Hyderabad man robs chain to fund Goa trip with wife, lands in prison

The event organiser's scheme to fund a Goa trip by snatching a gold chain for his pregnant wife led to his arrest, along with his wife, after a police chase fueled by technical evidence.
Hyderabad man robs chain to fund Goa trip with wife, lands in prison
HYDERABAD: An event organiser’s bid to fulfil his pregnant wife’s long-pending wish to visit Goa and his wish to offer prayers at a pilgrim centre in Tamil Nadu landed him in police net. Reason: G Suneeth Kumar snatched a gold chain from an elderly woman, disposed it and used the money to fund his tour.
Amberpet police on Monday arrested Suneeth and two receivers — P Ravi and Rajesh Rathod, both jewellers — and recovered the stolen gold chain from them, deputy commissioner of police, East Zone, R Giridhar said.

Man robs chain to fund Goa trip with wife, lands in prison

On June 19, according to police, an unidentified bike-borne snatcher attacked a retired endowment department employee on Shivam Road and looted her three-tola gold chain and sped away. On her complaint, the Amberpet police registered a robbery case and started an investigation. Initial probe revealed that the accused’s bike did not have a number plate. However, police used other technical evidence and identified him. Further inquiries revealed that he along with his wife had left for Goa.
Using technical evidence, a special team was deputed to nab him. As the accused was in motion, the team chased the accused and followed him to Goa. However, when the team arrived in the port city, he had already left the place and was found heading towards Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu. The team continued their chase and nabbed him near Nagapattinam, and he along with his wife were brought to the city on Sunday.
Later, his wife was handed over to his mother, and Suneeth and the other accused were arrested.

On inquiry, Suneeth told that his wife was behind him for a Goa trip, but as his earnings were insufficient to take her on a trip, he conceived the snatching plan. As per the plan, he robbed a woman, disposed jewellery with other accused for 65,000. The trio was sent in judicial remand.
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