Karnataka: Train anganwadi teachers & upgrade pedagogy for KG classes, say experts

The government's initiative to upgrade anganwadis with kindergarten classes is commendable, emphasizing the need for a structured curriculum and teacher training. The focus should shift towards experiential learning and play-based pedagogy to support children's holistic development. However, the decision to introduce English medium classes in government schools sparks debate regarding cultural values and language preservation. Shalini Priya's workshop and Greenwood High International School highlight the importance of child development philosophy and holistic growth through yoga.
Karnataka: Train anganwadi teachers & upgrade pedagogy for KG classes, say experts
BENGALURU: The govt decision to upgrade anganwadis with kindergarten classes has been welcomed by educationists, but they caution that the upgrade should include a revamp of curriculum and training of teachers.
At an inter-departmental meeting on Monday, it was decided that anganwadis with workers having a minimum qualification of PU degree can start kindergarten classes.
Meanwhile, the department of school education and literacy was told not expand these sections beyond the existing 2,800 or so schools. Anganwadi teachers are likely to be trained by the Azim Premji Foundation.
“To give a structure to early childhood care and education is welcome stuff. But the govt should realise the importance of training teachers right,” said Pruthvi Banwasi, secretary of Karnataka Council of Preschools.
“It can’t be done overnight. The training ranges from cleanliness and hygiene, safety and protection to language, numericals, social skills and activities. In fact, preschool teachers need more training than those in higher classes as they’re dealing with an age group that doesn’t understand instructions. In countries abroad, this is a high-paying job for the same reason,” he said.
Some feel preschools should follow a bi-lingual mode with children being exposed to some English.
“Parents prefer private schools for exposure to English. Kindergarten classes in govt schools were also planned to be bi-lingual. Anganwadis should also ensure some English rhymes and letters are taught,” said another educationist.
He added that the govt shouldn’t have put a blanket ban on the education department starting KG classes. “Even as anganwadis get upgraded, schools should be allowed to have these sections. This would result in healthy competition,” he said.

Rishikesh BS, faculty member at Azim Premji University, said: “The real issue is, in fact, not where early-year education happens, but what happens in the name of early-year education, irrespective of whether they are established in anganwadis or govt schools. There is a need for both curricular and pedagogic overhaul from what currently exists, such that ‘experiential learning’ and ‘play-based pedagogy’ become the primary manner in which education takes place at this stage,” said . He also pointed out that it is extremely important as these children are voiceless because they are children, and even more because they are children from communities that are socio-economically disadvantaged.
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