

    Not just Pride Month, here's how to be a better ally to your LGBTQIA+ colleagues throughout the year

    Being an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community requires action rather than just sharing posts on social media. One must be informed about the issues affecting the community, stay up-to-date with their struggles, and advocate for their rights. It's important to use the correct pronouns, speak up against mistreatment, and use gender-neutral language. You can participate in pride events and suggest organizing inclusive events in the workplace.

    Corporate India is increasingly vocal about Pride Month and gender diversity but less so about caste equity

    Employees have no way of escalating incidents of caste discrimination as most private firms don’t have a redressal process in place. Their codes of conduct don’t mention caste, says Christina Dhanaraj, an advisor at Smashboard, a digital platform focusing on intersectional feminism.

    Intellectuals cannot write about anything without using the words ‘liminal’, ‘prescient’ and ‘timely’

    The other reason is that our cocoon of caste has always normalised and naturalised prejudice, neutralised our capacity for empathy. When I was teaching at a prominent boarding school for boys, a student came up to me and said, apropos of nothing, 'Blacks are only good for two things: music and sports.' picks 'Allyship' as Word of the Year 2021

    The site offers two definitions for allyship.

    ‘Whether hybrid or WFH model, cos must ask: Have they prepped employees to be emotionally resilient?’

    The Founding CEO of White Swan Foundation said people are eager to help stressed colleagues post-Covid.

    What is it to be a transgender queer person of Indian origin living in the US

    Naveen Bhat, born Shivani Bhat, is a non-binary person, pursuing his double major in film and theatre in the University of California, Davis.

    The Economic Times