For over a century, ASABE has been a trusted source of authoritative research. We work to improve your contribution. Meet the forrmer ASABE Journals Editor in Chief, Garey Fox, as he discusses the process and many benefits of publishing with ASABE. Topics include new article types, citation metrics, review time, improving your contribution through peer review, choosing a journal, common mistakes, submitting your manuscript, peer review processing, and final publication. See the related journal article "Navigating the Publication Process: An ASABE Journals Perspective." Review the 2019 journal survey results in Changes to ASABE Journals Guided by Member Feedback.


Discount for Publishing Your 2024 AIM Presentation in Our Journals

Convert your 2024 AIM presentation to a journal article and receive a page charge discount of $100 or 10%, if over 10 pages for the final layout. You must be registered for the annual meeting, present your work at the AIM, and submit your manuscript to ScholarOne by October 1, 2024. To submit your manuscript, please follow the instructions below. When uploading to ScholarOne, at the end of Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract, be sure to select the special collection Annual International Meeting (AIM) Discount and include in your cover letter your AIM paper number.

Literature Review Service (paused until new EIC is appointed)

Interested in saving some time and making sure that you cite relevant articles from the society's publications? Complete this Google form to receive a list of key articles to assist with your manuscript preparation. Note there is no obligation to incorporate suggested citations into your article. If you have questions about this optional, free service, please email [email protected]. We look forward to helping you publish your research!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Model (LLM) Authorship Policy

ASABE Journals do not recognize large language models (LLM) or other artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT to be listed as an author of a publication. Authorship requires responsibilities that can only be performed by humans which include accountability for accuracy and integrity of the work. When submitting your manuscript to ScholarOne, you must confirm that the authors are solely responsible for ensuring all information in the manuscript is accurate and not plagiarized. If large language models (LLM), such as ChatGPT, are used to assist the writing process, the authors have verified all the LLM-generated information before submission.


Be sure to include any contributors or collaborators needed in the acknowledgments before the page layout begins. It is best not to add these to an article after final publication since it may require reformatting which may change pagination. Additionally, indexers may not pick up these changes for a long time after the initial indexing. Changes may result in additional charges.

Submit a Journal Manuscript

To submit your journal manuscript to one of ASABE's peer-reviewed journals, follow the steps below.

  1. Use the ASABE Journal Manuscript Template for Microsoft Word for your manuscript. Include line numbers and page numbers on each page (the template will do this for you). References listed at the end of your document should have last name first like:

    Brown, A. V., Jones, J. G., & Wang, J. C.

    and include DOI, where possible, like the one below, to improve search results for your document and link it to others.

    To speed processing, if possible, use EndNote (preferred) or the built-in Word References tool for the references section. Do not use the software for the in-text citations since we use the name, date style that is slightly different (see the Guide for Authors). Tutorials for EndNote or Word references can be found on other websites such as this short tutorial or on Youtube.

    Follow other instructions in the Guide For Authors (for all ASABE publications) and the ASABE_JournalTemplate.docx which provides details specific to the journals (included in zipped template download). You may use the ASABE_JournalTemplateBLANK.docx file for your manuscript which is also in the download. For this file, the detailed instructions and examples are removed.

    The author information file upload is no longer required for original submissions after March 8, 2021. Author and institution information stored in ScholarOne will be added to the manuscript after acceptance. Be sure that the authors are in the correct order in ScholarOne. For manuscripts submitted before March 8, 2021, put the author information in ASABE_AuthorInformation.docx due to double-blind review.

    The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) can be used to easily pull in author information into ScholarOne. However, if the author has not kept their ORCID profile updated, outdated or incorrect information may result. Be sure that the author's ORCID data is complete and updated before using it. ORCID helps to uniquely identify an author and link author contributions together for easier recognition. It may also be used to login to some publishing systems such as ScholarOne.

  2. Copyright Transfer. For original submissions after March 8, 2021, the copyright questions are included in the ScholarOne submission process and uploading the copyright transfer form is no longer required. In ScholarOne you are required to confirm that you understand article processing charges (APC) are required and must be paid prior to publication. We cannot accept payment from financial institutions in Burma, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Venezuela. Note Open Access option for CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

  3. Avoid immediate rejection or delays by making sure that:
    • in the references list, the author names are in the right format by lastname and then initials, for example, "Jones, E. J.",
    • the reference list is accurate and includes a DOI, where possible (copy references into free check references utility),
    • the English is clear, correct, and consistent (for translation assistance, see English-Language editing),
    • all authors and affiliations are entered into ScholarOne at time of submission (this list will be published at top of article),
    • brief highlights are included that are up to 100 characters long, not counting spaces. Add three or four that provide a quick overview of your primary findings and implications. See the PDF for this example article.
    • citations in the text match the references list at the end of the manuscript.

  4. Upload files including your manuscript (main document) to the ScholarOne Manuscripts website. Optionally, you may also upload a cover letter, typically for special collections and invited authors. If the manuscript was invited, include a cover letter with the name of the editor that invited it and state page charge waivers granted, if any. Total file size per revision is approximately 1 GB.

    All authors must be listed in ScholarOne in the correct order at the time of submission! If all authors are not listed in ScholarOne at the time of submission, the manuscript will be flagged for special review by the Editor in Chief and/or unsubmitted. This requirement avoids delays caused by authors being asked to review their own work.

    Provide three or four bulleted highlights that are up to 100 characters each, not counting spaces. Highlights provide readers with a quick overview of your primary findings and implications. Example.

    The first time you submit a manuscript, create a new unique login account for ScholarOne Manuscripts. This website login is not connected to the website.

    Use the journal descriptions and criteria to select the appropriate journal and article type for your manuscript. Also, select the best technical community to review your manuscript by using the community descriptions for details.

    Special collection authors, be sure to select the collection name in ScholarOne step one. Also, if qualified for the annual international meeting (AIM) discount or if a teaching module, use this flag even though the manuscript is not really a special collection.

    Supplemental information (SI) that you want to publish and reference in your manuscript may be submitted to the ASABE archive hosted by Figshare or you may create a free account at Figshare and reference the data by DOI. The free Figshare for individuals has a 5GB size limit per file. Examples of SI files include spreadsheets, images, and datasets. We do not currently peer review those materials.

    SI can increase the citation of your work by providing another path to your journal article. As you write your journal article, outline the SI that you want to deposit. Planning will help provide quality data that is ready to go when you submit your journal article.

  5. Complete the peer-review process by responding promptly to your Associate Editor's (AE) comments. Check the status of your manuscript in ScholarOne regularly and make sure that system emails are not going to junk email or clutter folders.

  6. After peer review is complete and your manuscript is accepted, our staff will put the accepted version online as "in press" and then perform further editing and layout that will require your approval and payment before final publication. The DOI will not be active until final publication.

  7. After the layout is complete, the APC will be determined. Payment is required before publication. The page charge is based on the number of published journal pages. The APC rates are changing and new manuscripts submitted after June 30, 2021, will have a different rate. We cannot accept payment from financial institutions in Burma, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and other embargoed countries. You will be billed when you receive the page proofs. Open Access may be added for an additional charge on the invoice.

  8. After publication, you may download your article from the Technical Library and email or reproduce print copies for distribution. If you have difficulty downloading the article, contact the Publications Department. ASABE grants permission to post the PDF of your article to your personal (unless open access is purchased, NO posting to websites such as ResearchGate, Facebook, LinkedIn,, or a third-party website) or your employer's website and to circulate the PDF version via email electronically or in print form. See the copyright page for details.

  9. For information on when your article will appear in the Web of Science, Scopus, or other journal indexers, please see our notes for the list of indexers.

Please reference your online article using its DOI instead of using a URL address that includes "". When we move the documents to another server, the DOI will continue to point to your document. For example, if your DOI is 10.13031/trans.13648, the web address is The DOI will not be active until final publication online. The DOI is not active for the in press version.

English-Language Editing

Send your manuscript to American Journal Experts (20% discount), Charlesworth Author Services (20% discount), or other similar service for translation and editing. This service is provided by outside vendors, but not endorsed by ASABE. You will be responsible for any fees. There is no guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted by the ASABE journals after editing.

ASABE does not have a resource to help individual authors with major editing.

Journal Author FAQ

For assistance, review the Journal Author FAQ, email [email protected], or click on the Help button on the ScholarOne Manuscripts website.