

    Russia seizes Deutsche Bank, UniCredit assets

    A Russian court in Saint Petersburg rules to seize 239 million euros from Deutsche Bank and 463 million euros from UniCredit in Russia. European banks exit after Moscow's 2022 offensive on Kyiv. The court decision follows a request from RusKhimAlians planning a gas project with German company Linde, affected by Russia's military assault.

    Global markets watch for fallout as Middle East tensions rise

    S&P 500 E-Mini futures edged up after they opened on Sunday, last up 0.2%, while oil prices were virtually unchanged.

    Russia bans Western investors from selling banking, key energy stakes

    Western countries and allies, including Japan, have piled financial restrictions on Russia since it sent troops into Ukraine in late February. Moscow retaliated with obstacles for Western businesses and their allies leaving Russia, and in some cases seized their assets.

    UniCredit, Citi consider swapping assets with Russian institutions - FT

    UniCredit has received several offers from Russian financial institutions to buy its local subsidiary since its chief executive, Andrea Orcel, said in March it was considering pulling out of the country, the newspaper reported, citing unnamed people familiar with matter.

    Retreat from Russia riddled with risks for Western banks

    There is a growing realisation that these sanctions are likely to remain long-term, industry sources told Reuters, which means strategic not just tactical decisions are needed as executives look to protect hard-won improvements to their credibility since the global financial crisis.

    UniCredit considers quitting Russia, Credit Suisse outlines Russian wealth clients

    A growing list of financial firms are looking to exit Russia, with Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase winding down business there. Others are under pressure from investors to detail their financial exposure to Russia.

    The Economic Times