3 Foods Soha Ali Khan Swears By For Healthy Skin

Written by Femina Food
Posted on Jan 8, 2024, 11:23 IST
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Soha Ali Khan

“Winter is here!” and it’s that time of the year when most of us face skin woes. The season can wreak havoc on our skin — making it dry, itchy and irritated. At this time, it becomes important to take extra care of our skin. There are many simple ways to combat the causes of dry winter skin and help keep your skin feeling moist and supple all season long, including some easy changes to your everyday diet.

Read on to find three pro-tips by Bollywood actor Soha Ali Khan on the three foods she includes to take care of her skin during winter:

Beetroot Juice

Beetroot Juice
Image: pexels

“I especially like drinking beetroot juice during winter as it adds glow to my skin. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also helps prevent acne and pimples. I prefer drinking cold-pressed beetroot juice as it helps retain the nutrients and fibers rather than eating it as a curry. As it’s a powerful antioxidant, it helps in keeping my skin hydrated. Drinking beetroot juice and staying hydrated throughout the day aids in flushing out the toxins, making me feel rejuvenated.


Image: pexels

“An adage I live by is: You are what you eat. My day starts with a handful of almonds, this is one habit I grew up with. Almonds help me maintain skin health as they contain healthy fats and vitamin E which have been shown to benefit the skin. I also read that Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani texts say that almonds are good for skin health and can enhance skin glow. I would recommend everyone to make the consumption of almonds a daily habit as part of their beauty regime. Whether at home, work, or while travelling, almonds can be eaten anytime.


Image: pexels

Amla, also called Indian gooseberry, is one of my favourite foods. As the fruit is enriched with vitamin C, it helps a lot with my woes such as dryness, specifically during winter. Since the berry borders on being bitter in taste, I cut it into small pieces, dip it in honey and eat. I also often have it in the form of juice. Drinking amla juice regularly really helps in skin exfoliation and helps remove pigmentation or blemishes from my skin as well.

Also Read: Protect Yourself From The Harmful Effects Of Pollution With These Foods 
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