Prasiddhi Singh

Prasiddhi Singh

Child Environmentalist & Social Entrepreneur, Chennai

Prasiddhi Singh

Prasiddhi Singh's Story

Prasiddhi Singh, an 11-year-old environmentalist and social entrepreneur based in Tamil Nadu, is the founder of the Prasiddhi Forest Foundation. With a profound love for nature, she has planted over one lakh trees and conducted 600 awareness sessions, ensuring significant impact. After experiencing the after-effects of Cyclone Vardah at the age of four, Prasiddhi embarked on a mission to enhance biodiversity and raise awareness. Her movement, Prasiddhi Forests, involves diverse contributors worldwide, fostering a culture of conservation. Drawing inspiration from nature, Prasiddhi’s vision extends to exploration and innovation, reflecting her dynamic commitment to environmental issues. She has won multiple awards and has been recognised as one of the Young Minds of Tomorrow by ET NOW and Times Network. She currently studies at the Mahindra World School in Chennai.

Edited excerpts from an interview:
What is the main challenge you have faced?
As a young environmentalist, I’ve encountered various challenges on my journey, but one that stands out is the initial scepticism I faced due to my age. However, I’ve turned this challenge into motivation to prove that age is not a barrier to making a positive impact. Additionally, securing adequate funds to support our initiatives has been a persistent challenge, but I’ve never given up. Through resourcefulness, determination, and support from our community, I continue to overcome this obstacle and drive forward with my mission.

What has been your biggest joy on this ‘good’ journey?
Witnessing the tangible impact of our efforts! Seeing the smiles on people’s faces as they plant trees, restore ecosystems, and take ownership of their environment brings me immense happiness. It’s incredibly rewarding to know that my actions are making a real difference to the lives of individuals and the health of our planet. Moreover, seeing butterflies, birds, and squirrels return to our restored ecosystems adds an extra layer of fulfilment to our mission.

What keeps you going?
My inspiration flows from the harmonious rhythm of nature – the resilience of trees, the diligence of bees, and the vastness of the seas. Witnessing the intricate connection of these elements, I draw strength and guidance for my journey, understanding that – like nature – our collective efforts can create a symphony of positive change. Each rustling leaf, buzzing bee, and rolling wave is a reminder that we are integral parts of a greater whole, interconnected and capable of shaping a more sustainable and vibrant world.

What is your message?
Together, we have the power to shape the future we want to see. By working hand-in-hand, regardless of age or background, we can overcome any challenge and create a world where nature thrives and communities flourish. Let’s embrace unity, compassion, and action as we strive to build a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow for the generations to come. “Dream high, higher than the sky. Think deep, deeper than the ocean, and Act like the Trees, Bees, & Seas.”

About mamaearth

Founded by husband-wife duo Ghazal Alagh and Varun Alagh, Mamaearth is a purpose-led beauty and personal care brand built on the core philosophy of "Goodness Inside". Driven by innovation and using the best of science and nature, Mamaearth has created a portfolio of toxin-free products by adding the goodness of natural ingredients inspired from traditional Indian DIY recipes. Along with the goodness in their products, Mamaearth strongly believes that goodness starts with the little choices we make in our daily lives, and it is what makes us truly beautiful.

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