Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration? —
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Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

ACE Facilitators, May 29. 2012

Thank you for your question regarding electoral management training courses.

There is a strong need for graduate or post graduate qualifications in electoral management and governance, and to our knowledge there are not many master level courses in this field, but increasingly institutes have been offering trainings in electoral matters.

The following Universities offer courses or degrees on electoral matters:

  • The University of Calgary (Canada) conducts a course an undergraduate in Electoral Behaviour and has also explored ways of conducting formal training in electoral governance.
  • The Scuola Superiore di Sant'Anna at the University of Pisa offers an online Master Programme “Electoral Policy and Administration” (MEPA). The average duration of the Master Programme is one year.
  • The Harvard Summer School offers a summer course (6 Hours per week during 3 weeks) on “Elections with(out) Choice: The People's Will in Comparative Perspective”. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the comparative study of voting.
  • Columbia University Political Science Department offers a graduate course on “Parties and Elections in Developing Countries” (Not offered during 2016-17 academic year). This course explores new research on the individual and organizational determinants of candidate selection, accountability, and representation in new and developing democracies. 
  • Georgetown University in Washington DC, USA has a graduate course on International Electoral Policy and Practice. 

Other institution focusing on electoral matters worth having a look at are to following:

Overview of BRIDGE Modules

Bridge is a professional development course that has been conducted in about 15 countries and has been translated into several languages. To give you an idea of the subjects covered by these courses, below is an overview of the 16 modules of the BRIDGE Programme. The BRIDGE Courses are on request.

BRIDGE Modules


Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Barthelémy Kere, May 29. 2012
Please  connect with

Camille Rouaud

Project Associate

ECES- European Center for Electoral Support

Square de Meeûs, 22, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Office/Fax : + 32 (0)2 325 5558

Skype : camille_rouaud

[email protected]

He can be more helpful for you to build your electoral management programme.

Sincerly, yours

Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Jeff Fischer, May 29. 2012


I have been working with Dr.  Andrea DeGuttry at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, Italy to develop such a Masters of Arts program for election administrators.  The link to the Scuola's web site is below.

However, I am currently traveling and cannot send you more information on the program until I return home in a couple of weeks.

Jeff Fischer

Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Christelle Melly, May 29. 2012


I'm currently following a university diploma in France on the topic ''election administration''. It is organized by the University of Paris 1 La Sorbonne. It is organized in 6 modules of one week, each module takes place once a month between January and June. A Univesity diploma has to be presented at the end of the modules. The training is in French ! The responsible person is Mr. Bernard Owen.

For more info:

Best regards


Christelle Melly

Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Mirimo Mulongo, May 29. 2012


J'aimerai vous informer que l'Ecole de Formation Electorale en Afrique Centrale EFEAC a dans son programme des masters dans le domaine électoral. Pour plus d'information consulter

son site web :

Mirimo Mulongo Dieudonné

Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Edna Co, May 29. 2012

i dont offer a full post graduate programme on electoral management. what i did offer in past semesters was a course on election administration and reforms, under the university of the philippines national college of public administration and governance. the course was conducted in english.


prof. edna e. a. co

national college of public administration and governance

university of the philippines diliman

raul p. de guzman street

diliman, quezon city 1101


tel (fax) + 63 2 9283861



Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Stanley Collins Onsembe, May 29. 2012


South Eastern University College in Kitui Kenya is a constituent college of the University |of Nairobi. SEUCO is a public university that offers Post Graduate Diploma in Electoral Processes that will take one and a half to two years.  

We are in the process of finalizing the details of the programme that should begin by September 2012. 

for more discussions contact

Koki Muli 

[email protected]


Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Julian Nundy, May 29. 2012

Like Christelle, I did the Paris course, but a few years ago (in 2008) when it was at Universite de Paris-II (Pantheon-Assas, the main law faculty) and when it was a postgraduate certificate course, not a diploma course as now. It explains in some detail French electoral processes as a grounding. While not pretending that they are universal, the course has to start somewhere and French practice is a good as anyone's. It is therefore very useful for people heading for French-speaking Africa or North Africa, where much of the same tradition prevails. There was particular attention paid to observation/assistance abroad as well. It is validated by a dissertation.

Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Keji Jermalili Roman, May 30. 2012

hello Visel, 

i don't know a Master program in electoral management/administration but there is a master program in political management in US, and one of its courses is in election management … follow this link --    --- 


kind regards 

Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Jeff Fischer, June 01. 2012


Also, the link below is to the desciption of the course on Internatinal Electoral Policy and Pratice which I teach in the graduate program at Georgetown University.

Jeff Fischer


Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Peter Wolf, June 01. 2012

The Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of the West Indies is currently preparing a three semester Certification in Electoral Management. Target audience are junior to mid level EMB staff in 17 Caribbean countries.

Planned courses include: Introduction to Politics, Introduction to Management, Foundations of Information Technology, Designing Information Systems, Issues in Public Administration, Human Resource Development, Introduction to Statistics, Public Sector Ethics and a practicum.

Re: Post-graduate programmes on electoral management/administration?

Issa Khamis Khamis, June 04. 2012


franklly speaking  iam not able to lacate any institution that recently offers the course.

i feel sorry fo that;


khamis - Zanzibar


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