National Doctor’s Day: What are some challenging aspects of being a doctor? What keeps them going despite the challenges?

Receiving a smile from patients is the most rewarding aspect for a doctor, serving as a powerful motivation that surpasses all challenges in the medical profession.
National Doctor’s Day: What are some challenging aspects of being a doctor? What keeps them going despite the challenges?

The medical profession is very challenging.
Long study periods, Irregular routines, and long working hours start from the college itself- burning the midnight oil to face exams every other day to finally become a doctor. And the innumerable exams that doctors have to qualify to attain the various degrees.
The challenges are not only the long working hours but also keeping abreast with medical updates so as to provide the best possible treatment to the patient and dealing with emotional turmoil while facing life and death situations.

Becoming a doctor is not a profession, it's a calling.
Those who have a passion for it and those who think it's not just a profession to earn money or social status but to serve, to wipe out tears, to decrease pain and suffering, and help people in agony are the ones who are the real doctors.
Knowing that, you are able to decrease the pain and suffering of the dying patient keeps you going.
Initially, you feel you aren't able to help enough, you aren't able to save lives but slowly and slowly it comes to you, we have been able to make their lives less painful and decrease the suffering of many and many of times we have been able to provide them with healing, good care and relief from ailments. These are the things that keep you going even in the worst of your times.

Even during the worst days, the only ray of light could be that next day maybe you could be useful to someone, somewhere. These are the things that keep us going.

To be someone's only ray of hope seems daunting but is equally rewarding if the patient gets well and is discharged from the hospital. The best gift a doctor can get is a smile from their patients; this keeps us going, no matter the challenges.
(Author: Dr Ajay Agarwal, Director -Internal Medicine, Fortis Hospital, Noida)
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