‘Mumbai, I need your help’: Ratan Tata appeals to find blood donor for stray dog

‘Mumbai, I need your help’: Ratan Tata appeals to find blood donor for stray dog
The dog is suffering from severe anaemia that posed a threat to its life. (Picture courtesy - ratantata/Instagram)
Ratan Tata recently made a heartfelt plea on Instagram, seeking a blood donor for a critically ill dog in Mumbai. The Chairman Emeritus of Tata Group posted a picture of the seven-month-old canine, who was being treated at his Small Animal Hospital in the city. According to his post, the hospital staff urgently required blood for the dog, which was suffering from suspected tick fever and severe anaemia that posed a threat to its life.

In his appeal, Ratan Tata wrote, ''I would really really appreciate your help. This 7-month-old dog at our animal hospital needs an urgent blood transfusion. He is admitted for a suspected tick fever and life-threatening anaemia. We urgently need a dog blood donor in Mumbai,'' while also providing information about the eligibility criteria for potential donor dogs.
He also shared the same photo as his Instagram story, with a text insert that read, "Mumbai, I need your help."
The post outlined that the donor dog should be in good health, aged between 1 and 8 years, weighing at least 25 kg, fully vaccinated, dewormed, and free from any significant illnesses or tick infestations for a minimum of six months prior to donation.
The post garnered a positive response from the public, with many individuals stepping forward to assist the ailing dog and expressing their admiration for Mr. Tata's compassionate gesture. One user commented, ''Despite being one of the world's wealthiest, his family and business donate over 65% of their wealth to charity,'' while another remarked, ''Imagine a billionaire posting request posts for helping dogs.''

This is not the first instance of Ratan Tata using social media to seek assistance for a dog in need. Ratan Tata's love for dogs is well-known, as he frequently shares pictures with his furry companions on Instagram and advocates for the adoption of stray dogs. The global headquarters of Tata Group even has a dedicated kennel for stray dogs in the surrounding area.
In the past, he urged on social media to avoid injuries to stray animals taking shelter. In a post, he wrote, "Now that the monsoons are here, a lot of stray cats and dogs take shelter under our cars. It is important to check under our car before we turn it on and accelerate to avoid injuries to stray animals taking shelter. They can be seriously injured, handicapped and even killed if we are unaware of their presence under our vehicles. It would be heartwarming if we could all offer them temporary shelter when it is pouring this season."

Recently, Ratan Tata inaugurated the Small Animal Hospital, a project he had long dreamed of. The state-of-the-art facility, located in Mumbai's Mahalaxmi area, is the first of its kind and spans 98,000 square feet across five floors, with a capacity of over 200 beds. The hospital, operated by Tata Trusts, provides top-quality healthcare services to animals in need, under the leadership of British veterinarian Thomas Heathcote, who moved to Mumbai specifically for this cause.
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