Capgemini starts construction of 5,000-seat facility in Chennai

Capgemini starts construction of 5,000-seat facility in Chennai
CHENNAI: Information technology service firm Capgemini has started construction of a 5,000-seat facility with a capital expenditure of Rs 1,000 crore over the next three years. The space is expected to be completed by April 2027.
Spread over 600,000 square feet, the facility would support Capgemini’s diverse specialist teams, including financial services, engineering, digital, cloud, AI and many more, the company said in a release on Tuesday.

It would promote a collaborative and engaging work environment featuring advanced engineering labs, dedicated pods for customer experience centres and specialised onboarding rooms, the company said.
French multinational Capgemini’s Indian team comprises nearly 1.75 lakh members working in 13 locations including Chennai, Coimbatore, Salem and Trichy in Tamil Nadu, apart from Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Noida and Pune.
The campus will integrate energy and water-efficient technologies, utilize recycled materials and implement rainwater harvesting during construction and be entirely powered by renewable energy sources.
Additionally, wellness centres, town halls, gymnasiums and modernized cafeterias were designed to enhance employee well-being and create a conducive work environment, it said.
Capgemini says it aims at empowering local talent and further strengthening its commitment to innovation and growth in the state. It has pledged around Rs 3 crore for development of neighbouring government schools.

Vijay Chandramohan, vice-president and head of corporate real estate service at the company, said, "This pivotal investment for Capgemini showcases our dedication to innovation and sustainable growth in Tamil Nadu. As a leader that is shaping the future of industry, we are investing in local talent and enhancing the wellbeing of our communities.”
Chennai is rapidly emerging as a top global destination for investments in technology, as evidenced by the fast pace of office space absorption in the city, said state industries minister T R B Rajaa. “This world-class technology facility reflects the quality of our local talent and will further support the state's vision of becoming a trillion-dollar economy by 2030.”
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