Viral video: Traffic cop risks own life to catch taxi driver trying to flee

A taxi driver from Rajasthan attempted to escape during a traffic stop by a Traffic Police Inspector in Ballabgarh. The driver was apprehended after a brief pursuit on June 21, sparking outrage among social media users for the dangerous actions, with demands for charges of 'attempted murder'.
Viral video: Traffic cop risks own life to catch taxi driver trying to flee
A cab driver tried to flee when traffic police asked for the documents of the vehicle he was driving in Ballabgarh. (Image credit - X )
NEW DELHI: A traffic stop in Haryana's Ballabgarh took an unexpected turn when a taxi driver attempted to escape when traffic police requested the vehicle's documents. The driver's efforts to escape were short-lived, as traffic police officers quickly apprehended him following a brief pursuit.
According to reports, the incident took place on Friday, June 21.
The incident occurred when the driver was stopped at a red light by a Traffic Police Inspector, leading to an altercation between the two.
Following the dispute, the driver sped off, pulling the traffic policeman along at a high speed, putting his life and the lives of others on the road at risk. The alarming incident was captured on video and has since gone viral on social media platforms.
The footage depicts a vehicle registered in Rajasthan moving forward with its doors ajar. It briefly comes to a halt before continuing its motion. Shortly after, an individual is seen exiting the moving vehicle. The car stops once more, and another person gets out. The camera then shows a traffic cop physically grappling with the cab driver in the front seat.
The video has sparked outrage among social media users, with many demanding that the driver be charged with 'attempted murder' for his reckless and dangerous actions.
'This is the condition of traffic police in every state. On seeing vehicles from other states, they pounce on them like vultures,' wrote one user.
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