Russia and North Korea's 'fiery friendship' appears to be the strongest since Cold War

Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, and Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, convened a summit on Wednesday amidst heightened tensions between their respective countries and Western nations. During the meeting, the two leaders signed a new partnership agreement that encompasses a mutual support commitment should either nation face an attack.
Russia and North Korea's 'fiery friendship' appears to be the strongest since Cold War
(Photo: PTI)
Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Wednesday signed a new partnership agreement that includes a pledge of mutual support in the event of an attack on either country in a summit that took place amidst escalating tensions between both nations and the West.
Kim said that the "fiery friendship" between Moscow and Pyongyang is now even stronger than during Soviet times, as this partnership could represent the strongest bond since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Kim said the agreement was the "strongest ever treaty" between the two countries, elevating the relationship to the level of an alliance, and pledged full support for Russia's war in Ukraine. Putin referred to it as a "breakthough document" that reflects their shared desire to take relations to a higher level.
According to Russian state media, Putin said that security and international issues dominated a significant portion of the discussions with Kim. He also mentioned that, under the agreement, Russia would not exclude the possibility of developing military-technical cooperation North Korea under the deal.
Kim emphasized the peaceful and defensive nature of the agreement, saying, "I have no doubt it will become a driving force accelerating the creation of a new multipolar world."
Russia and North Korea signed agreements on cooperation in healthcare, medical education, and science during Putin's visit to Pyongyang, said Russian state media reports, citing the Kremlin's website.
Upon his arrival, Putin was greeted by Kim, who shook his hands, hugged him twice, and accompanied him in a limousine as part of a massive motorcade through the capital's brightly lit streets, adorned with giant Russian flags and portraits of Putin.

As the talks begin, Putin expressed gratitude for North Korea's support for his war in Ukraine, which he described as part of a "fight against the imperialist hegemonistic policies of the US and its satellites against the Russian Federation."
Kim pledged "full support and solidarity to the Russian government, army and people in carrying out the special military operation in Ukraine to protect sovereignty, security interests and territorial integrity."
He also praised the ties between the two countries, tracing them back to the Soviet army's fight against the Japanese military on the Korean Peninsula at the end of World War II and Moscow's support for Pyongyang during the Korean War.
Putin's visit to North Korea, the first in 24 years, comes as the US and its allies grow increasingly concerned about an arms deal in which North Korea supplies much-needed munitions to Russia for its war in Ukraine, in exchange for economic aid and technology transfers that could heighten the threat of Kim's nuclear weapons and missile program.
Although the specifics of the partnership agreement remain unclear, both leaders characterized it as a significant enhancement of their bilateral relations.
Both North Korea and Russia face sanctions from the international community. North Korea is under heavy UN Security Council sanctions due to its weapons program, while Russia faces sanctions from the United States and its Western partners over its aggression in Ukraine.
(With inputs from agencies)
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