Map My Community provides information on more than 10,000 federally-funded programs from more than 100 federal agencies' financial systems. has developed a customized search of to help you find who has received federal funding for programs that serve youth and their families in your community. People across the country have used this to find organizations that share their mission and might want to collaborate and/or to identify gaps in programs and services.

Search for federally-funded programs using the filters below.

  • Enter a keyword (optional) to narrow your search to a specific topic, or leave it blank to find all programs in your area.
  • Enter a U.S. address or ZIP code (required) to identify programs in a certain geographic region. Use the miles (optional; default = 5 miles) dropdown menu to broaden or focus your search.
  • Click on “Show Filters” (optional) for advanced search options, including search for programs by’s youth topics and the federal Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs’ departments.

Your search results will appear as location pins on the map and in a table below the map. Click on a pin to learn more about the program(s) at that location.

Do you have a recommendation for a federally-funded youth program to search for? Let us know! Email the program name and CFDA number to [email protected].

