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  • Shocking revelation in Pune Porsche crash: Juvenile's blood sample thrown in dustbin, different sample used

Shocking revelation in Pune Porsche crash: Juvenile's blood sample thrown in dustbin, different sample used

The Pune Police Commissioner revealed a shocking incident involving a discarded blood sample of the accused minor at Sassoon Hospital. The blood sample was replaced with another individual's sample, orchestrated by CMO Srihari Halnor on the instructions of HOD Forensic Medicine Department, Ajay Tawre.
Shocking revelation in Pune Porsche crash: Juvenile's blood sample thrown in dustbin, different sample used
NEW DELHI: Pune police commissioner while addressing a press conference on Monday morning revealed a shocking development in the case involving the accused juvenile in Porsche crash case.
According to Amitesh Kumar, the blood sample of the accused minor was thrown in the dustbin and another individual's sample was substituted in its place.
"On 19th May, at around 11 am the blood sample which was taken at Sassoon Hospital was thrown in a dustbin of the hospital and the blood sample of another person was taken and sent to the forensic lab...CMO Srihari Halnor replaced this blood sample" he said.
"During the investigation, we found Srihari Halnor replaced this on the instructions of the HOD Forensic Medicine Department of Sassoon, Ajay Tawre." he added further.

Porsche crash aftermath
A week after the devastating accident near a pub in Kalyaninagar that deeply disturbed the community, an eerie stillness and a sense of desolation enveloped the usually lively streets on Friday night.
Pubs and bars closed their doors before midnight, well ahead of the usual 1:30 AM deadline, prompting many patrons to head home. Some, however, were seen sitting in the dark on pavements, sipping pints of beer.
At the beginning of North Main Road in Koregaon Park, a police checkpoint conducted breath analyzer tests on drivers and bikers. By 1 AM, they had confiscated the licenses of three individuals for driving under the influence.
“The number of people on the streets is lower this weekend compared to previous ones. It might be due to the early closing of pubs or the recent accident. We’ll be conducting checks until 3 AM and will continue through the weekend. Those caught will have their licenses seized and will need to appear in court to pay a fine,” explained Prasad Dongre, the traffic police in charge of Koregaon Park.
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