This story is from January 31, 2024

Satish & Enbasekar simplify the doctor consultation process

Satish & Enbasekar simplify the doctor consultation process
MediBuddy team with Satish Kannan and Enbasekar D
Satish Kannan and Enbasekar D, founders of doctor consultation platform MediBuddy, were classmates at IIT Madras, pursuing electrical engineering from 2007 to 2012. After they graduated, Satish joined Philips Healthcare in Pune, while Enbasekar worked at IIT’s healthcare technology innovation centre. Enbasekar focused on developing a patented device capable of detecting diabetic retinopathy, which is used in multiple countries today.
Satish says the idea of MediBuddy came when they found that nearly 70% of health concerns could be managed through remote doctor interventions.
“It struck us that accessing specialised medical care posed a significant challenge in our country, and we realised that mobile technologies could enhance accessibility,” he says.
In late 2013, they cofounded Phasorz Technologies, which operates MediBuddy, to create a mobile app linking patients to specialist doctors. MediBuddy also enables ordering of medicines, and scheduling of lab tests from the comfort of homes.
MediBuddy connects all stakeholders – providers (OPD & IPD services), insurers, corporates, TPAs and government – on one platform. “When we started online consultations, it was a whole new concept in India. People were hesitant. It is human tendency to seek medical advice face to face with a doctor. The biggest challenge initially was to make people trust the platform and also make them believe that the doctors on the platform are real doctors with experience,” Satish says.
Another significant hurdle was the resistance to change within the established healthcare setup. Overcoming this hurdle required health tech innovators to navigate complex regulatory landscapes and collaborate with healthcare professionals.
Today, MediBuddy is one of India’s largest providers of employee health and wellness benefit services, catering to over 1,000 corporates and in turn helping 50 lakh employees. Kannan and Enbasekar have raised over $193 million in equity and debt, of which $125 million was raised last year. They have a network of over 90,000 doctors, 7,100 diagnostic centres, 2,500 pharmacies, 8 million subscribers and over 2,200 employees.
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