
What copyright form is used by ASABE journal authors?

Authors of ASABE copyrighted material consent to our copyright transfer agreement when submitting a manuscript to ScholarOne. We no longer need authors to submit a separate copyright transfer form.

Do I need permission to use ASABE-copyrighted material in another publication?

If you intend to use figures, tables, or significant portions of text from an ASABE-copyrighted publication in a manuscript that you are preparing for submission to another publisher, then you must request written permission from ASABE to use this material. Send your request to [email protected] or fax 269-429-3852.

In your request, identify the specific material that you intend to use (including all bibliographic information) and describe exactly how you will use the material (including the publishing format and the prospective publisher). The prospective publisher may provide you with a copyright permission form for this purpose, but a specific written request is also acceptable. For example:

“I am requesting non-exclusive permission to use figures 1 and 2 from “Robotic apple harvester field test” by J. Gupta and R. Shapiro, which was published in Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 17(3), pages 145-151, in a book titled Mechanics of Fruit Harvesting. The publisher is Elsevier Science.”

If you intend to use ASABE-copyrighted material in another ASABE publication, you do not need permission. In addition, ASABE normally grants permission to students to include the full text of papers and articles that they have authored in their theses or dissertations. Papers submitted to ASABE contests such as the K. K. Barnes Student Paper Awards are not copyrighted by ASABE unless they are later submitted as a peer-reviewed article or meeting or conference paper.

Can I submit my ASABE meeting or conference paper to an ASABE journal?

Yes. Papers presented at an ASABE meeting or conference are not peer-reviewed by ASABE editorial committees. Therefore, ASABE does not consider these papers as having prior publication status and they may be submitted to ASABE journals. Be sure to cite your paper in the journal article.

Can I submit my ASABE meeting or conference paper to a non-ASABE journal?

Yes. Papers presented at an ASABE meeting or conference are not peer-reviewed by ASABE editorial committees. Therefore, ASABE does not consider these papers as having prior publication status and they may be submitted for publication in other peer-reviewed journals. Note that other journal publishers may have different policies regarding the submission of such papers.

Do I need permission from other publishers to use their material in an ASABE publication?

As the author, you are responsible for ensuring that you have received appropriate permission to use another publisher’s copyrighted material in an ASABE publication. Here is an example of a copyright permission form. You should retain the copyright permission forms for your records.

Can I post my ASABE-copyrighted material on-line?

ASABE permits authors to post their meeting papers and journal articles on their own websites and on their employer’s website. This permission extends only to the original authors of the work. If authors purchase open access (OA) rights, the article may be posted on any website.

Note that ASABE members and users of libraries or companies with an ASABE site license have access to the entire content of the Technical Library. We recommend using a DOI to share a link to your work, for example,

Posting ASABE-copyrighted material on ResearchGate,, or a third-party website is not permitted unless open access (OA) permissions were purchased.

Is open access (OA) available?

Open Access is an optional fee for journal articles. It uses the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. See the article processing charges for details.

Can I use ASABE-copyrighted material in my slide presentation or handouts?

For slide presentations, please provide the proper attribution for the source material.  For hand out copies of complete articles, purchase is required. Please contact the ASABE order department for standards, journal articles, periodicals, or meeting and conference papers.

Can I provide students access to the full-text of ASABE-copyrighted material for classes I am teaching?

ASABE encourages use of journal articles, meeting/conference papers, and standards in university courses when the institution has a current site license. These may be posted on a secured intranet if the access is limited to the instructor and students taking the class or reproduced in course packs. A university site license agreement includes permission to duplicate any of the material in the ASABE online Technical Library for classroom use including textbooks. If your institution does not have a signed license agreement, please obtain a site license or contact ASABE for details on reproducing any textbook material.

You may also purchase certain usage rights at Copyright Clearance Center.

For other types of requests or clarification, please contact [email protected] or fax 269-429-3852.