Donald Trump calls Bill Maher 'overrated': 'Fake, loud, obnoxious'

​"Bill Maher, the highly overrated “Star” of the ratings challenged show with the Fake, Loud and Obnoxious laughter pouring out of your set every few seconds, even when nothing was said that was funny (which is most of the time!), suffers from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, sometimes referred to as TDS. Republicans should stop using him as a reference point, his show is dead!" Donald Trump wrote.
Donald Trump calls Bill Maher 'overrated': 'Fake, loud, obnoxious'
Donald Trump Saturday slammed host and political commentator Bill Maher and said he suffers from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. His dead and Republicans should stop using him as a reference point, Trump posted on Truth Social. The sipe came after Maher's Friday night program look a lenient view on the viral videos of President Joe Biden.

Commenting on the viral video of Bien trying to sit where there is no chair, Maher in his show said, "...Here's the first one. It's D-Day. There he is. He goes to sit down. I used to do this in church — is everybody sitting? Oh, no? So they said he was pooping his pants. I mean, he may be No. 2 in the polls, but he wasn't pooping his pants."
"The Democrats have to find a way to communicate, I think, that this guy is mentally there. How do you communicate to the American public, 'Okay, he's old, but he has never lost his mind.' Can we agree on that? He's still got his marbles. It can still do the job. He just can't run for it," he said.
"Bill Maher, the highly overrated “Star” of the ratings challenged show with the Fake, Loud and Obnoxious laughter pouring out of your set every few seconds, even when nothing was said that was funny (which is most of the time!), suffers from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, sometimes referred to as TDS. Republicans should stop using him as a reference point, his show is dead!" Donald Trump wrote.
Maher has been consistent in his criticism of both sides. He recently said Biden was going to lose and Democrats will get f***** on the election day because of the immigration policy. He also said he would do anything in power to prevent a Trump election.
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