Row in BJP too as calls to replace Vijayendra get shriller

Amid internal dissent, BJP in Karnataka faces challenges as the party aims to address dissidence and potential leadership changes. The BJP high command intervenes to unify efforts and focus on challenging the Congress government, highlighting the ongoing political turmoil in the state.
Row in BJP too as calls to replace Vijayendra get shriller
Somanna, now a Union minister, has been a vocal critic of BJP state president BY Vijayendra
BENGALURU: The only solace for Karnataka Congress amid internal turmoil over a change in brass at the top is that principal opposition BJP too is experiencing similar internal dissent.
A section of BJP legislators is advocating a change in state party president and the cry has been so shrill that the BJP high command was forced to intervene and direct party members to unify efforts to challenge the Congress govt on various issues, including price rise and corruption, rather than squabble amongst themselves.

BY Vijayendra's elevation to the state party president post has rankled many, with the likes of Ba- sangouda Patil Yatnal and V Somanna, initially opposing his appointment on the ground that he is only a first-time MLA. Others have now taken up the baton with the cry getting louder following BJP’s failure to win at least 20 of the 28 Lok Sabha seats in the state.
The latest crisis was triggered by a public outburst from BP Harish, MLA of Harihar, who said Vijayendra must take responsibility for the party’s defeat, especially in Davanagere, a saffron party stronghold. Harish called for Vijayendra to step down.
Vijayendra reportedly brought this to the attention of Union home minister and BJP’s chief poll strategist Amit Shah and received approval to imple- ment plans to not only curb dissent but also prepare the party for a series of upcoming elections.
Shah reportedly gave Vijayendra a list of tasks to complete before the legislative session in July, one of which is to hold a statewide siege to district deputy commissioners’ offices. “Protests will be held in all districts as we need to fight Congress’ misrule. The message we should send is that we stand united,” Vijayendra said.

BJP’s state core committee and executive committee are scheduled to meet on July 6 to discuss dissidence. These panels will also deliberate on the appointment of leader of opposition in the legislative council, a position vacated by the election of Kota Srinivas Poojary to the Lok Sabha. This too has been a bugbear.
Senior functionaries say the BJP legislative party meeting will meet soon to elect the new leader. CT Ravi, a Vokkaliga, has emerged as a strong contender for the position. However, this could affect the caste equation as R Ashoka, LoP in the assembly, is also a Vokkaliga.
Ravi is an antagonist of Vijayendra and close to his rival BL Santhosh. Insiders suggest this is part of a strategy by the rival camp to replace Ashoka, a loyalist of Vijayendra’s father BS Yediyurappa, and potentially change the state president.
“The party brass will not tolerate indiscipline and has taken serious note of dissidence. The issue will be discussed, and solutions found,” said P Rajiv, BJP state general secretary.
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