20-year old boy attacks online gaming rival, faces attempted murder charge

The arrest of Edward Kang for an attempted murder on an online gamer after the shutdown of ArcheAge servers resulted in a peculiar case discussed in a news conference, raising questions about his motives and potential consequences.
20-year old boy attacks online gaming rival, faces attempted murder charge
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A 20–year old New Jersey boy has been arrested for attacking a fellow online gamer. Edward Kang and the victim - around the same age as Kang both played ArcheAge, a medieval fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Kang travelled all the way from New Jersey to Florida to attack the victim, reports AP.
As per the report, the duo had never met in real life.
Kang was arrested early Sunday morning. According to Nassau County court records, he has been charged with attempted second-degree murder and armed burglary with a mask.
During a news conference, Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper said.“I just want to let you know, this is a weird one." "Some things you just can’t make up.”

Why did Kang attack the victim with hammer?

As mentioned before, both played the medieval fantasy game ArcheAge. Citing a decline in the number of active players, the game’s publisher announced plans to shut down servers in Europe and North America. This likely disappointed many users.
AP report says that Kang flew from Newark, New Jersey, to Jacksonville, Florida, last Thursday after telling his mother that he was going to visit a friend that he had met while playing a video game. It is not clear how Kang learned about the victim’s address. Upon arrival in Florida, Kang took an Uber to a hotel in Fernandina Beach, about 35 miles north of Jacksonville, and then bought a hammer at a local hardware store.

He then went to the victim's Fernandina Beach home, which was unlocked. The victim was hit with the hammer by Kang while walking out of his bedroom. As the two struggled, the victim’s stepfather helped to restrain Kang until police arrived.
After his arrest, Kang told investigators that the victim is a “bad person online”. He also reportedly asked deputies how much jail time people got for breaking and entering and assault.
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