This story is from September 14, 2023

Sabarimala pilgrimage: The defrocked Church priest who's a former techie and a 'life coach'

India has many techies, not a few 'life coaches' and, given that this is a multi-faith country where most people describe themselves as religious, an abundance of priests across denominations. But an ex-techie who became a priest, branched out as a life coach and then got sacked from priesthood - that's rare.
Sabarimala pilgrimage: The defrocked Church priest who's a former techie and a 'life coach'
Manoj KG says he was removed from the church after his decision to go on a pilgrimage to Sabarimala became public
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: India has many techies, not a few 'life coaches' and, given that this is a multi-faith country where most people describe themselves as religious, an abundance of priests across denominations. But an ex-techie who became a priest, branched out as a life coach and then got sacked from priesthood - that's rare.
Manoj KG, who made news on Tuesday for being defrocked by the Anglican Church of India, has taken his banishment from the church with equanimity.
"If they can't accept me, I respect that decision", he told TOI.
There's, as with many things religious, competing explanations for what happened. As reported earlier, and as Manoj tells the story, he was removed from the church after his decision to go on a pilgrimage to Sabarimala became public. He doesn't regret his decision. "I am going to Sabarimala because I want to show respect for all religions". Per his version, this didn't go down well with his church superiors.
"I received a WhatsApp message from the Trivandrum Bishop and I was asked to surrender my licence," he said. But the church denied this. Archbishop Manasseh Gladstone of the Anglican Church of India, Chennai, told TOI Manoj's ordination was revoked seven months back "long before the news of his Sabarimala trip became public knowledge". The church's reasons? "Publication of controversial videos and an ideological misalignment with Christianity".
When asked for details of these videos, the Archbishop said that Bishop Gnanasikhamoni of Thiruvananthapuram Anglican church would answer that. TOI contacted Bishop Gnanasikhamoni for a response. He said he would call back. But despite repeated attempts, TOI was unable to contact him for a comment.
Manoj had left the IT industry after 15 years of working as a techie, enrolled himself for a Master of Divinity course, went on to complete a PhD, and then received priesthood from the Anglican Church of India in Thiruvananthapuram. His unusual CV also includes his ownership of Life Giving News, a platform focused on personality training programmes.

What does he do as a life coach? As he describes it, "personality development training, seminars, and camps for children...also spiritual enlightenment sessions for interested people". Is he popular? He says he is. "After witnessing positive outcomes in children with depression and in those addicted to their mobiles, the number of participants in my camps rose". TOI could not independently confirm the details of Manoj's life coaching programmes or their reception among attendees.
For a defrocked priest supposedly punished for his unconventional views, he seems to be partial to homespun, traditional messaging - he tells those who come to listen to him, "don't ask a woman her age, a man his income or a priest his denomination".
The Christian priest who's just been removed from his denomination visited the Shiva temple in Thiruvananthapuram a few days back and received a bead chain from the priest. It's a ritual followed by devotees prior to their Sabarimala pilgrimage.
What life after Sabarimala will hold for this life coach and former church priest is impossible to predict. What's certain is that post his defrocking by the Anglican Church he can no longer solemnise Christian marriages, perform any church rites and preside over a burial service.
Manoj is unfazed, and determined to be one of Sabarimala's most unusual pilgrims - other Christian priests have visited the temple, but his will be the rare case of a pilgrim who's a defrocked priest.
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