Electoral Management —
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Electoral Management

Electoral management encompasses both the entity responsible for governing elections and the various mechanisms, roles and functions this entity may have. While all democracies have an election administration of some kind (often referred to as Electoral Management Bodies, or EMBs for short), the responsibilities of this entity may vary substantially. From only being responsible for the polling, conducting and tabulating of votes, EMB responsibilities can extend to also include registration of political parties, oversight of campaign finance, design of the ballot papers, drawing of electoral boundaries, resolution of electoral disputes, civic and voter education and media monitoring.

Consequently, electoral management bodies vary greatly in shape and size. However, as the agencies responsible for governing elections and referenda, EMBs are ultimately responsible for safeguarding the legitimacy of democratic institutions and the peaceful transitions of power. Therefore, they need to ensure all aspects of any electoral contest meets global norms and follows the fundamental guiding principles of elections, including independence, impartiality, integrity, transparency, efficiency, professionalism and service-mindedness.

This Electoral Management Encyclopaedia topic seeks to bring together the knowledge and expertise that has been gathered worldwide about the structure and functioning of Electoral Management Bodies. By highlighting key principles and good practices from different parts of the world, the aim of this topic is to promote professional, impartial, accountable, and sustainable electoral management and EMBs that perform in the best interest of the voters. 


Who Organizes Elections?
The Legal Framework: The Context for an EMB’s Role and Powers
The Composition, Roles and Functioning of an EMB
The Powers, Functions and Responsibilities of an EMB
Planning and Implementing EMB Activities
The Development of Professional Electoral Management
The Financing of EMBs
EMB Stakeholder Relationships
Electoral Technology