Apply for a Grant

Grant Title Grant Information Due Date Apply

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Innovation and Early Learning Programs: Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program Expansion Grants Assistance Listing Number 84.411A

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: (a) An LEA;(b) An SEA;(c) The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE);(d) A consortium of SEAs or LEAs;(e) A nonprofit (as defined in this notice) organization; and(f) An LEA, an SEA, the BIE, or a consortium described in clause (d), in partnership with—(1) A nonprofit organization;(2) A business;(3) An educational service agency; or(4) An IHE.To qualify as a rural applicant under the EIR program, an applicant must meet both of the following requirements:(a) The applicant is—(1) An LEA with an urban-centric district locale code of 32, 33, 41, 42, or 43, as determined by the Secretary;(2) A consortium of such LEAs;(3) An educational service agency or a nonprofit organization in partnership with such an LEA;...

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $251,000,000
Award Ceiling: $15,000,000
Expected Number of Awards: 4
07/05/24 Apply

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Innovation and Early Learning Programs: Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program Mid-Phase Grants Assistance Listing Number 84.411B

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: (a) An LEA;(b) An SEA;(c) The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE);(d) A consortium of SEAs or LEAs;(e) A nonprofit organization; and(f) An LEA, an SEA, the BIE, or a consortium described in clause (d), in partnership with—(1) A nonprofit (as defined in this notice) organization;(2) A business;(3) An educational service agency; or(4) An IHE.To qualify as a rural applicant under the EIR program, an applicant must meet both of the following requirements:(a) The applicant is—(1) An LEA with an urban-centric district locale code of 32, 33, 41, 42, or 43, as determined by the Secretary;(2) A consortium of such LEAs;(3) An educational service agency or a nonprofit organization in partnership with such an LEA;...

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $251,000,000
Award Ceiling: $10,000,000
Expected Number of Awards: 8
07/05/24 Apply

OSERS: RSA: Disability Innovation Fund (DIF)--Creating a 21st Century Workforce of Youth and Adults with Disabilities Through the Transformation of Education, Career, and Competitive Integrated Employment Model Demonstration Project, ALN 84.421F

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: • State agencies or their equivalents under State law: (1) State Educational Agency; (2) State Juvenile Justice agency; (3) State Developmental Disabilities agency; (4) State Department of Health; (5) State Department of Human Services; or (6) Designated State unit for Vocational Rehabilitation Services. • Public, Private and Nonprofit Entities, including Indian Tribes and Institutions of Higher Education.Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 79 apply to all applicants except federally recognized Indian Tribes. Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86 apply to Institutions of Higher Education only. Note: The regulation 34 CFR § 75.51 How to prove nonprofit status applies to nonprofits and requires...

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $236,313,221
Award Ceiling: None
Expected Number of Awards: 29
07/08/24 Apply

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Federal TRIO Programs: Student Support Services (SSS) Program, Assistance Listing Number 84.042A

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: IHEs or combinations of IHEs.Note: Combinations of IHEs under this competition must follow the procedures under 34 CFR 75.127—75.129 in developing a group application. This includes developing an agreement that details the activities that each member of the group plans to perform and binds each member of the group to every statement and assurance made by the applicant in the application. This agreement must be submitted with the application.

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $381,883,715
Award Ceiling: $272,364
Expected Number of Awards: 1159
07/15/24 Apply

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Innovation and Early Learning Programs: Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program Early-Phase Grants Assistance Listing Number 84.411C

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: (a) An LEA;(b) An SEA;(c) The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE);(d) A consortium of SEAs or LEAs;(e) A nonprofit (as defined in this notice) organization; and(f) An LEA, an SEA, the BIE, or a consortium described in clause (d), in partnership with—(1) A nonprofit organization;(2) A business;(3) An educational service agency; or(4) An IHE.To qualify as a rural applicant under the EIR program, an applicant must meet both of the following requirements:(a) The applicant is—(1) An LEA with an urban-centric district locale code of 32, 33, 41, 42, or 43, as determined by the Secretary;(2) A consortium of such LEAs;(3) An educational service agency or a nonprofit organization in partnership with such an LEA;...

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $251,000,000
Award Ceiling: $6,000,000
Expected Number of Awards: 15
07/22/24 Apply

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Charter School Program (CSP): State Charter School Facilities Incentive Grant (SFIG) Program, Assistance Listing Numbers 84.282D

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: States. In order to be eligible to receive a grant, a State shall establish or enhance, and administer, a per-pupil facilities aid program for charter schools in the State, that--(a) Is specified in State law; and(b) Provides annual financing, on a per-pupil basis, for charter school facilities.Note: A State that is required under State law to provide charter schools with access to adequate facility space, but that does not have a per-pupil facilities aid program for charter schools specified in State law, is eligible to receive a grant if the State agrees to use the funds to develop a per-pupil facilities aid program consistent with the requirements in this notice inviting applications.

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $30,000,000
Award Ceiling: None
Expected Number of Awards: 4
07/23/24 Apply

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fund for The Improvement of Postseconary Education (FIPSE): Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.116G

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: IHEs (as defined in section 101 of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1001)).

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $8,910,000
Award Ceiling: $750,000
Expected Number of Awards: 12
07/29/24 Apply

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Basic Needs for Postsecondary Students Program, Assistance Listing Number 84.116N

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: Community colleges (as defined in this notice), and two- and four-year public and private Historically Black colleges and universities (as defined in this notice), Tribal Colleges and Universities (as defined in this notice), other Minority-serving institutions (as defined in this notice), or a consortium or system of eligible institutions. For institutions other than community colleges, only institutions that the Department determines are eligible as Historically Black colleges and universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and other Minority-serving institutions, or which are granted a waiver in the notice published in the Federal Register one January 22, 2024 (89 FR 3916)announcing Eligibility Designations and Applications...

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $9,583,334
Award Ceiling: $900,000
Expected Number of Awards: 12
08/05/24 Apply

National Center on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs), and Other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) to Diversify the Workforce Serving Children with Disabilities, ALN 84.325B

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs, and private nonprofit organizations that have legal authority to enter into grants and cooperative agreements with the Federal government on behalf of an HBCU, TCCU, or MSI.Note: If you are a nonprofit organization, under 34 CFR 75.51, you may demonstrate your nonprofit status by providing: (1) proof that the Internal Revenue Service currently recognizes the applicant as an organization to which contributions are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (2) a statement from a State taxing body or the State attorney general certifying that the organization is a nonprofit organization operating within the State and that no part of its net earnings may lawfully benefit any private...

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,500,000
Award Ceiling: $1,500,000
Expected Number of Awards: 1
08/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER)): Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Recovery Policymaking, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305S

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: For the Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Policymaking (ALN 84.305S) grant program, eligible applications must include the eligible State agency or State postsecondary system responsible for the education issue, program, or policy to be examined. Eligible State agencies include the State educational agency (SEA) responsible for the State’s K-12 sector as well as other State agencies responsible for other specific education sectors such as prekindergarten, career and technical education, postsecondary education, and adult education. In addition, a State postsecondary system may serve as the eligible State agency. Eligible State agencies may apply alone, or in conjunction with research organizations such...

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
Award Ceiling: None
Expected Number of Awards:
08/15/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center on Education Research (NCER): Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education Policy and Practice, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305N

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants are organizations that have the demonstrated ability and capacity to conduct rigorous research and development. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, institutions of higher education and non-profit, for-profit, public, or private entities.

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
Award Ceiling: None
Expected Number of Awards:
08/15/24 Apply

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): School Choice and Improvement Programs (SCIP): Stronger Connections Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (SCTAC) Grant Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.424H

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: SEAs, as defined in 20 U.S.C. 7801(49); and the Bureau of Indian Education. (Section 437(d)(1) of GEPA)

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $10,930,000
Award Ceiling: $1,000,000
Expected Number of Awards:
08/26/24 Apply

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): School choice and Improvement Programs (SCIP): Promise Neighborhoods (PN), Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.215N

Who Can Apply

3. Eligible Applicants: Under section 4622of the ESEA, an eligible entity must be one of the following: (a) An institution of higher education (IHE), as defined in section 102 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA) (20 U.S.C. 1002); (b) An Indian Tribe or Tribal organization, as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304); or (c) One or more nonprofit entities working in formal partnership with not less than one of the following entities: (i) A high-need local educational agency (LEA). (ii) An IHE, as defined in section 102 of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1002). (iii) The office of a chief elected official of a unit of local government. (iv) An Indian Tribe or Tribal organization, as...

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: $4,000,000
Award Ceiling: $500,000
Expected Number of Awards: 5
09/10/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER): Transformative Research in the Education Sciences Grant Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305T

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: For the Transformative Research in the Education Sciences (ALN 84.305T) grant program, eligible applicants are organizations that have the demonstrated ability and capacity to conduct rigorous research and development. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, institutions of higher education and non-profit, for-profit, public, or private entities. Eligible applications must include research, product development, and education agency partners. The research partner must be an organization that has the ability and capacity to conduct rigorous research and development. The product development partner must be an organization that has experience developing and scaling products. Eligible education agency partners include: o State education...

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
Award Ceiling: None
Expected Number of Awards:
09/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER): Statistical and Research Methodology, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305D

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: Applicants that have the ability and capacity to conduct scientifically valid research are eligible to apply. These include, but are not limited to, nonprofit and for-profit organizations and public and private agencies and institutions of higher education, such as colleges and universities

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
Award Ceiling: None
Expected Number of Awards:
09/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER): Education Research, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.305A

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: Applicants that have the ability and capacity to conduct scientifically valid research are eligible to apply. These include, but are not limited to, nonprofit and for-profit organizations and public and private agencies and institutions of higher education, such as colleges and universities

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
Award Ceiling: None
Expected Number of Awards:
09/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER): Research Training Programs in Special Education, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.324B

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: For the Early Career Development and Mentoring Program under the Research Training Programs in Special Education (ALN 84.324B), applicants must be an institution of higher education in the United States and its territories.

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
Award Ceiling: None
Expected Number of Awards:
09/12/24 Apply

Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER): Special Education Research, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.324A

Who Can Apply

Eligible Applicants: For the Special Education Research (ALN 84.324A) grant competition, applicants that have the ability and capacity to conduct scientifically valid research are eligible to apply. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, nonprofit and for-profit organizations and public and private agencies and institutions of higher education, such as colleges and universities.

Funding Amounts

Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
Award Ceiling: None
Expected Number of Awards:
09/12/24 Apply

Last Modified: 06/28/2024