
Embedding Commons in the core policies and flagship programmes of central and state governments can amplify restoration efforts and improve the governance of natural resources across the country. Over the years, we have forged partnerships and signed MoUs with several state governments and departments to take our work forward; we continue to strengthen these relationships to build system-wide capabilities to scale our work on Commons.

Andhra Pradesh

MoUs signed with

  • Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Departments for CLART-based MGNREGS planning.
  • Andhra Pradesh Drought Mitigation Project to improve the resilience of rural livelihoods to climate change, and strengthen efforts for common land and water conservation.


MoUs signed with

  • Rural Development Department for CLART-based MGNREGS planning.
  • ST & SC Development Department to strengthen CFR implementation and tribal welfare programmes.
  • Forest Department to support effective CFR implementation, and promote resilient livelihoods for tribals and other forest dwellers.


MoUs signed with

  • Watershed Development Department and Advanced Center for Integrated Water Resource Management to improve water management and governance through better planning using technology.
  • Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Departments for CLART-based MGNREGS planning and resource support under the Antarjala Chetana Yojana.


MoUs signed with

  • Govt. of Maharashtra to rejuvenate the Kholad and Khuni rivers in Amravati and Yavatmal, to strengthen CFR implementation in Amravati and Nagpur Divisions, and to strengthen GPDP planning and implementation in Yavatmal.
  • Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission to improve the livelihood security of communities in CFR and PESA areas.


MoUs signed with

  • Institute of Natural Resource (INR) - Govt. of Meghalaya, Arghyam and Socion to create a Centre of Excellence for Natural Resource Management, and to support communities in the planning and implementation of NRM initiatives.


MoUs signed with

  • Odisha Livelihood Mission to improve the livelihood portfolio of rural poor through the strengthening of village institutions.
  • Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water Departments for CLART-based MGNREGS planning.
  • Agriculture & Farmers Empowerment Department to promote sustainable agriculture practices and water management through tools such as CWB and CLART.


MoUs signed with

  • Rural Development Department to run campaigns and build capacities of government functionaries on energising MGNREGS and restoring land and water resources.
  • Wasteland and Pasture Development Board to build capacities of PRI, Panchayat and Block Officials to restore and govern pastures using MGNREGS funds.

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