Spotify is testing this new feature that it may be 'unsure' of what it will do

Spotify tests emergency alerts in Sweden to broadcast critical situations and service disruptions, potentially rivaling Meta's Safety Check and Google's Android alerts. The feature aims to enhance user experience by encouraging app notifications.
Spotify is testing this new feature that it may be 'unsure' of what it will do
Spotify is venturing beyond music with a new test feature: emergency alerts. The popular music streaming platform is well known for its library of audio content. This pilot program, currently running only in Sweden, explores the possibility of governments and disaster relief authorities using the app to broadcast important public announcements.
According to a report by TechCrunch, the code discovered within the Spotify app suggests that the system will be able to deliver updates on critical situations such as “accidents, serious events or disruptions of important services.”

What the company has to say about the test

Spotify has also confirmed the test's existence, however, the company hasn't disclosed its motivations for offering this service.
Currently, there's no legal requirement for them to do so in Sweden, but the company emphasises that it's simply exploring the app's potential for emergency alerts.

In a statement shared with TechCrunch, the company mentioned that the feature was only being tested in Sweden.
“At Spotify, we routinely conduct a number of tests in an effort to improve our user experience. Some of those tests end up paving the way for our broader user experience while most serve only as an important learning,” a Spotify spokesperson said.

How emergency alerts will work in Spotify

This feature was discovered by Chris Messina, a tech expert specialising in uncovering hidden functionalities. Messina speculates that emergency alerts could incentivise users to enable app notifications, a function commonly disabled for non-essential apps like those in entertainment or social media. This will allow Spotify to grab user attention more effectively and promote new features.
The code discovered within Spotify's app offers further clues and includes phrases like -- "Emergency alerts in Sweden," "Receive public emergency alerts," and references to the Swedish public alert system ("Important public announcement, IPA") -- all pointing towards this functionality. The code also includes a prompt to "Visit the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency site for more information."

How this feature will help Spotify compete with Google and Meta

Beyond immediate notifications, integrating emergency alerts could imporve Spotify's status from an entertainment app to a more essential tool.
This move may position the music streaming platform as a competitor to Meta's "Safety Check" feature, a popular tool for disaster updates on social media.
Similarly, Google utilises its apps' to warn users of dangers like earthquakes through Android alerts.
In the US, legislators have even explored mandating emergency alert support on streaming services alongside traditional broadcasters.
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TOI Tech Desk

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