Cancer survivors share inspiring journeys

Cancer survivors share inspiring journeys
Ahmedabad: M K Diwan, 72, and his wife Devyani, 70, consider themselves as a unique couple — when Devyani was detected with ovarian cancer in 2019, the couple decided to battle it out together. Little did they know that Diwan would also develop renal cancer two years later. “We have no other support system, and thus we look after each other. We also battled other health issues ranging from spleen complications to cataract and hernia, but the promise we made to each other about supporting and seeing it through has kept us going,” said Diwan.
“We live the day as it comes, and don’t worry about tomorrow.”
The couple was among the 100-odd survivors who had gathered in the city from Gujarat and Rajasthan to celebrate the Cancer Survivor Month celebrated in June. Dr Nitin Singhal, a city-based cancer surgeon, said that the participants have defeated cancer and have been inspiration for others. “Cancer is often termed a scary word, and we wanted to create a support group of sorts where the patients talk about their journey, and help others on the same to cope,” he said. “This year, we roped in a religious organization to provide them some lessons in meditation and pranayama.”
Cancer survivors share inspiring journeys

Varsha Rathore from Udaipur was another participant who has found fame online with her humorous reels. “I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when I was pregnant. I had no idea what to expect. I lost one of my twins during childbirth and underwent trauma for long. But with help of my family and friends, I bounced back, and decided to make others laugh. I have found my happiness in others’ happiness,” she said, advising the cancer patients never to lose hope.
(Patient names changed to protect identities)
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