Three held for robbing Tivim boy after father refuses to pay ransom

Arrested captors from Rajasthan and Delhi assaulted and robbed Hitesh Babulalji Jangid after his father refused ransom. The trio, aged 33-59, were identified as Balveer Singh Gurjar, Raj Kumar Choudhary, and Virender Sumar.
Three held for robbing Tivim boy after father refuses to pay ransom
Image used for representative purpose only
PANAJI: After the father of an abducted boy did not fulfil the demands for his release, the three captors allegedly beat up the boy and robbed him of the valuables he had at the time. The three were later arrested by Colvale police.
PI Vijay Rane of the Colvale police station said the accused knew about the background of the boy and calculated that they would get a huge ransom from his father.

"When they connected with the father and demanded money, he did not pay heed, which confused them," Rane said. "So, they decided to assault the boy and grabbed whatever was in his possession. They then left the state."
Colvale police had received a complaint that Hitesh Babulalji Jangid, a resident of Tivim and a native of Rajasthan, was abducted on Sunday from Madel Tivim by three unknown persons in their car.
Police said the complaint mentioned that the victim was assaulted with a hard object, causing him bodily injuries. It said he was robbed of his mobile phone, a gold ring, and a wallet containing Rs 5,000. The three allegedly also threatened to kill him.
The PI said that the accused have been identified as Balveer Singh Gurjar and Raj Kumar Choudhary, both 33 years old; and Virender Sumar, 59. Gurjar and Choudhary are natives of Rajasthan and Sumar hails from Delhi.
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