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James McDevitt
45 publications with author James McDevitt
Journal Article
Published: 20 February 2018

Epidemics and pandemics of influenza are characterized by rapid global spread mediated by non-mutually exclusive transmission modes. The relative significance between contact, droplet, and airborne transmission is yet to be defined, a knowledge gap for implementing evidence-based infection control measures. We devised a transmission chamber that separates virus-laden particles by size and determined the particle sizes mediating transmission of influenza among ferrets through the air. Ferret-to-ferret transmission was mediated by airborne particles larger than 1.5 mu m, consistent with the quantity and size of virus-laden particles released by the donors. Onward transmission by donors was most efficient before fever onset and may continue for 5 days after inoculation. Multiple virus gene segments enhanced the transmissibility of a swine influenza virus among ferrets by increasing the release of virus-laden particles into the air. We provide direct experimental evidence of influenza transmission via droplets and fine droplet nuclei, albeit at different efficiency.

ACS Style

Jie Zhou; Jianjian Wei; Ka-Tim Choy; Sin Fun Sia; Dewi K. Rowlands; Dan Yu; Chung-Yi Wu; William G. Lindsley; Benjamin J. Cowling; James McDevitt; Malik Peiris; Yuguo Li; Hui-Ling Yen. Defining the sizes of airborne particles that mediate influenza transmission in ferrets. 2018, 115, E2386 -E2392.

AMA Style

Jie Zhou, Jianjian Wei, Ka-Tim Choy, Sin Fun Sia, Dewi K. Rowlands, Dan Yu, Chung-Yi Wu, William G. Lindsley, Benjamin J. Cowling, James McDevitt, Malik Peiris, Yuguo Li, Hui-Ling Yen. Defining the sizes of airborne particles that mediate influenza transmission in ferrets. . 2018; 115 (10):E2386-E2392.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Jie Zhou; Jianjian Wei; Ka-Tim Choy; Sin Fun Sia; Dewi K. Rowlands; Dan Yu; Chung-Yi Wu; William G. Lindsley; Benjamin J. Cowling; James McDevitt; Malik Peiris; Yuguo Li; Hui-Ling Yen. 2018. "Defining the sizes of airborne particles that mediate influenza transmission in ferrets." 115, no. 10: E2386-E2392.

Journal Article
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
Published: 01 December 2011 in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness

An influenza pandemic can overwhelm the capacities of hospitals, clinics, nursing facilities, and emergency services. The likelihood is that most of the individuals who are stricken will be cared for at home, and there is strong evidence that in-home caregivers bear a disproportionate risk of becoming infected. We reviewed the scientific literature after 2000 to identify steps that in-home caregivers can take to reduce the chances that they and other household members will become infected in the home. Personal hygiene, common masks, and technologies including air filters and UV light each offer incremental benefits, and in combination are expected to reduce a portion of the risk that household members face when caring for a member who has become infected. In pandemics and even seasonal epidemics, seemingly small steps can literally mean the difference between life and death, especially for in-home caregivers.(Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2011;5:266–271)

ACS Style

Stan Finkelstein; Shiva Prakash; Karima Nigmatulina; James McDevitt; Richard Larson. A Home Toolkit for Primary Prevention of Influenza by Individuals and Families. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2011, 5, 266 -271.

AMA Style

Stan Finkelstein, Shiva Prakash, Karima Nigmatulina, James McDevitt, Richard Larson. A Home Toolkit for Primary Prevention of Influenza by Individuals and Families. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2011; 5 (4):266-271.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Stan Finkelstein; Shiva Prakash; Karima Nigmatulina; James McDevitt; Richard Larson. 2011. "A Home Toolkit for Primary Prevention of Influenza by Individuals and Families." Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 5, no. 4: 266-271.

Book Chapter
Published: 24 January 2007
ACS Style

M Fabian; James McDevitt; Donald Milton. Modes of transmission ofrespiratory viral infections. 2007, 113 -125.

AMA Style

M Fabian, James McDevitt, Donald Milton. Modes of transmission ofrespiratory viral infections. . 2007; ():113-125.

Chicago/Turabian Style

M Fabian; James McDevitt; Donald Milton. 2007. "Modes of transmission ofrespiratory viral infections." , no. : 113-125.

Journal Article
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
Published: 12 March 2014 in Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
ACS Style

Georgios Pyrgiotakis; James McDevitt; Ya Gao; Alan Branco; Mary Eleftheriadou; Bernardo Lemos; Edward Nardell; Philip Demokritou. Mycobacteria inactivation using Engineered Water Nanostructures (EWNS). Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 2014, 10, 1175 -1183.

AMA Style

Georgios Pyrgiotakis, James McDevitt, Ya Gao, Alan Branco, Mary Eleftheriadou, Bernardo Lemos, Edward Nardell, Philip Demokritou. Mycobacteria inactivation using Engineered Water Nanostructures (EWNS). Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2014; 10 (6):1175-1183.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Georgios Pyrgiotakis; James McDevitt; Ya Gao; Alan Branco; Mary Eleftheriadou; Bernardo Lemos; Edward Nardell; Philip Demokritou. 2014. "Mycobacteria inactivation using Engineered Water Nanostructures (EWNS)." Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 10, no. 6: 1175-1183.

Journal Article
Environmental Science & Technology
Published: 19 February 2015 in Environmental Science & Technology
ACS Style

Georgios Pyrgiotakis; Archana Vasanthakumar; Ya Gao; Mary Eleftheriadou; Eduardo Toledo; Alice DeAraujo; James McDevitt; Taewon Han; Gediminas Mainelis; Ralph Mitchell; Philip Demokritou. Inactivation of Foodborne Microorganisms Using Engineered Water Nanostructures (EWNS). Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49, 3737 -3745.

AMA Style

Georgios Pyrgiotakis, Archana Vasanthakumar, Ya Gao, Mary Eleftheriadou, Eduardo Toledo, Alice DeAraujo, James McDevitt, Taewon Han, Gediminas Mainelis, Ralph Mitchell, Philip Demokritou. Inactivation of Foodborne Microorganisms Using Engineered Water Nanostructures (EWNS). Environmental Science & Technology. 2015; 49 (6):3737-3745.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Georgios Pyrgiotakis; Archana Vasanthakumar; Ya Gao; Mary Eleftheriadou; Eduardo Toledo; Alice DeAraujo; James McDevitt; Taewon Han; Gediminas Mainelis; Ralph Mitchell; Philip Demokritou. 2015. "Inactivation of Foodborne Microorganisms Using Engineered Water Nanostructures (EWNS)." Environmental Science & Technology 49, no. 6: 3737-3745.

Published: 01 January 2003 in RePEc

KNOGG, an EU-financed thematic network, studies the role of ST&I policies in driving economic growth in six small European countries. It aims to develop guidelines at the EU level for improving knowledge-based growth in small European economies. This second report of the project interprets the current ST&I policy regimes in the six KNOGG countries, using the EU Innovation Trend Chart database and country reports as a point of departure. It extends the EU data to include national research systems, as well as institutions critical to the formulation and implementation of policy. It quantifies and benchmarks the resources devoted to innovation policies and highlights the differences between small countries pursuing a self-sustaining innovationoriented growth strategy and those following the technology-diffusion or catchup path to economic growth.

ACS Style

Joseph Cogan; James McDevitt. Science, Technology and Innovation Policies in Selected small European Countries. RePEc 2003 .

AMA Style

Joseph Cogan, James McDevitt. Science, Technology and Innovation Policies in Selected small European Countries. RePEc. 2003; ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Joseph Cogan; James McDevitt. 2003. "Science, Technology and Innovation Policies in Selected small European Countries." RePEc , no. : .

Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2011 in Epidemiology
ACS Style

Patricia Fabian; Donald Milton; Matthew Angel; Daniel Perez; James McDevitt. Influenza Virus Aerosols in Human Exhaled Breath: Particle Size, Culturability, and Effect of Surgical Masks. Epidemiology 2011, 22, S51 .

AMA Style

Patricia Fabian, Donald Milton, Matthew Angel, Daniel Perez, James McDevitt. Influenza Virus Aerosols in Human Exhaled Breath: Particle Size, Culturability, and Effect of Surgical Masks. Epidemiology. 2011; 22 ():S51.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Patricia Fabian; Donald Milton; Matthew Angel; Daniel Perez; James McDevitt. 2011. "Influenza Virus Aerosols in Human Exhaled Breath: Particle Size, Culturability, and Effect of Surgical Masks." Epidemiology 22, no. : S51.

Journal Article
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
Published: 20 March 2019 in Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
ACS Style

Nachiket Vaze; Georgios Pyrgiotakis; James McDevitt; Lucas Mena; Adler Melo; Alice Bedugnis; Lester Kobzik; Mary Eleftheriadou; Philip Demokritou. Inactivation of common hospital acquired pathogens on surfaces and in air utilizing engineered water nanostructures (EWNS) based nano-sanitizers. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 2019, 18, 234 -242.

AMA Style

Nachiket Vaze, Georgios Pyrgiotakis, James McDevitt, Lucas Mena, Adler Melo, Alice Bedugnis, Lester Kobzik, Mary Eleftheriadou, Philip Demokritou. Inactivation of common hospital acquired pathogens on surfaces and in air utilizing engineered water nanostructures (EWNS) based nano-sanitizers. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2019; 18 ():234-242.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Nachiket Vaze; Georgios Pyrgiotakis; James McDevitt; Lucas Mena; Adler Melo; Alice Bedugnis; Lester Kobzik; Mary Eleftheriadou; Philip Demokritou. 2019. "Inactivation of common hospital acquired pathogens on surfaces and in air utilizing engineered water nanostructures (EWNS) based nano-sanitizers." Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 18, no. : 234-242.

Book Chapter
Published: 25 November 2016
ACS Style

Stephen Wakelin; Thomas Paul; Nigel Searles; Joanna Buswell; Annemieke Sherwin; James McDevitt. New Zealand. 2016, 559 -579.

AMA Style

Stephen Wakelin, Thomas Paul, Nigel Searles, Joanna Buswell, Annemieke Sherwin, James McDevitt. New Zealand. . 2016; ():559-579.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Stephen Wakelin; Thomas Paul; Nigel Searles; Joanna Buswell; Annemieke Sherwin; James McDevitt. 2016. "New Zealand." , no. : 559-579.

Journal Article
Applied Biosafety
Published: 01 March 2013 in Applied Biosafety

Biosafety professionals have ever-expanding roles at their institutions. In this Beyond Traditional Biosafety column, we focus on topics that may fall outside the scope of the traditional biosafety role, but where the expertise of the biosafety professional may be called upon to provide a valuable contribution to his or her institution. Please e-mail any comments or suggestions to Ted Myatt, tmyatt{at}mail.uri.com, Co-Editor Barbara Johnson at barbara_johnson{at}verizon.net, or Co-Editor Karen B. Byers at karen_byers{at}dfci.harvard.edu.

ACS Style

Theodore A. Myatt; Joseph G. Allen; Bryan F. Connors; James McDevitt. Beyond Traditional Biosafety. Applied Biosafety 2013, 18, 48 -51.

AMA Style

Theodore A. Myatt, Joseph G. Allen, Bryan F. Connors, James McDevitt. Beyond Traditional Biosafety. Applied Biosafety. 2013; 18 (1):48-51.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Theodore A. Myatt; Joseph G. Allen; Bryan F. Connors; James McDevitt. 2013. "Beyond Traditional Biosafety." Applied Biosafety 18, no. 1: 48-51.