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1. What is ACE?

The ACE Electoral Knowledge Network is the world’s largest online community and repository of electoral knowledge. It provides comprehensive information and specialised advice on any aspect of electoral processes. The foremost aim of ACE, is to foster the integrity of elections and to promote credible, sustainable, professional and inclusive electoral processes throughout the globe.

2. What does ACE stand for?

ACE was initially created in 1998 as the Administration and Cost of Elections project (ACE). However, in 2006 ACE expanded to become a more dynamic online network and more comprehensive knowledge repository, covering far more issues than just administration and cost of elections. Therefore, ACE is now known as the ACE Electoral Knowledge Network, i.e. ACE is no longer an abbreviation, but the world's largest knowledge network in the field of elections.

3. Who uses ACE?

There is a wide variety of people who use the resources available through the ACE Electoral Knowledge Network: members of Electoral Management Bodies, government officials, media, election professionals, academics, student, voters and ordinary citizens who have an interest in elections and related issues.

4. Can I apply for a job with ACE?

ACE is a collaborative effort between the ACE Partner organisations, and the staff working for ACE does so through one of the Partners. Thus, all ACE positions are advertised through an ACE Partner organisation. For more information, visit the ACE Partners Page).

5. Is ACE available in my language?

The ACE website is constantly being developed into a multi-language tool in order to serve the needs of electoral practitioners from all over the world. ACE is currently available in English, Spanish, French and Arabic. To switch language, use the language drop down at the top of the page. Parts of the content is also available in Russian, Swahili and Nepali. To access these materials, click here. If interested in supporting a translation, please contact [email protected]  for additional details.

6. Can I link my website to

Yes, you can. We appreciate you sharing ACE with others by linking to us through your website; however, we cannot promise a reciprocal link at this time. Please contact [email protected] for further inquiries.

7. What if I find an error on your site, have a question, or want to comment on your content?

hank you for your interest in helping us deliver quality information. We always appreciate any support that can help us further improve the page or the content within. Please contact   [email protected] with any questions, comments or corrections.

8. I have election related materials and pictures, can they be added to ACE?

We are always looking to upload new relevant materials, such as legal frameworks, codes of conduct, electoral education materials, ballot paper, videos and photos illustrating different parts of electoral processes or operations. Please share any relevant materials with the ACE Facilitators at  [email protected]

9. How do I request permission to reprint text or other materials from your site for use in other publications?

Please read and follow the instructions listed in the Terms of Use section section.

10. Can ACE provide funding for my project?

ACE is not a funding organisation and we are therefore unable to assist any organisation, project or individual financially. However, all the resources provided through the ACE website are available free of charge.

11. Do I have to pay to use ACE?

No, all the resources provided through the ACE website are available free of charge.

12. What is the Practitioners’ Network?

The ACE Practitioners’ Network is an online community aiming to promote the integrity, professionalism and effectiveness of electoral processes worldwide. The Network has more than eight hundred experienced election practitioners, government officials, academics and members of civil society from over 100 countries. Its main aim is to provide support and advice, generate new knowledge and share lessons learned and best practices with and among election administrators around the world. The members of the Practitioners’ Network contribute to the network and participate in network activities on their own time and in their individual capacity and should not be seen as representing the views of the ACE partners or any organisation which they may be affiliated with.

13. What are the main functions of the Practitioners’ Network?

Through a private and interactive platform called the ACE Workspace, members are able to engage on a voluntary basis in any of the following activities:

•Ask and answer questions, both from other network members and from ACE website users who have submitted a question through the ‘Ask the Experts’ facility.
•Engage in online discussions.
•Contact fellow members of the network directly.
•Post advertisements and messages.
•View election related announcements, upcoming events and job vacancies.

The members of the Practitioners’ Network contribute to the network and participate in network activities on their own time and in their individual capacity and should not be seen as representing the views of the ACE partners or any organisation with which they may be affiliated with.

14. What is the ‘Ask the Experts’ facility and how does it work?

The ‘Ask the Experts’ facility is the bridge between the ACE public and Practitioners’ Network. Users of the ACE website can submit election related questions of a technical nature to the Network. Suitable questions are then forwarded by a Network Facilitator to the relevant members of the Practitioners’ Network (depending on their areas of expertise). The members’ replies are then published on the website, together with a summary and relevant links (a Consolidated Reply) and shared with the user who asked the question. Through this interactive ‘Ask the Experts’ facility, ACE provides customised expert advice which supplements the core knowledge resources of the ACE website.

15. What is Consolidated Replies ?

Consolidated Replies are the summary and individual answers of the members of the Practitioners’ Network to any given question submitted to the Network through the ‘Ask the Expert’feature. In the Consolidated Reply page, you will find an archive of all the questions sent to and answered by the ACE Practitioners' Network. The questions and answers cover a variety of election related issues in a number of different countries and regions. By browsing Consolidated Replies, you can expand your knowledge and expertise, obtain the latest insights as well as news and lessons learned on key issues in the electoral field. Please consult the Consolidated Replies before submitting a question to the Practitioners’ Network as your question may have already been answered.

16. What is the ACE Workspace and how does it work?

The ACE Workspace is the private portal where network activity takes place. In here, members of the network can collaborate with their peers, engage in discussion, answer open questions (from ACE users or other network members), post and browse election related vacancies, post messages to the community, search other members, update their profile page and more.

17. How do I join the Practitioners’ Network and are there any membership fees?

There are no membership fees to join the Practitioners’ Network, but the applicant needs to fulfill the following criteria: a member of the ACE Practitioners’ Network should have several years of experience working in the field of elections and proven expertise in at least one election-related area. A membership application can be submitted to the ACE Facilitators here.

18. What are the incentives to become a member?

•Benefiting from sharing experiences and knowledge of other professionals.
•Belonging to a reputable global community of experienced electoral practitioners.
•Expanding professional networks.
•Increasing your own visibility through the personal profile page, as well as contributing to content on the ACE website.
•Receiving peer advice from other experts.
•Accessing job vacancies, announcements and events.

19. Does the Practitioners’ Network have any political affiliations?

The Practitioners’ Network is politically neutral and not affiliated with any political party, organisation or movement. The members of the Practitioners’ Network contribute to the network and participate in network activities on their own time and in their individual capacity and should not be seen as representing the views of the ACE partners or any organisation which they may be affiliated with.

20. In which languages is the Practitioners’ Network available?

English is the primary language used in the ACE Workspace, but practitioners’ respond to questions and make contributions in a number of languages. In addition, there are Arabic, French and Spanish versions of the ACE Workspace. Moreover, all content can be translated to the language of your choice thanks to a translation function integrated into the ACE Workspace.

21. How can I apply to become a member?

You can submit a membership application by clicking here.

22. Does the ACE Electoral Knowledge Network collaborate with technology and social media companies?

The ACE Electoral Knowledge Network project does not currently receive funding from, or engage in direct collaboration with social media and technology companies. Recognizing the increasingly important role that social media and technology play in modern elections, the ACE Partner organizations have developed and are committed to upholding the principles outlined in the ACE Network’s Terms of Engagement for work with Social Media and Technology Companies, in the event of any future funding or collaboration.

If you have additional questions or require more information please contact: [email protected]
  FAQ Contents
  1. What is ACE?
  2. What does ACE stand for?
  3. Who uses ACE?
  4. Can I apply for a job with ACE?
  5. Is ACE available in my language?
  6. Can I link my website to
  7. What if I find an error on your site, have a question, or want to comment on your content?
  8. How do I request permission to reprint text or other materials from your site for use in other publications?
  9. Can ACE provide funding for my project?
  10. Do I have to pay to use ACE?
  11. What is the Practitioners’ Network?
  12. What are the main functions of the Practitioners’ Network?
  13. What is the ‘Ask the Experts’ facility and how does it work?
  14. What is Consolidated Replies?
  15. What is the ACE Workspace and how does it work?
  16. How do I join the Practitioners’ Network and are there any membership fees? What is Electoral Answers?
  17. What are the incentives to become a member?
  18. Does the Practitioners’ Network have any political affiliations?
  19. Does the Practitioners’ Network have any political affiliations?
  20. In which languages is the Practitioners’ Network available?
  21. How can I apply to become a member?