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  • Dancers perform a lion dance

    Stranded whales and a vegetarian festival: photos of the day – Wednesday

  • An Indian policeman runs after an exiled Tibetan to detain him as others shout slogans in New Delhi, India

    Mexican mariachi and a police chase: photos of the day – Tuesday

    The Guardian’s picture editors select photographs from around the world
  • People look at a wildfire

    A wildfire, defaced art and a former PM: photos of the day – Monday

    The Guardian’s picture editors select photographs from around the world
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  • A female model wearing a beige oversized suit by Stella McCartney

    Follow the trend: three ways to wear oversized tailoring

  • Elizabeth Olson wearing a burgundy Erdem dress whilst sat on a velvet sofa.

    The eyes have it: Elizabeth Olsen in pictures

  • A bird’s eye view of riders passing filming spectators in the men’s elite road race

    Cycling Road World Championships 2024 – in pictures

  • Crowds of people hold colourful umbrellas

    Tenth anniversary of Hong Kong’s umbrella movement – in pictures

  • Indigenous Peruvian women sit outside next to three woven clothes hanging on a line

    ‘It’s the first time I’ve woven in 27 years’: Peruvian women revive arts lost to trauma of forced sterilisations

  • Shroomadelic sights … Mushrooms and Friends by Phyllis Ma.

    Shroom with a view: photo gems from Images Vevey – in pictures

    Boasting trippy trees and fluorescent fungi, the Swiss biennale returns with around 50 photography-based projects centred on the topic (dis)connected
  • Guo Jincheng of China dives in

    The best Paralympic images by Tom Jenkins – a photo essay

    Our photographer spent the past fortnight in Paris documenting everything from blind football to para-triathlon. Here are some of his favourite pics from the Games
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  • A competitors takes part in the UK Hobby Horse championship

    UK Hobby Horse Championships – in pictures

  • Two men capture a pink dolphin in a net

    The race to find out what killed hundreds of pink dolphins in the Amazon – in pictures

    Scientists are trying to establish whether global heating caused the deaths of the rare river dolphins last year, before temperatures start to rise again
  • A skier smiles while holding her ski helmet strap amid shelves of boots

    Afriski, Lesotho’s ski resort – in pictures

    Lesotho’s Afriski ski resort, with its three small artificial-snow slopes surrounded by the remote brown mountains of a country in drought, draws visitors from the continent and beyond
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