

    Ukrainian drone video provides a grim look at casualties as Russian troops advance toward Avdiivka

    Aerial footage near Avdiivka reveals staggering losses—around 150 soldiers, mostly in Russian uniforms, amid rubble and scorched fields. The Ukrainian drone unit captured the aftermath, displaying the apocalyptic scene of destruction. Bodies lay scattered, some possibly Ukrainian, amid burnt trees and ruined farmland. The footage, obtained by Ukraine's BUAR unit and verified by the AP, depicts the grim reality of the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine since Russia's 2022 invasion.

    Ukrainian drone video provides a grim look at casualties as Russian troops advance toward Avdiivka

    Aerial footage obtained by The Associated Press near Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine reveals staggering losses among Russian forces attempting to capture the town. The footage, shot by a Ukrainian military drone unit, shows the bodies of about 150 soldiers, most in Russian uniforms, scattered along tree lines where they sought cover.

    A group of 66 Sikh women and children on an outing to the seaside miraculously escaped from a burning double-decker bus in southern England but became victims of racist jibes from passing motorists.

    A group of 66 Sikh women and children on an outing to the seaside miraculously escaped from a burning double-decker bus in southern England but became victims of racist jibes from passing motorists.

    The Economic Times