This story is from April 4, 2013

How youngsters make long-distance relationships work

City youngsters are moving out of their comfort zone to pursue their career dreams and higher studies.
How youngsters make long-distance relationships work
City youngsters are moving out of their comfort zone to pursue their career dreams and higher studies.
But, instead of moving out of their current relationships, they are stoically clinging on to their lovers. These youngsters are walking an extra mile by doing myriad things that keep the embers of long-distance relationship alive and strong. NT delves deeper to learn how the 'long-distance love' works.
Surprise visits
Shreeja Bharadwaj (name changed on request), a student of Priyadarshini College, has been in a relationship for almost four years now.
Her boyfriend is from Lucknow and he makes sure that he meets her at least once a month. She says these surprise visits are really healthy and adds: "True love happens only once, and it has happened in my life. So, we have to cherish it. Now, I have also started giving him surprises by visiting him and it keeps the 'relation-ship' sailing."
Friends' support matters
Ankit Gandhi, a 22-year-old YCCE student, gives credit to his very good friends, who make sure that his long-distance love stays strong. "On birthdays and 'love' anniversaries, I send gifts and flowers through common friends, who are currently based in Delhi, since my girlfriend also stays there. Whenever my girl and I want to catch up, we meet up in Mumbai and have our own cozy holiday. And our friends help in setting up that scene too!"

Digi love
Rhea Nathu, an MBA, who's in a relationship with a guy from Meerut for 5 years, says," No matter how much we talk to each other every day, we make sure that we exchange mails once a week. We pour our hearts out because we feel it's important for us to know how much we miss each other. We write as we can't chat at night like other couples because I sleep with my mother in her room. If there is something we want to share, which can't be discussed over the phone, the emails do this chore."
Maturity, trust and prioritising
Urmi Chakravorty, a young teacher, says that maturity and trust play a vital part in any relationship. "I'm in a relationship for the past six years, and my boyfriend, Jeet, stays abroad. Initially, it was really difficult to live without him, but we knew that we could stay together in future only if we set our priorities now. So, he went away for his higher studies and we are still together and happy. If puppy love and cuddling are given preference over career or any other individualistic need, I am sure it's not love, but mere obsession," says she.
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