Today’s moviegoers have high expectations: Hrithika Srinivas

Actress Hrithika Srinivas talks about the audience's evolution and her journey through the years
Today’s moviegoers have high expectations: Hrithika Srinivas
Even as a newcomer to the Kannada film industry, Hrithika Srinivas recognises the evolving tastes of the audience. “Moviegoers today have a wide range of entertainment options. They are extremely critical and highly discerning about what they want to watch. As an actor and to carve a long-lasting path in cinema, I have to, therefore, be selective about the roles I choose,” says the actress, who made her debut with Aparoopa, and will now be seen in Udala, Namma Gani Pass 2, Out of Syllabus and a couple of projects in Telugu.

Hrithika Srinivas (1)

‘Roles with substance leave a lasting impact on audiences’
The actress, who recently graduated college, says, “My first film was released when I was in my early 20s. My experience hasn’t been all smooth sailing, but it’s definitely been rewarding. I’ve been fortunate to land great roles through auditions, but also faced setbacks after being finalised. As a newcomer, I couldn’t pick and choose, but I focused on roles with substance, that could leave an impact,” she says, and adds, “The industry’s been welcoming, treating newcomers like family – that’s great.”

My first film was released when I was in my early 20s. As a newcomer, I couldn’t pick and choose my roles. My experience hasn’t been all smooth sailing, but it’s definitely been rewarding

Hrithika Srinivas

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