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Genius 241

Annotated solutions for Genius 241

This article is more than 1 year old

Follow the methodology behind Genius 241

* A word of at least two letters (indicated in bold below) had to be removed from each clue before solving and fitting the solutions in the grid. These words, in order of their clues’ grid position, are the 10 tracks on the Pink Floyd album, The Dark Side of the Moon, released 50 years ago. (It is spelled out clockwise in the grid’s inner perimeter, starting with the T of RECREATE.) These are:

Speak to Me, Breathe (In the Air), On the Run, Time, The Great Gig in the Sky, Money, Us and Them, Any Colour You Like, Brain Damage and Eclipse.

adder (l)ADDER s(us)pending

afterlife FA(the)R I FELT (anag) + E(cstasy)

ascendant END in STANCE (anag) (Sky)

asthma MATHS (anag) + A(nswer) scatter(brain)ed

bound (lu)N(ar) in DOUB(t) (anag) (eclipse)

canon CA<NO>N (In)-law

cerebella finanCE REBEL LAndowners (hidden) (the)

darkened DAR<KEN>ED (them)

depict beloveD EPIC Tale (hidden) (in)

discards DISC + A<RD>S (speak)

distasteful DIS + LEFT AT US (anag) (money)

editor E<D(note)/I/TO>R (breathe)

exterminate N(orth)A(merican) in (air)base E/X(multiplied by)/TERMITE

fiddle D(ownloa)D in FILE (damage)

finished FINISH/E(veryone)/D(ying) (the)

harmed (to)ME in HARD

identifying I<DENT>I/F(l)YING less(on) left

ingestion (f)INGE(r) + NO IT’S (rev) (colour)

inundate (gig)ANTI(c) DUNE (anag)

metrical (b)RI(g)(and)/C(aught) in METAL

miscasts MIS<CAST>S (you)

princess PR<INC>ESS (me)

recreate RE’CREATE (Like)

shamus SHAM/US (Time)

skiing S<KI(n)>ING wea(the)rs

steady STEAD/Y(armouth) (Great)

sushi S<US>HI(p) (run)

termination NATION with TIMER (anag) (any)

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