Facing issues with your Windows 11 laptop keyboard, 5 things to try before heading to service centre

Troubleshoot keyboard problems on your Windows 11 laptop through basic checks like verifying physical connections, trying different USB ports, updating drivers, scanning for viruses, and utilizing the System Restore feature if needed.
Facing issues with your Windows 11 laptop keyboard, 5 things to try before heading to service centre
Troubleshoot keyboard problems on your Windows 11 laptop through basic checks like verifying physical connections, trying different USB ports, updating drivers, scanning for viruses, and utilizing the System Restore feature if needed.
Experiencing keyboard problems on your Windows 11 laptop can be frustrating, but before rushing to seek professional help, here are five simple checks to troubleshoot the issue:
Ensure proper physical connections:
It may seem obvious, but start with the basics. For wired keyboards, check that the connections are secure. If using a wireless keyboard, inspect the batteries and ensure a stable wireless connection.
Sometimes, minor issues like loose cables can cause major disruptions.
Try different USB ports:
If your keyboard connects via USB, switch to a different port. USB ports can be finicky, and a change may resolve the problem. If using a USB hub, connect directly to your laptop to bypass any potential issues.
Restart your computer:
When in doubt, a simple reboot can work wonders. Save your work, close applications, and restart your laptop to give it a fresh start. Many glitches, including keyboard malfunctions, can be resolved with a reboot.

Update or reinstall drivers:
Outdated or faulty keyboard drivers can cause issues. Access the "Device Manager," locate the "Keyboards" section, and right-click on your keyboard to update the drivers. If problems persist, consider uninstalling and letting Windows reinstall the drivers.
Scan for viruses or malware:
Keyboard problems can sometimes be caused by malicious software. Conduct a thorough virus scan using either Windows Defender or third-party antivirus software to ensure your system is clean.
Consider System Restore:
If the issue began recently, utilize the System Restore feature to revert your system to a previous working state. Access "Settings," navigate to "System," then "Recovery," and select "Open System Restore." Follow the prompts to restore your system to a point before the keyboard issues occurred.
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