Watch Out! Being Overweight During Pregnancy Could Affect The Fetus

Posted on Apr 28, 2024, 10:00 IST
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Image: Shutterstock

Obesity has reached an epidemic proportion in India and has been linked to several health issues such as diabetics, heart ailments etc. Maternal obesity which is linked to women when they are pregnant has equal amount of health risks for both the mother and her unborn children. During pregnancy we’ve heard people say “eat for two” without knowing the complications of maternal obesity. Instead “eating right” should be the goal.

What Is Maternal Obesity
“Maternal obesity refers to a condition when your BMI is 30 or higher during pregnancy or before pregnancy. Maternal obesity starts due to multiple factors including hormonal changes, lifestyle changes, metabolic changes and genetic factors,” explains Dr Ritu Sethi, Associate Director - Gynecology at Max Hospitals, Gurugram and Founder of Aura Speciality Clinic, Gurugram.

Image: Shutterstock

How Does It Affect The Baby?
Maternal obesity poses various health risks for the mother, including gestational diabetes, hypertension, and preeclampsia, it affects the development and well-being of the fetus. “Babies who are born to obese mothers have a high risk of certain health conditions such as congenital anomalies, and respiratory distress syndrome and they need NICU admission after their birth,” says Dr Ritu who adds that obese mothers are more likely to experience preterm birth, which can be dangerous to the child.

Watch Out For These Warning Signs
• Rapid weight gain
• High blood pressure levels during pregnancy
• Development of gestational diabetes
• Irregular breathing patterns during sleep
• Mobility issues accompanied by pain in joints

Here Are Some Expert Recommended Ways In Which Maternal Obesity Can Be Averted
• Maintain a healthy weight before pregnancy
• Eat a balanced diet
• Get adequate sleep
• Stay active
• Control your diet
• Practice stress-reducing technique
• Surround yourself with supportive family members

By prioritising maternal health before and during pregnancy, one can ensure the well-being of both mother and child.

Also Read: The Breastfeeding Guide: Being Prepared Before Welcoming Your Baby
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