This story is from November 15, 2023

5 cases detected at Margao camp on World Diabetes Day

A diabetes detection camp held in Margao on World Diabetes Day found five cases of diabetes and 40 cases of high blood pressure out of the 100 people screened. At another hospital, 80% of the 150 people screened were found to be highly susceptible to diabetes. Those at high risk were advised to monitor their blood sugar, exercise regularly, eat healthy food, get enough sleep, and manage stress. The World Diabetes Day theme this year is "Know Your Risk, Know Your Response.
5 cases detected at Margao camp on World Diabetes Day
Those at high risk of diabetes must cut off readymade sugars like jams and sweets which spike sugar levels rapidly, a doctor said
MARGAO: Five cases were found at a diabetes detection camp held at SGPDA market at Margao on Tuesday, on World Diabetes Day.
Forty persons of the 100 screened at the camp were detected with high blood pressure.
At Hospicio South Goa District Hospital, nearly 80% of the 150 persons screened using the Indian Diabetes Risk Score were found to be highly susceptible to the disease.

The team assessed people on their age, abdominal obesity (waist measurements), physical activity (whether they take regular and vigorous, moderate, mild, or no exercise) and family history (whether one or both parents are diabetic).
Those who were found to be at high risk of diabetes have been counselled not only to check their blood sugar regularly but also to change their lifestyle by exercising and improving their diet, said a senior physician at the hospital, Dr Eddie D'Mello.
"If they don't take care, they can end up with diabetes in the near future," he said. "They must exercise regularly, eat healthy food, get good sleep, and manage stress."

Dr D'Mello advised people to check blood sugar once in six months.
As for diet, Dr D'Mello said those at high risk of diabetes must cut off readymade sugars like jams and sweets which spike sugar levels rapidly.
He said they must also cut down on carbohydrates (rice, chapatis, and bread) and shift to wholegrains such as wheat, jawar, bajra, and millets.
He said instead of juices, and cold drinks, people should prefer fresh fruits.
This year's theme for World Diabetes Day is "Know Your Risk, Know Your Response".
Early on Tuesday morning, a rally was organised from Hospicio South Goa District Hospital to SGPDA Market to raise awareness about diabetes.
The camp was held by the directorate of health services, Hospicio-South Goa District Hospital, Indian Medical Association, and Rotary Club Margao.
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