Artistes protest outside Kala Academy against ‘shoddy renovation’

Artistes protest outside Kala Academy against ‘shoddy renovation’
Panaji: Angered over the condition of Kala Academy despite renovations, artistes from Goa have threatened a state-wide agitation against govt. A delegation of artistes, under the banner Kala Rakkhonn Mandd, gathered outside the premises in Panaji on Tuesday, demanding a white paper on the renovation works carried out.
They also
handed a memorandum to the chief minister.
“We are of the firm opinion that the facilities, equipment and the overall environment of Kala Academy was of a much better quality before the renovation,” the letter states.
In their appeal to the CM, the delegation stated that since the partial reopening of the Charles Correa building after a three-year closure for renovation, they have been dismayed to find the infrastructure in a state of disrepair. Complaints range from leakages to compromised sound, light, and acoustic equipment which has drastically affected the quality of cultural performances. “The artistes who have performed in the auditorium after the renovation find it particularly impossible to give out their best under the circumstances,” the letter states.
On June 17 the group held a meeting where they raised objections to the sub-standard quality of the construction and renovation work. The Charles Correa Foundation was also invited to explain the technical aspects.
“After hearing the woes of the artistes, the meeting realised that the issue is deep-rooted with the possibility of scandalous and corrupt practices having taken a toll on the quality and reliability of the work done,” the letter further states.
The group pointed out that the issues plaguing Kala Academy trace back to the early 2000s when structural alterations were made to accommodate the International Film Festival of India (Iffi), setting off a gradual decline in the condition of the complex. The recent collapse of the roof of the open-air auditorium further underscored concerns about the facility’s structural integrity.

“It was thus felt by all present at the meet that only a white paper on this entire sequence of events including the collapsed roof of the open air auditorium would uncover the hidden truth behind the decimation of Kala Academy as the cultural and artistic centre of Goa,” the letter states.
They proposed forming a committee led by a retired high court judge to prepare a white paper to “uncover the truth” behind the alleged corruption and mismanagement at Kala Academy. The meeting also unanimously decided to request a joint meeting with the chief minister, PWD minister, art and culture minister and the ala Academy chairman along with officials and various departments.
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