Jeff Bezos reveals his morning routine: Scrolling, coffee and more

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    Jeff Bezos shares morning routine

    Jeff Bezos shares morning routine

    Billionaires are often perceived to be some of the most productive people in the world, attributing to the amount of wealth they own. However, for some, this is not the case and the executive chairman of Amazon, Jeff Bezos is one such person. Bezos, who is the second richest person in the world, begins his days slow.

    Scrolling first

    Scrolling first

    In a Lex Fridman Podcast episode, Bezos revealed that he does not let work come into his way the moment he wakes up. In fact, like most other people, Jeff Bezos kicks off his days like many of us: dragging his feet and scrolling on his smartphone! This itself appeared to shock host Fridman, who called Bezos one of the most productive people in the world.

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    “I’m not as productive as you might think I am,” Bezos said in the podcast released in December 2023. First of all, I get up in the morning and I putter. I have a coffee ... and just slowly move around.”

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    Chatting and reading

    Chatting and reading

    The next thing Bezos likes to do is read the newspaper to keep himself updated with what happens around the world and in his domain. He said he also chats with his fiancé Lauren Sanchez

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    Going to gym

    Going to gym

    The billionaire then goes to the gym to do some cardio and weightlifting. "Most days, [going to the gym is] not that hard for me, but some days it's tough and I do it anyway," he said.

    The Economic Times