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  • People remain committed to motherland despite adverse circumstances: Mohan Bhagwat

People remain committed to motherland despite adverse circumstances: Mohan Bhagwat

People remain committed to motherland despite adverse circumstances: Mohan Bhagwat
VARANASI: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Monday said that "despite a bid by different quarters to create an atmosphere of disharmony, countrymen always love their motherland".
Bhagwat was addressing a gathering after releasing a book on the life of the legendary martyr, Param Vir Chakra recipient Abdul Hamid at his native village Dhamupur in Ghazipur district.

"One must take inspiration from our motherland, our ancient and rich culture and our ancestors' ideals to make our country strong and developed as the entire world is looking towards India with great expectations," Bhagwat said, adding that no matter how adverse circumstances are, people remain committed to the motherland.
Abdul Hamid, the 1965 Indo-Pak war hero, is known for destroying Pakistan's Patton tanks with his RCL gun and compelling the enemy to flee Khemkaran. He was awarded the Param Vir Chakra posthumously.
Speaking about the country's pluralistic culture, Bhagwat said during wartime, all countrymen sidelined their differences and stood together to save the motherland. He recalled that Tamil Nadu's first chief minister CN Annadurai at one point of time "used to call Tamil region a separate territory". "But when China attacked the country, he said that the attack on Himalaya was an attack on Tamil Nadu."
The RSS chief said that in the battlefield there are only two options. "One can escape to save himself or sacrifice one's life for the motherland. Veer Abdul Hamid also had a family. He was a good father. He had cordial relations with people of his village. But, he chose to protect the motherland and countrymen." He added that the martyr left an example for coming generations by giving the supreme sacrifice for his country.
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