7 Monsoon Skin Care Tips For All Skin Types

Posted on Jun 17, 2024, 15:08 IST
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monsoon skincare tips
Image: Shutterstock

Change of season affects your skin more than you think. This is why it’s time to read up on some monsoon skincare tips and note them for the days to come.

Monsoon Skincare Tips Infographic

Always remember, the basic rule is to cleanse, tone, and moisturise your skin, come sun or rain. As a starting point, switch your summer skincare routine products for monsoon-friendly ones depending on the changes you notice in your skin. Apart from this, read on for more on keeping your skin healthy and beautiful this season.

How Can We Take Care Of Skin In Monsoon?
How Does Monsoon Affect Your Skin?
1. Exfoliation Is Key
2. Don’t Skip Sunscreen
3. Opt For Minimal Makeup
4. Apply Moisturiser
5. Tips For Oily Skin
6. Tips For Dry Skin
7. Tips For Itchy Skin
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Can We Take Care Of Skin In Monsoon?

How Can We Take Care Of Skin In Monsoon?
Image: Shutterstock

For your face, use the right kind of products that work for your skin type and skin problems. This not only applies to skincare products but makeup products too. You might feel the need to change your skincare routine too – perhaps your skin feels oily in the middle of the day or has become sensitive. Stick to all-natural products, cleanse an extra time, keep skin hydrated, and you should be fine. If you have an intense breakout or a skin infection, see a dermatologist immediately.

Speaking of skin infections, it’s not just the skin on your face that needs care in monsoon. Bacterial and fungal infections are common in this season, so be sure to stay dry. Wear light fabrics, and keep a spare change of clothes on you or at the office to change into should you get caught in the rain. For the gym, wear clothes that wick away moisture, and take a shower after your workout without fail. Make sure you give your footwear enough time to dry between wears.

Tip: Monsoon skincare involves not just caring for your face, but the entire body too.

How Does Monsoon Affect Your Skin?

How Does Monsoon Affect Skin?
Image: Shutterstock

Firstly, the high humidity causes excessive sweating, which can cause the skin to become oily. This can further lead to clogged pores, acne, and pimples. Some other common skin problems people face in monsoons are listed below.

  • Body Odour: Excessive sweating leads to smelly underarms and body odour. Using deodorants can cause an allergic rash, so use all-natural products, and wear cotton clothes to prevent sweating and odour. You can also use sweat pads in the underarms if needed.
  • Sweat Rash: Medically known as miliaria, this appears as a red itchy rash. It is mainly seen on the torso and is more common when accompanied by underlying fever. A block in the sweat glands is usually the main cause, and the rash settles once the person moves to a cool and ventilated space. Wearing loose cotton clothes also helps.
  • Fungal Skin Infections: These are common in this season as fungi thrive in hot and humid conditions. Ringworm and other such infections are seen in body folds like between the toes, under the breasts, in the underarms and groin. Such infections are more likely to occur in people with diabetes.
  • Eczema: Humidity coupled with excessive sweating tends to make the skin dry. This can increase the chance of eczema, presenting as a red, itchy rash.

Tip: Monsoon can also wreak havoc on your hair by causing frizz, hair fall, etc.

1. Exfoliation Is Key

Monsoon Skincare Tips -  Exfoliation is key.

The above infographic lists natural DIY scrubs you can use.

If you have sensitive skin, exfoliate once in 10 days; if your skin can handle it, go for weekly exfoliation. Use a natural exfoliating scrub on your face and body to do away with dead skin cells and grime. This will unclog and clean your skin pores, reducing the chances of pimples and acne.

Tip: Use a loofah on your body for an invigorating bath.

2. Don’t Skip Sunscreen

Monsoon Skincare Tips - Don't Skip Sunscreen
Image: Shutterstock

Sunscreen is a must in all seasons, even if it is cloudy outside. Remember to apply 20 minutes before stepping out and keep reapplying every two hours that you spend outside.

Tip: If you have oily skin, go for sunscreen with a matte finish.

3. Opt For Minimal Makeup

Monsoon Skincare Tips - Opt For Minimal Makeup
Image: Shutterstock

This tip works for monsoon because you don’t want to have mascara streaming down your face if you happen to get drenched. Sure, you can go for waterproof products, but these are usually oil-based, and you don’t really want to clog your skin pores in humid weather. So, stick to using minimal makeup and opt for natural products.

Tip: Use a light CC cream instead of heavy foundation, pick a lip tint over lipstick or gloss, and accentuate the eye with kohl instead of liquid eyeliner or mascara.

4. Apply Moisturiser

Monsoon Skincare Tips - Apply Moisturizer
Image: Shutterstock

Like sunscreen, moisturiser is a must in all seasons. Keeping skin moisturised and hydrated prevents your oil glands from overproducing oil or sebum. It also keeps your skin healthy.

Tip: Use a light water-based moisturiser if your skin tends to get oily in the monsoon.

5. Tips For Oily Skin

Monsoon Skincare Tips for Oily Skin.
Image: Shutterstock

Oily skin can get more oily and tend to break out in monsoon. Use these skin care tips:

  • Cleanse your skin with a gentle face wash at least twice every day.
  • If your skin becomes oily mid-washes, cleanse again or use a tissue to dab the excess oil away.
  • Use a gentle toner to keep skin healthy and pores tight.
  • Follow up with a light moisturiser.

Tip: Use a clay mask once a week to draw out excess sebum and impurities from skin pores.

6. Tips For Dry Skin

Monsoon Skincare Tips For Dry Skin
Image: Shutterstock

If you have dry skin, monsoon can still give you a hard time. These skin care tips will help:

  • Moisturise your skin after cleansing without fail.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Avoid taking hot showers.
  • Never sleep with your makeup on.

Tip: Use a deeply hydrating face mask once a week.

7. Tips For Itchy Skin

Monsoon Skincare Tips For Itchy Skin
Image: Shutterstock

For itchy, sensitive skin, build these tips into your skincare routine:

  • Use natural skin care products without any fragrances.
  • Use soap-free cleansers.
  • Never forget the sunscreen.
  • Patch-test products before using them.
  • Stay hydrated and eat right.
  • Wash up immediately if you get drenched in the rain.
  • Avoid makeup as much as possible or stick to using non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic products.

Tip: Use antifungal powder on skin folds to keep itchiness, rashes, and skin infections away.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Which face pack is best in monsoon?

A. A Multani Mitti or Fuller’s earth face mask works best for those with oily skin. If you have dry skin, use milk or cream mixed with honey. For sensitive skin, mix green tea and cucumber pulp to make a calming face pack.

Q. How can I control my monsoon acne?

A. Follow a regular skincare routine that involves cleansing twice daily, toning and moisturising the skin. Use a gentle exfoliant once every 7-10 days. Patch test products before applying to avoid reactions. Keep body acne in check by showering twice daily, not allowing sweat to sit on the skin for long, and wearing loose cotton clothes.

Q. Do monsoons cause allergies?

A. Yes, allergies can flare up during monsoon due to high pollen and mould growth due to high humidity. You may be susceptible if you have existing pollen and mould allergies, skin allergies, and asthma.

Q. Can rain cause skin rash?

A. Yes, the rainy season can cause skin rashes if you’re not mindful of basic hygiene. Keep yourself dry, bathe after sweating it out in the gym or at work, use antifungal powder, and wear loose-fitting cotton clothes.

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