours under President Trump. Alt-left terrorism, illegal lockdowns, central planning at the core, the general rise in prices is the result of the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars out of thin air and the US government handing out that money in the form of stimulus checks.

    When you have more dollars chasing the same amount of goods and services, prices generally rise. This is economics 101. (Except apparently at whatever school Wolfe went to.) The government lockdowns during the pandemic exacerbated the problem by constricting supply. So, while supply shrank, demand actually increased because everybody had more dollars in their pockets even though they weren't going to work. In effect, we had more dollars chasing fewer goods and services. Prices went up. This is entirely predictable -- unless you are an energy economist.


    • 1 friend
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    The U.S. of A., like many other first-world countries, was focused on privileged concerns such as cultural wars, gender identity, and ecology (people that are short on food and being hacked apart by rival villages don't place much emphasis on these concerns, strangely enough)

    So much so that it forgot about the rest of the world, who couldn't give a flip about these either, to be frank.

    Western leaders are trying to run their high production countries on literal sunshine. And the apparent theory is, if they take fossil fuels, natural resources will be depleted.

    The talks with China regarding yuan-priced oil contracts have been on and off for six years, but have picked up steam this year as the Saudis become increasingly dissatisfied with decades-old US security obligations to defend the kingdom, according to the sources.

    The mere fact that the Saudis are holding these talks causes the US currency to fall. The notion of a Saudi-China-Russia alliance, on the other hand, is Something the United States must grasp as quickly as possible.


    • 1 friend
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    Dollar in jeopardy of crashing. Should biden/harris supporters be held criminally responsible? Goldman Admits Saudi-China Oil-Trade Signals 'Erosion' Of Dollar Reserve Status.

    Following The Wall Street Journal's recent report that Saudi Arabia is considering pricing some of its oil sales to China in Yuan, the question of the dollar's status as global reserve currency has bubbled back to 'top of mind' for many longer-term investors.


  10. That hoax website again.

    • 1 friend
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    Americans Face More Pain as Ukraine War Poised to 'Blow US Food Costs Sky High'. Should biden/harris be held criminally responsible? As Russia turns one of the world's largest grain-producing nations into a battlefield, Americans battered by inflation may find an even greater strain on their budgets.

    Before the war, Ukraine had been one of the world's top grain-producing regions. But now, it could be months -- it may even be next year -- before harvest can return to normal.


  11. How convenient,  Chevron workers go on strike

  12. Yea Chevron had money to buy back $10 billion of shares, but none to pay them the increase the unions were asking for.

    • 0 friends
    • 1 review

    White people and their beloved capitalism. A love story but a crime against the black and brown especially trans community and indigenous LGBTQ peoples.

    • 112 friends
    • 34 reviews

    Patricia, was there ever an LGBTQ indigenous tribe?

    • 0 friends
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    Now they're. Talking food shortages which does one thing ,raises prices and within hours sure enough I see Safeway putting new tags on shelves all with new higher prices .  Those TV entrees that every single guy buys are twice what they were 3 months ago .  I'm dipping into my saving second time since January .

    • 1 friend
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    Rep. Jim Jordan to Newsmax: Food Shortage Talks Shows Biden Has 'Screwed Things Up.' Amid a potential incoming food shortage, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Newsmax that in every domain, the Biden administration has "screwed things up."

    Amid a potential incoming food shortage, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Newsmax that in every domain, the Biden administration has "screwed things up."

    Appearing on Monday's "Stinchfield," Jordan said researchers associated with agriculture "told me that the price of fertilizer is up like three times what it was before [in 2020] -- the prices [are] just out of line."

    According to a Reuters report, Americans should expect to see a 12% increase in fertilizer costs this year; this comes after prices rose 17% in 2021.

    "You think about the already 40-year high inflation we have, now we have $5 gas, now if there's shortages on the critical supplies we need for our food supply, imagine what that's going to mean to moms and dads as they're trying to provide just the food and the groceries that they got to buy for their family," Jordan continued.

    "So this is where it really gets serious. And again, so much of it is driven by just bad decisions."


    • 1 friend
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    Consumer Confidence Weakens Further as Bidenflation and War Crush Hope. Inflation, gas prices, and the outbreak of war in Ukraine have dimmed expectations for the near-term future.

    The Conference Board said its index of consumer confidence came in at 107.2 in March, in line with expectations. This was below the 110.5 index level reported last month for February and below January's 111.1.


    • 1 friend
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    72% of small businesses to increase prices due to inflation, survey finds. As inflation surpasses 40-year highs, 72% of small businesses surveyed are increasing prices to keep their doors open, according to the latest Small Business Optimism Index.

    It's the greatest percentage ever recorded in the survey's history, which the National Federation of Independent Business's (NFIB) has conducted every year since 1973.

    Should biden/harris supporters be held accountable?


  13. They're already talking about an $18/hour min wage

  14. Oil companies are making record profits
    People aren't necessarily buying significantly more gas than they did pre-pandemic
    That only means the oil companies continue to pump up prices based on speculations, even though the cost of crude didn't really increase all that much, if at all.

    • 1 friend
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    Biden/Harris did everything they could to stop energy production, nothing to stop gas prices from rising. From $2.30 to $6 in 16 Months: US Will Soon See $6 Average Gas Prices


    • 1 friend
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    No, Gas Prices Didn't Spike Because of 'Corporate Greed'. Corporations were just as greedy when prices fell in 2019 and early 2020.


    • 1 friend
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    The Cost Of Gas Has More Than Doubled Since The Day Biden Took Office. On Saturday, AAA reported that the average price of a gallon of gasoline was $4.819. On the day that Biden was inaugurated, gas cost motorists just $2.393 per gallon on average.

    "Joe Biden's war on American energy has forced families across the country to empty their wallets to fill their tanks," Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in an email to The Daily Wire. "Unfortunately, Biden is doubling-down on his disastrous agenda because he's not the one paying the price - the American people are."


    • 1 friend
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    WV Dems urge immediate action on gas tax relief after Justice reopens conversation. The legislation drawn up by Democrats would have suspended the state's entire 35.7-cent gas tax for 30 days, which they said would cost the state about $35 million. Although the gas tax is used to fund road projects, the plan would have allocated budget surplus funding into the road fund, which would only cost a small portion of the budget surplus.


    • 1 friend
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    Blame Bidenflation. For The First Time Ever, The National Average Gas Price Is $5

    GasBuddy reports the national average for gasoline at the pump has hit $5 per gallon, setting a new record in the U.S., as fuel inflation shows no signs of abating amid severe bottlenecks in refining and robust demand as peak driving season is underway.

    The worsening refining bottleneck, especially in the U.S., was explained by Mike Wirth, the CEO of oil giant Chevron, who recently told Bloomberg TV that there's not enough refining capacity to meet the demand for gasoline and diesel because no new refinery will ever be built in the U.S. again.


    • By N.
    • West Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
    • 0 friends
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    I blame anything negative wrong indecent immoral corrupt and untrustworthy on 45  and his influence on people and their beliefs language and behavior.

    • By N.
    • West Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
    • 0 friends
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    We'll overcome the price of gas ,but we won't overcome accepting supporting rewarding  indecency wrongdoing lying cheating and racism all things 45cdid

    • 1 friend
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    Gas prices are so high, in fact, that one Michigan county police department has "blown through their fuel budget" and will no longer respond to every 911 call in-person.

    This is a prime example of how bad leadership, destructive ideology, and poor policy all go hand-in-hand. In Biden's America, no crisis stands alone -- they converge.

    A recent Trafalgar poll shows a majority of Americans know Biden is to blame: 53% say his administration is "intentionally letting gas prices rise to make Americans use less fossil fuels."

    Even more -- 56.5% -- of those with no political affiliation agree.

    There have been opportunities for the Biden administration to lower the pain Americans feel at the pump. Just a few months ago, the Biden administration turned down an opportunity for new oil drilling in Alaska. But again, to do so would be against their initial plan to see out the "incredible transition" they now celebrate.


    • 1 friend
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    The current roaring inflation did not start with Comrade Putin's barbaric invasion of Ukraine. It started with Comrade "Joe" Biden's slamming down fracking and the big pipeline. That, by itself, turned America from a major oil producer and possibly the biggest oil state on Earth into an oil beggar with chronically short supplies. We were exporting oil and gas to Europe. Now we go with hat in hand to the likes of Iran for oil.


  15. Consumption of gasoline didn't increase over the past two years compared to the pre-pandemic levels.

    The supply of crude hasn't come down either.

    What changed is the profit margin pumped up by the oil companies, partly influenced by the hedging and speculation game in the futures market.

    Think about it, if you can.

    • 1 friend
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    3 Specifics Bided/Harris have done to raise gas prices. 1. Canceling drilling leases and limiting domestic production. 2. Choking regulations that impose big costs and lead to higher prices. 3. Anti-energy rhetoric that discourages investment.

    Biden regime has both proposed and implemented a wide array of regulations on the energy sector, inflicting billions in direct financial costs and incalculable indirect compliance costs -- plus further harming expectations for the future.


    • By N.
    • West Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
    • 0 friends
    • 5 reviews

    Karn l your wrong .the high prices started during pandemic

    • By N.
    • West Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
    • 0 friends
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    How the hell can the price of gas go up and the gas was brought to the stations last week .this is greedy ass oil companies and greedy

    • By N.
    • West Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
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    If stations got gas on the 15th at one ho

    • By N.
    • West Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
    • 0 friends
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    On the 15th at one price how can they keep increasing the prices .greed .nuthin to do with Biden Russia. Dems don't look for someone to blame but reps do .

    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
    • 412 friends
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    Even Democrats Blame Biden for Surging Inflation. More than half of Americans see soaring alt-left spending during illegal lockdowns behind surge in prices. Soaring prices have affected virtually every person in the country. And Americans say they know who's responsible: President Biden. Surprisingly, that includes more than half of all Democrats, too.

    Democrats have thrown in the towel on Biden's economic leadership, with 53% blaming Biden's policies for inflation vs. 39% saying they weren't responsible and they know how.


    • 1 friend
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    Democratic governors urge Congress to avert 'disastrous' ObamaCare premium hike, Bidenflation & alt-left fascism. A group of Alt-left fascist governors is calling on Congress to avert what they call "disastrous" ObamaCare premium increases for next year, as lawmakers search for a solution in their economic package.  

    The letter from 14 Democratic governors to congressional leaders calls for extending enhanced Affordable Care Act subsidies enacted last year as part of President Biden's American Rescue Plan (ARP), but which are currently set to expire at the end of this year.  

    "We urge you to take action immediately to make the ARP expanded subsidies permanent to prevent a disastrous erosion of health insurance coverage," write the state leaders, including Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.  


  16. It's largely due to the wannabe-despot Trump's sabotage of the ACA.
    1. Cut the promised ACA subsidies to the insurance companies
    2. Undermine the ACA by allowing cheaper plans with substandard coverage
    3. Allowed new waivers to enrollments

    • 1 friend
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    Biden Economic Adviser: Americans Need To Pay More for Gas To Defend 'Liberal World Order'. This sums up who's responsible, alt left fascists.

    Director of the National Economic Council Brian Deese took to CNN on Thursday to tell Americans they're going to have to put up with high gas prices for as long as it takes to back the Ukrainian war effort.

    When asked what the Biden administration had to say to families who can't afford skyrocketing fuel costs, Deese replied, "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm." He said, however, that gas prices are "unacceptably high." His comments mirrored sentiments expressed at a recent NATO summit by President Joe Biden, who said in a speech Americans will have to endure inflated gas prices for "as long as it takes" to resolve the conflict with Russia.

    • 1 friend
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    Poll: Inflation, Gas Prices Top Concerns for American Families. Bidenflation and rising gas prices remain the top two concerns for American families, a Monmouth University survey released Tuesday found.  

    Notably, just one percent identified the Chinese coronavirus as their top issue of concern, down from the 18 percent who chose it in December 2021 and 39 percent who chose it in August 2020


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    Alt left fascism, Bidenflation. Thousands of Sri Lankan protesters stormed into the president's official residence in Colombo on Saturday, demanding his resignation as public anger grows over the country's worst economic crisis in seven decades.

    Soldiers and police were unable to hold back the crowd of chanting protesters, who also forced their way through heavy metal gates into the Finance Ministry and President Gotabaya Rajapaksa's sea-front offices.


  17. Were they looking for Biden? They must have used apple maps and took the wrong turn.

    • 1 friend
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    Immigrants blame Biden. Immigrant Small-Business Owner Sues Biden Administration for Racial Discrimination.

    A Florida small-business owner is suing the Biden administration for racial and gender discrimination in connection with the $1.2 billion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which Biden signed into law in November 2021.


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    Midwest Truckers Group Warns Of Catastrophe If California Illegal Trade Embargo Environmental And Labor Regulations Spread of Alt Left Fascism Adding to Cause of Shortages & Inflation.

    "It's across the board, the state economy would suffer immeasurably if we were to adopt some of these California regulations in Illinois," he said.

    Another regulation Schaefer said California is implementing deals with labor.

    Independent trucking contractors are able to haul, work in construction, and do other things mid- to heavy-duty trucks can do. Schaefer said California aims to get rid of that independence, forcing truckers to work in larger, union operations.

    The trucking industry is fragile enough now as is, Schaefer said, and following California's lead would be "catastrophic."


    • 18 friends
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    You gotta blaim the guy in charge and his party, their spending programs created a huge surplus of cash in circulation and a dearth of supply.  The only way out if it now is pain.  But the worst president in US history is going to take the fall for it.

    • 102 friends
    • 181 reviews

    Big oil. If you remember last year at this time there was the Colonial Pipeline hack and prices skyrocketed even though this pipeline fuels mainly the east coast. They paid 5 million in ransom but prices never came down after that. It continued to go up because of big oil greed.
    Now they have record profits. Shipping, transportation cost for supply chains all rely on oil and gas and big oil was looking for a way to make money they lost during the worst of the pandemic, since a lot of people starting working from home and no one was driving anywhere. So when shipping cost go up, so does that products that need to get shipped. Oh course simple-minds like to blame the president when in reality he an do very little except release some reserves.
    Big Oil has record profits:

    • 1 friend
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    ^This makes zero sense. When crude oil & operations cost rise then so will gas. During illegal lockdowns why didn't oil companies raise gas prices to make up for lack of sales?They could have charged $5per gallon anytime. It's Biden/Harris fault as per their hatred for America.

    As Biden and his spokespeople shift blame for high gas prices to Russia, people will hopefully remember why that is not true. Obviously, our oil and gas problems will continue to worsen as the war continues, but we got to this place of record-high inflation as the result of Biden's policies.

    Biden told us he was going to kill the fossil fuel industry during the primary debates.

    "No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. No more drilling including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill period. It ends."

    In essence, he declared war on oil and people voted for him anyway. The people who backed him are the same people who tried to put EXXON/Mobil executives in prison over trumped-up charges. The Left tried to get RICO charges leveled against the executives on the false notion that they knew they were endangering the climate. In 2015, Hillary was pushing for RICO charges and called for the Justice Department to investigate. Watch as Biden makes the comment during the debate:

    In order to kill the industry, Biden pressured investors to steer clear of fossil fuels. When a president tells corporations it's wise not to invest in certain stocks, and you see ESG coming into the stock market -- if you're running a corporation, you listen.


  18. That word vomit you threw up makes zero sense

    • 1 friend
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    About 45 Percent of Small US Businesses Are Freezing Hiring Amid Soaring Bidenflation, Labor Costs, Alt Left Fascism.


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    IMF downgrades global economic outlook due to 'gloomy,' 'uncertain' climate. Alt left fascism. "Under our baseline forecast, growth slows from last year's 6.1% to 3.2% this year and 2.9% next year, downgrades of 0.4 and 0.7 percentage points from April," the IMF said in a statement.

    "The global economy, still reeling from illegal lockdowns and Bidens endless wars of Ukraine, is facing an increasingly gloomy and uncertain outlook."


    • 1 friend
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    Biden admin failure. Pete Buttigieg worthless. More than 1,500 flights canceled in another tough weekend for US travel

    More than 1,500 flights were cancelled over the weekend and thousands more were delayed in another tough weekend for domestic travel in the United States.

    Carriers have canceled 850 and delayed 4,041 flights into, within or out of the United States on Sunday, according to FlightAware. Airlines canceled 657 and delayed 7,267 U.S. flights on Saturday.


  19. Yea I'm sure Pete was responsible for all the furloughed and "early-retiree" cabin crew.

    • 1 friend
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    • 1 friend
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    Inflation surges 8.5% in July, stoking fears of stiff rate hike. Inflation surged 8.5% in July, hovering at a four-decade high and adding pressure on the Federal Reserve to bring down the price of necessities such as food, gas and rent.

    The July reading of the Labor Department's Consumer Price Index, a closely watched measure of the costs of goods and services, marked a slight decrease from the previous month, when inflation hit a fresh peak of 9.1%.


    • 1 friend
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    Democrats/Alt left fascists pick a bad time to punish the energy industry. With its new Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the government is pulling one of those infomercial tricks where they throw in a third bottle of OxiClean ABSOLUTELY FREE! Acting as if the cost of everything hasn't already been calculated and passed onto the consumer.

    The IRA, you see, contains a "Methane Emissions Charge" that will impose a $900-a-ton tax on oil and gas producers that will increase to $1,500 after two years. The left is patting itself on the back for their valiant work to cut greenhouse gas emissions drastically by 2030. But here's the thing: the energy industry is already working hard to cut emissions; it's in their interest to do so. And when the government fines them for not capturing enough methane, guess who gets to foot the bill? Households already burdened by inflation.


    • 1 friend
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    Media continues to lose its credibility on inflation.


    • 1 friend
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    Bidenflation: Average Thanksgiving day meal is up over $64 this year thanks to Bidenflation.
    SEE IT: How much more will Thanksgiving cost you this year?
    These infographics show you just how much more you're paying for Thanksgiving dinner


    • 61 friends
    • 70 reviews

    Large corporations that increase prices for profit, because they can

    • 770 friends
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    The closing of the Mexican border. Mexicans use to be able to get back an forth and now it is much too hard so the ones that are here want much more money. Residual affect from Trump's trade war with China. The Ukrainian war.

    • 1 friend
    • 0 reviews

    ^for those that exploit human trafficked labor & child abuse yes. Very true. Paying full price for slave labor is not how the left works. Closing the boarder cuts off child abuse, cheep drugs & human slave trade. That's not what alt left fascism stands for. They are the party of slavery.

    • 1 friend
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    Fed Chair Jerome Powell said that inflation would be transitory during an August 2021 speech at Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Powell admitted in December 2021 that inflation ended up lasting longer and being worse than he "expected."

    Former presidential candidate Steve Forbes lambasted Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell over the economy Thursday, saying Powell would be "late" to addressing an "unnecessary recession."

    "He's always late. He was late fighting inflation, now he's going to be late fighting a recession, an unnecessary recession and back in August he talked at Jackson Hole about we're not - we've learned the lessons of 1970s we must conquer inflation," Forbes said. "Well, you don't conquer it by trashing the economy. When in early 1980s was not just the recession conquered inflation, it's what Paul Volcker and Ronald Reagan did after that recession, they stabilized the dollar, better than what they did in the '70s, they had these great growth measures which the whole world imitated."


    • 152 friends
    • 576 reviews

    Yes he was wrong, I didn't believe him either, inflation was long overdue

    • 1 friend
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    Egg smuggling up 108% at the US-Mexico border as prices skyrocket. With eggs topping $8 a dozen in some cities, the kitchen staple has become a clandestine commodity -- smuggled across the southern border for shoppers hoping to save on soaring prices, Customs and Border Protection officials told The Post.


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    Bidenflation: With the 2022 mortgage rate peaking at 7.12 percent and inflation at 6.5 percent by the end of December 2022, it was a tumultuous economic year.

    The hot housing market slowed down in many markets primarily due to high mortgage rates. But what will 2023 bring for mortgage rates? Is there relief on the way?

    The debt ceiling hit its limit on Jan. 19, 2023. This forced the U.S. Treasury to extend it to June 5. The U.S. government can only authorize borrowing up to the amount of the ceiling debt limit unless Congress raises it.

    A debt limit standoff could push rates higher. With mortgage rates up, it might dampen a cool housing market even further.


  20. Another win for President Biden. Inflation means demands are outstripping supply. People are rich because they are doing fantastically well and hence have the wealth to buy buy buy!

    Another win for America! Go go go!

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    Commiefornia criminalizes water usage for farmers creating scarcity & high prices adding to Bidenflation.


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    Bidens criminal energy czar admits to corruption causing skyrocket in price. Josh Hawley presses Biden energy secretary over false testimony about stock purchases. 'Three times you told me, and this committee, that you did not own individual stocks,' Sen Josh Hawley wrote to Secretary Granholm

    EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., is probing Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm in response to her quiet admission last week that she misled him about her stock ownership.

    In a letter Tuesday morning, Hawley criticized Granholm for her misleading comments made in response to his questions during a Senate Energy and Natural Resource Committee hearing on April 20 and added she owed an "immediate and complete explanation." Granholm sent a letter to committee leadership Friday afternoon, acknowledging that she owned individual stocks despite testifying to the contrary.


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    Bank governor: Carbon tax boosts inflation rate by nearly half-a-point. youtu.be/2wzaujGfJjo

    The federal carbon tax has boosted inflation by nearly half-a-percentage point, Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem told members of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance in a letter obtained by Global News.

    Macklem testified before the committee on March 3. While there he was asked by Conservative MP Philip Lawrence what the total impact of the carbon tax was on the rate of inflation. Macklem did not have that number with him at the time but promised a written reply to the committee, a reply he provided Friday.

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    Wheat prices soar as Russia bombs Ukraine's grain stores in latest result of Joek Bidens war foreign policy.


  1. We need to defund the Ministry of Price-hikification.

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    ^Federal Reserve, which is a private bank not a government bank. You're correct. ban the Federal Reserve and re-nationalize the US dollar

    • 128 friends
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    ^ Never going to happen moron! Our government banks with the Fed. Start the printing press and keep printing and printing!

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    Fitch downgrades US credit rating from AAA to AA+. Biden/Harris economy credit rating has been downgraded following concerns over the state of the country's finances and its debt burden.

    Fitch, one of three major independent agencies that assess creditworthiness, downgraded it from the top rating of AAA to AA+.

    Fitch said it had noted a "steady deterioration" in governance over the last 20 years.


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    Another store owing in San Franshithole. Target says illegal lockdowns & communist policy is not working. The other locations to be shuttered are in NYC, Seattle, and Portland, Ore. -- all cities with progressive prosecutors who refuse to go after shoplifters despite the growing scourge of organized retail theft since the lockdowns.


  2. Farn/Kart biting the hand that feeds.

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    Bidenflation: $6 gas. Fuel markets are currently facing a perfect storm of tighter supply conditions as the average price for regular gasoline surges across California. In response to escalating fuel costs, Governor Gavin Newsom has suspended an anti-smog regulation, a move that could offer short-term relief to consumers at the pump.

    New data from the American Automobile Association shows the average cost of a gallon of regular gasoline topped $6 this week in the progressive state that has been on a crusade against the oil industry and petrol cars and embraced electric vehicles despite having a fragile power grid.

    Pump station tracking website GasBuddy shows the average price for gas in Los Angeles hit $6.227. In recent weeks, we've shared that states in the western half of the country have seen a rise in gas prices.


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    Bidenflation: Truly frightening: Halloween candy inflation called 'outrageous.'  The rise in the national average for the price of candy and gum far exceeded the average for all groceries after inflation hit the sector hard, according to Datasembly.

    The national price for candy and gum rose 12.8% from October 3, 2022, to October 7, 2023, while the index for the entire grocery category only rose 6.7%, according to data compiled by Datasembly. Despite the big increase, it was still less than the same time period from the previous year, which saw a 19.9% increase year-over-year, which this year's increase compounded on top of.


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    Evil Karn Evil strikes again!!!

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    Soaring US childcare costs are weighing on spending and the labor market. Skyrocketing U.S. childcare payments are already weighing on spending and the labor market, according to Bank of America Institute, and that's even before the expiry of a national program that could make things worse.

    The average household spends more than $700 a month on childcare across the country, 32% higher than 2019, and the largest increase was for those making $100,000 to $250,000 a year, the data show. That's already hit spending: Families with childcare payments have been spending at a slower pace than the rest of households since May and are dipping into savings at a faster rate.

    There are also fewer dual-income households this year, with an average 1.34 payrolls a month versus 1.39 in 2019, indicating that some workers likely dropped out of the labor market to care for their kids, according to the institute's report published Friday. Women are more likely to leave their jobs to take on that role, and experts warn it could increasingly happen as about 70,000 child-care programs are at risk of closing.


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    Chipotle will be more expensive in California next year as the state's minimum wage law takes effect, according to an executive of the chain. They will not be the only company to raise prices in Biden/Harris/Newsom failed economy.

    "It's going to be a mid to high single-digit price increase, but we are definitely going to pass this on," Chipotle CFO Jack Hartung said of the wage increase mandate during the company's third-quarter earnings call. "We just haven't made a final decision as to what level yet."

    Their price hike plans come just one month after California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D.) signed a $20 minimum wage law for fast-food workers that will take effect in April. Currently fast-food franchises follow the state minimum wage of $15.50 per hour.

    The legislation, backed by the powerful Service Employees International Union (SEIU), is meant to help low-wage Californians as the cost of living spikes across the state. Along with the new hourly pay mandate, the law establishes a state-appointed council to set workplace regulations.


  3. Chipotle employees in California will finally be paid a wage that allows them to live.

  4. You don't get to have your burritos (or burgers) subsidized by low wage workers.

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    ^so the workers will also pay more, not just for food but also the additional price increases that will come from this.

    So you know how groceries are 10x more expensive now. Yeah. This won't help.

  5. It's both Biden and those who work in fast food.  Each cities have their own for minimum wage.  For now that's the case.  Not in April.  It's going to up to $20 dollars an hour.  Just a warning.

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    Bidenflation Is This Thanksgiving's Unwelcome Guest. Americans can expect to pay more this Thanksgiving for just about every aspect of their Thanksgiving meal because of Joe Biden and Bidenomics, as Bidenflation "remains well above the Federal Reserve's target."

    The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a key inflation index, rose at an increased annual rate of 3.2% in October. This report comes just days after the October Jobs report showed the U.S. economy added a measly 150,000 jobs in October, falling well short of economists' expectationsand highlighting how Bidenomics continues to fail the American people.

    MAKE NO MISTAKE: Since Joe Biden took office, prices have risen 17.1.%. America's surging inflation is a direct result of Joe Biden and Extreme Democrats' reckless spending, which House Republicans are committed to reining in.


    * Inflation is a tax on ALL Americans.

    * Americans are paying more for just about everything because of inflation.

    Frozen noncarbonated juices and drinks are UP 22.1%

    Motor vehicle insurance is UP 19.2%

    Frozen vegetables are UP 10.7%

    Uncooked beef steaks are UP 10.6%

    Transportation services is UP 9.2%

    Sugar and sugar substitutes are UP 8.8%

    Baby food and formula are UP 8.3%

    Frozen fruits and vegetables are UP 8.0%

    Sauces and gravies are UP 7.5%

    Rent of primary residence is UP 7.2%

    Uncooked turkey is UP 7.2%

    White bread is UP 7.1%

    Shelter is UP 6.7%

    Crackers are UP 6.0%

    Rolls are UP 5.7%

    Food away from home is UP 5.4%

    Flour is UP 3.2%

    Frozen pies are UP 2.7%

    * When Joe Biden took office, inflation was at just 1.4%.

    * Prices have risen by 17.1% since Biden took office.

    * When more volatile food and energy prices are factored out, so called 'core inflation' is at 4.0%; far above what the Fed considers stable prices.


    • 24 friends
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    Glad I have a good job unlike ^ so I don't have to complain

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    Bidenflation started with the Democratic Congress's spending spree meant to provide relief from the pandemic.  Increasing the supply of cash without increasing the supply of goods and services that cash could buy, was the classic formula for demand-pull inflation, the highest in 40 years. This prompted the fed to raise interest rates to the highest in 22 years. This has pushed home purchase even further out of reach for most Americans.  But it has increased our national debt by a third, some $7 trillion, which has resulted in a couple of debt ceiling crises, the Democrats' ousting the House Speaker, to be replaced by a more rabid conservative, and so on.

    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
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    ^ a festivus miracle !!!

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    Ready for some 'funflation'? Just when you thought every inflation related economic term was used up, CNBC headlines: "'Funflation' drives sporting event ticket prices up a whopping 25%."

    One might assume terms such as transitory, creeping, galloping, and entrenched inflation, along with shrinkflation and foodflation, would suffice. Nonetheless, we can now include "funflation" to the array of consequences resulting from the expansion of the supply of money and credit, also called inflation.


    • 24 friends
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    Buys tickets for warriors games and niner games. Looks like Karn won't be attending any lmao

    • 128 friends
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    Karn evil couldn't figure out how the game is played due to being ah moron and a nincompoop!

  6. For one thing, whom ever is behind this "let's jack up min wage"

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    The real loss of shoplifting: Why America's 'great rip-off' hurts everyone  Worse, anyone who has lived in an area that shops are abandoning en masse due to the shoplifting problem knows what is lost.

    The impulse to dismiss shoplifting as no big deal is wrong. A mass shoplifting problem is evidence of societal decline and degradation.

    There's an urge by media outlets and liberal activists to downplay shoplifting and massage statistics so they don't seem quite so bad and to keep following criminal-first prescriptive policies that are obviously failing.


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    When former President Trump left office, the average monthly mortgage payment was $1,787. The average monthly mortgage payment in Joe Biden's America has soared to $3,322, per analysis from the Wall Street Journal.

    "Homeownership has become a pipe dream for more Americans," writes the WSJ, "even those who could afford to buy just a few years ago."

    "Many would-be buyers were already feeling stretched thin by home prices that shot quickly higher in the pandemic, but at least mortgage rates were low," the report adds. "Now that they are high, many people are just giving up."


  7. Don't worry, the rates will fall next year; can't wait to see you sing your praise for Biden then.

    Oh, and people are dying way less this year than when your Orange Jesus was effing it up in 2020.

    Yay President Biden!

    • 128 friends
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    Buck riding with Biden!!!!

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    Biden/Harris slave trade economy: Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024. Over the next several years, many regions of the US and Canada may struggle to ensure a reliable electricity supply amidst soaring energy demand from the tech industry and electrification of buildings and vehicles.


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    Under Biden/Harris: US Dollar Ranks Last In World's 10 Strongest Currency List.
    A robust currency not only enhances a country's purchasing power but also underlines its credibility on the world stage.


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    Instacart Lays Off 7% of Staff Amid Rising Competition and Food Costs. The staff reductions at Instacart are aimed at cutting back on money-losing projects. Photo: Richard B. Levine/Zuma Press
    Instacart is cutting about 250 employees, or roughly 7% of staff, as it focuses on profitability amid heated competition in the grocery-delivery business and rising food costs.


  8. Barbara Lee says min wage should be $50/hour

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    Make it $100. Livable wage.

    • 24 friends
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    Bruh kindly stfu just because minimum wage was 5cents when you started working doesn't mean that has to be the norm

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    $100 per hr. It can't fail.

  9. $100/hr for flipping burgers? Big Macs will cost $30 each

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    Burgers would be closer to $100. It's ok to pay just little more of it helps our cause. Its less about the amount of cash and more about what an hours worth of labor can afford. Minimum wage labor is traditionally equal to one meal. The amount of currency is irrelevant. $20 minimum wage = $20 burger. $50 is next, $100 after that.

    • 24 friends
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    Old ass white boomers commenting on what you know nothing about.

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    Venezuela's minimum wage hike forces 40% of stores to close. It's not about the amount per hour. It's about how many ours does it take to afford something. In the 1980's once could afford college tuition with 400 hours worth of work. That number is now 4000. A home could take a reasonable number of hours to afford. It's now nearly impossible in blue cities. That's basic economics. It's complex for some.


    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
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    Just saw a "sale" for Philadelphia cream cheese, $4.79  what the fuk?

  10. Any robotic restaurants in the bay area?

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    Mortgage rates hit 2-month high after week of sticky inflation data

    Mortgage rates jumped to a 2-month high following the release of new government data this week that showed producer and consumer prices surpassed expectations in January, further dimming prospects of Federal Reserve interest rate cuts in the near future.

    The average 30-year fixed mortgage rate hit 7.14 percent on Friday, according to Mortgage News Daily. Mortgage rates jumped to 7.13 percent on Tuesday after the new consumer price index (CPI) came in hotter than expected.

    Inflation fell to 3.1 percent in January, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, down significantly from its 9 percent peak in June 2022 but far from the Fed's goal of 2-percent inflation.


    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
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    not sure why, I just clicked on a Capriotti's e-mail and decided to look
    a Capistrami 10" ("medium") sub is almost $13 WTF??

    Last time I bought one 4+ years ago, it was just under $9 (ish)

    I'm not even looking in a large city, it's smaller than 70,000 people.
    They have the best fast food chain bread ever, but that is not a $13 sandwich,
    it's not even big enough to need to cut in half.

  11. The link doesn't work

  12. Also, Yelp is not the place to look for a 10-incher (at $13 or any other price)

    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
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  13. Physical exercise? What?

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    • Jay C.
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  14. Geez!

    Or, dareisay "Jizz"?

  15. Corporate executives.

    It's Not "Inflation" -- We're Just Getting Ripped Off. Here's Proof.

    Excess corporate profits accounted for more than half of recent price increases. To stamp out inflation once and for all, we need to crack down on price gouging.


    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
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    It would be nice if a leader shamed them,
    But that could lead to lower investor satisfaction.

  16. Haha. Umesh is the anti-Karn w his posts from lefty organizations. Put Karn and Umesh in a blender w berries and a (another) banana and you might get a middle of the road smoothie.

    • 112 friends
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    Supply and demand caused the 2022 inflation spike, thanks to Joe's wholly unnecessary "American Rescue" plan, which pumped cash into Americans' pockets, without adding goods or services. I am told that only the deficit spending from the "Inflation Reduction" Act is keeping us out of recession.

  17. You know what kept it going? Price gouging.

    If costs were so high, how come corporate *profits* were at record highs, and continue to be?

    Enjoy your kool-smoothie, Markus.

  18. Sorry Markus. Even a smoothie as bad as you suggested doesn't want your banana in the blender. Pass.

  19. Kellogg's raised prices by 12% last year, outpacing the inflation rate. Corporate profits jumped significantly. Now they plan to use the money on stock. Buybacks.

    Cost increases are just killing the poor corporates.

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    Media reports Bidenflation tied to supply chain issues in every industry. Beef, chicken, pork, dairy up 20%.


    • Jay C.
    • Beer Bottle Crossing, ID
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    Fukin bleach is $10 a gallon???
    What the fuck?

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    Joe Biden's economic policies and practices have left Americans paying 18% more for their living costs than when he took office - that's the inflation that has been documented during that time.

    And now there's a website showing the receipts.

    Critical Medications Every American Can Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) - And How To Get Them Prescribed

    It's Bidenomics.com and it's from Americans for Prosperity, the organization Fox News calls the "influential and deep-pocketed fiscally conservative grassroots network founded by the billionaire Koch Brothers."

    "Under the Biden Administration, Americans are paying more and getting less. In the last four years, reckless spending has driven the national debt past $34 trillion - more than $258,000 of debt per household - and Americans' purchasing power has declined as families have seen the prices of goods and services rise much faster than their income. Prices are now 17.9% higher and the average household is paying $11,400 more each year just to maintain the same quality of life as when President Biden took office," AFP said.


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    Fast food will now charge double during peak hours as "In Demand" pricing. They will also ask for your pronouns when ordering as a sign of solidarity with pronoun justice.


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    Biden and Newsom.

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    Newsom and Biden for sure!  Reparations, if it should come from anywhere should come from the states that had slavery!  Not from places like California or any other state that did not recognize the act of slavery!  Biden and Newsom will do or say anything to get a vote even though it can or will bring an end to our country!

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    Argentina inflation slows for a second month as President Milei keeps pushing austerity measures. According to figures released Tuesday by the government's INDEC statistics agency, Argentina's monthly inflation slowed down to 13.2% in February, compared to 20.6% in January and 25.5% in December. On a yearly basis, however, inflation remains the highest in three decades, topping 276.2% in February.


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    Gas Prices Rising Faster Than Usual This Year. Cities in Commiefornia are back over $6. Higher gas prices are making inflation sticky. Gas and housing were responsible for more than 60% of the 3.2% rise in February's consumer price index from a year earlier, according to the Labor Department -- the first month since September that gas prices edged higher.


    • 2 friends
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    Reparations= Rape  the nation. Slavery is over and done with . Nobody is owed anything .Moron liberals seem to think so .

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    ^ Haters Thread lol

    • 24 friends
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    Bruhhh Montgumery my dude wtf happened to your tore up wood floors. Your shack needs an upgrade STAT.... You gotta clean those

    • 24 friends
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    I'm assuming you have a bathroom in your house and you don't go on the floor even though that's what it looks like

    • 152 friends
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    Karn clean up Aisle 5! See ya!

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    Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson says he regrets voting Biden and will not endorse him in 2024.


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    Alt left fascism: Gas Prices Hit Six-Month High, Spiking More than 50% Under Joe Biden. According to Goldman Sachs, gas prices could reach $4 by May, but "don't be too surprised if you see $5 a gallon or more at the gas pump -- if you're not paying that much already," Charley Blaine from the Street wrote Monday.

    Drivers in the Golden State are already paying north of $5.50 a gallon for gas. "I can't afford gas," driver Jacob Luis told CBS News.

    Forbes outlined the reasons why gas prices continue to rise:

    The nationwide average price for regular gas hit a reported six-month high of $3.60 a gallon on Tuesday, spiking more than 50 percent under President Joe Biden.

    In the past month, gas prices rose more than 20 cents. They are over a dollar more expensive ($2.38) than when Trump left office.

    Gas prices remain high and could go higher due to industry and political factors. Biden's economic war on American energy independence during instability in the Middle East and in Ukraine are significant factors.


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    No Biden/Harris. Inflation was not at 9% when you took office. It was at 4.1%. Biden/Harris implemented record high prices & skyrocketing inflation. Even MSM is calling out the lies.


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    Correction. Inflation only at 1.4% under Trump.  9% under Biden. Groceries have tripled under Biden.


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    The diaper in chief

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    Media: Getting Poorer Under Biden's Economy Is All In Your Head. If you're feeling a little down about your personal finances -- which is to say, absolutely decimated by Biden-driven inflation -- don't you worry. The news media are here to tell you just how wrong those feelings are!

    The Guardian this week published the results of a laughable poll that asked respondents to share their feelings about the U.S. economy. Surprising to no one, Americans' feelings are the opposite of good. Yet the Guardian saw the results as an opportunity to declare public sentiment about a subjective topic unequivocally WRONG!


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    ^ gets poorer no matter who's president

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    Your ^the poor^est thing I ever come across. Your a disgusting racist who hates whites you make me puke RACIST!!!!!

    • 128 friends
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    ^ Everyone let's report this looser!
    He's crossed the line talking about mammas.

    • 24 friends
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    It's ok I know he's lying cause my mom wouldn't doesn't fuck with good for nothing

    • 2 friends
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    Apologize about my dog and ill gladly apologize about mother. G man your an uninteligent loser always wanting to snitch on someone

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    Trump holds massive rally in the Bronx NYC. AOC & media embarrassed by huge turnout. Lie & call it small. This is in deep blue nyc. Could it flip red? It could.




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    ^ Whining going on here by these two douches.'

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    AOC humiliated by Trump. MS13NBC & CNN in shambles after massive Trump rally with over 25k. People from the Bronx are done with biden/harris trash economy.



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    "But muh inflation is coming down."  Wrong.
    Folgers' Management Announces Imminent Price Increase.

    "The coffee category continues to experience commodity volatility and overall meaningful inflation," he said in the remarks posted online.

    Imported coffee prices have risen 65 percent January 2021, according to an article in Food Manufacturing penned by Cobank.

    Has inflation grown out of control under Biden?
    Consumers are now paying 20 percent more for their ground coffee than in April 2023.


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    July 4 Cookout Cost At Record High Due To bidenflation. biden/harrus have not ruled out banning 4th of July as per alt left fascism. Americans hosting Fourth of July cookouts will face record grocery prices due to rampant inflation under the Biden administration.

    A new report from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) found that a 10-person cookout that includes items like cheeseburgers, chicken breasts, pork chops, homemade potato salad, strawberries, and ice cream would run up a $71.22 bill. This marks a five percent increase from last year, an almost 30 percent increase from five years ago, and a record high for the organization's annual survey.


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    Food free cities. Alt left fascist policy raises prices. Monthly grocery bill for 1 goes from $126 to $414 in only 2 years. Marxism will be strong rejected. Alt left fascism is the enemy & must be held accountable for crimes against America, peace & freedom.




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    California Fast Food Workers Now Earn $20 Per Hour. Franchisees Are Responding By Cutting Hours. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Lawrence Cheng, whose family owns seven Wendy's locations south of Los Angeles, took orders at the register on a recent day and emptied steaming hot baskets of French fries and chicken nuggets, salting them with a flourish.

    Cheng used to have nearly a dozen employees on the afternoon shift at his Fountain Valley location in Orange County. Now he only schedules seven for each shift as he scrambles to absorb a dramatic jump in labor costs after a new California law boosted the hourly wage for fast food workers on April 1 from $16 to $20 an hour.


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    When your opponent calls you 'communist,' maybe don't propose price controls?  It's hard to exaggerate how bad Kamala Harris's price-gouging proposal is. Voters want to blame someone for high grocery bills, and the presidential candidates have apparently decided the choices are either the Biden administration or corporate greed. Harris has chosen the latter.

    It's hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.
    At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat. (There's a reason narrower "price gouging" laws that exist in some U.S. states are rarely invoked.) At worst, it might accidentally raise prices.

    This is coming from the Washington Post. Jeff Bezos far left propaganda outlet. If they are saying this then it's very serious. They may be trying to regain credibility.


    • 24 friends
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    ^ complains about media and then posts media article. Huh? Are you stupid or something? Perhaps  just another redneck trumper that can't read.

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    If the biden/Harris economy is doing so great as they've claimed these past four years, why so many proposals to FIX it? On top of that kuntmalas plans are rip offs of Trump & Vance. Zero shame, all the blame. Far left trash.


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    California Dems STRIKE DOWN GOP proposal to exempt tax on tips. No break for the working class. These commies have nothing but contempt for people living & working in Commiefornia.

    The Democrat controlled legislature of California struck down a Republican proposal on Thursday that would have exempted tipped income from state income taxes. This comes as Kamala Harris, the Democrat presidential nominee at the top of the ticket in 2024, has copied a similar policy laid out by GOP nominee Donald Trump.  

    The amendment, introduced in the state senate, would have exempted service industry workers for state taxes on tips. The Democratic majority rejected the proposal on a mostly party-line vote without discussion or debate, as reported by Fox News.

