The Glam Squad: Puneet Saini

Written by Karen Alfonso
Posted on Jun 27, 2024, 16:02 IST
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Puneet Saini
Puneet Saini
Makeup Artist

With a career spanning over 30 years, Puneet has helmed Baccarose (one of India’s leading beauty distributors) and been national trainer with M.A.C Cosmetics. She also launched Pankake by Puneet, an academy dedicated to educating and training aspiring makeup artists.

The products you’d always find in Puneet’s kit:
Moisturiser, lip balm, Dior Backstage foundation, concealers and correctors in various shades, countless brushes I’ve collected over the years, and a variety of blushes and lipsticks in different textures…

Who she considers to be her muse:
It’s a little difficult to choose one; I’ve had the great fortune to work with not one, but two of the nicest people from the industry – Anushka (Sharma) and Alia (Bhatt) for almost the length of my freelancing career. I would say that they are my forever muses. Together, we have collaborated and created various looks and, I think, also managed to set trends along the way.

A favourite makeup look she’s created:
Choosing one look out of the many I have created is almost impossible for me… but there are always those that remain loved even as time passes. I would say the wedding looks of both Anushka and Alia will forever remain close to my heart, as those moments transcend time and, from a creative perspective, they were also highly appreciated universally!
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